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16. ‘The farmhouse had taken the main shock of the blast, but the shack with the two girls in it had completely disappeared’
17. ‘I wasn’t scared advancing. As far as I remember there was just a blind acceptance that we were going forward and that was that’
18. ‘The surgeon couldn’t find the bullet and I was in agony, so they gave me a cup of tea and gave me heroin’
19. ‘If Edward was everyman in the First World War, equally he was every ordinary man who’d fallen in battle over the centuries’
20. ‘I felt it was a great responsibility leaving eighty women and children behind to die with nobody looking after them, but there it was’
21. ‘During that last half hour before the armistice, a corporal who was with us got shot, in that half hour, right at the end of the war, and he’d been in it since 1914’
22. ‘The ghosts of the people who never were’
Author’s Note
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