


Birds of South America:Passerines (Collins Field Guide)电子书

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作       者:Ber Van Perlo

出  版  社:William Collins


字       数:55.4万

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Recommended for viewing on a colour tablet. South America has long been known for its bountiful flora and fauna. The richness in bird life has attracted visitors from all over the world and has helped to make South America an increasingly popular wildlife tourist spot. This major new field guide to the birds of South America covers all the passerines (perching birds), with all plumages for each species illustrated, including males, females and juveniles. The text gives information on key identification features, habitat, and songs and calls. Beautiful artwork featured across 195 colour plates appears opposite the relevant text for quick and easy reference. Distribution maps are included, showing where each species can be found and how common it is, to further aid identification.

Title Page




Geographical Scope

Names and Taxonomy

Format of the Species Accounts

The Birds in This Book

Parts of a Bird

Family Descriptions

Abbreviations and Symbols

Key to the Distribution Maps

Species Descriptions and Colour Plates

1 Sapayoa, and Frederickena and Other Antshrikes

2 Thamnophilus and Other Antshrikes

3 Thamnophilus Antshrikes

4 Thamnophilus Antshrikes

5 Thamnophilus and Other Antshrikes

6 Antvireos and Bushbirds

7 Xenornis and Thamnistes Antshrikes, and Epinecrophylla Antwrens

8 Myrmotherula Antwrens

9 Myrmotherula Antwrens

10 Myrmotherula and Other Antwrens

11 Herpsilochmus Antwrens

12 Herpsilochmus, Microrhopias and Formicivora Antwrens

13 Formicivora and Other Antwrens

14 Hypocnemis and Other Antwrens

15 Terenura and Cercomacra Antwrens

16 Cercomacra Antwrens and Fire-eyes

17 Myrmoborus and Other Antbirds

18 Percnostola and Schistocichla Antbirds

19 Myrmeciza Antbirds

20 Myrmeciza Antbirds

21 Rhegmatorhina and Other Antbirds

22 Gymnopithys and Other Antbirds

23 Wing-banded Antbird and Gnateaters

24 Crescentchests, and Pittasoma and Grallaria Antpittas

25 Grallaria Antpittas

26 Grallaria Antpittas

27 Grallaria and Hylopezus Antpittas

28 Hylopezus, Myrmothera and Grallaricula Antpittas

29 Grallaricula Antpittas, Bamboowren, and Liosceles and Acropternis Tapaculos

30 Pteroptochos and Other Tapaculos

31 Eleoscytalopus, Eugralla and Scytalopus Tapaculos

32 Scytalopus Tapaculos

33 Scytalopus Tapaculos

34 Scytalopus Tapaculos

35 Scytalopus Tapaculos, and Formicarius and Chamaeza Antthrushes

36 Chamaeza Antthrushes and Leaftossers

37 Miners

38 Earthcreepers and Chilia

39 Cinclodes

40 Cinclodes and Other Ovenbirds

41 Tit-spinetails

42 Horneros and Other Ovenbirds

43 Synallaxis Spinetails

44 Synallaxis Spinetails

45 Synallaxis Spinetails

46 Synallaxis and Other Ovenbirds

47 Cranioleuca Spinetails

48 Cranioleuca Spinetails

49 Certhiaxis Spinetails, Softtails and Canasteros

50 Canasteros

51 Canasteros and Thistletails

52 Thistletails and Thornbirds

53 Thornbirds and Other Ovenbirds

54 Graveteiro, Canasteros, Cacholotes and Palmcreeper

55 Anabacerthia and Other Ovenbirds

56 Foliage-gleaners, Recurvebills, Hookbill and Woodhaunter

57 Philydor and Other Foliage-gleaners

58 Automolus Foliage-gleaners and Streamcreeper

59 Treehunters, Treerunner and Great Xenops

60 Xenopses, and Dendrocincla and Other Woodcreepers

61 Xiphocolaptes and Other Woodcreepers

62 Dendrocolaptes and Other Woodcreepers

63 Xiphorhynchus and Lepidocolaptes Woodcreepers

64 Lepidocolaptes Woodcreepers and Scythebills

65 Phyllomyias Tyrannulets

66 Phyllomyias and Tyrannulus Tyrannulets, and Elaenias

67 Elaenias

68 Elaenias, Ornithion Tyrannulets and Beardless-tyrannulet

69 Suiriri Flycatchers, Mecocerculus Tyrannulets and Tit-tyrants

70 Tit-tyrants and Serpophaga Tyrannulets

71 Serpophaga and Phaeomyias Tyrannulets, Tachuris and Doraditos

72 Pygmy-tyrants and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

73 Capsiempis and Zimmerius Tyrannulets

74 Bristle-tyrants and Phylloscartes Tyrannulets

75 Phylloscartes Tyrannulets

76 Phylloscartes Tyrannulets, and Mionectes and Leptopogon Flycatchers

77 Inezia Tyrannulets and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

78 Myiornis and Lophotriccus Pygmy-tyrants, and Bentbills

79 Sharp-tailed Tyrant, and Various Pygmy- and Tody-tyrants

80 Hemitriccus Tody-tyrants

81 Hemitriccus Tody-tyrants and Poecilotriccus Tody-flycatchers

82 Various Tody-flycatchers and Black-chested Tyrant

83 Tody-flycatchers, Twistwings, Flatbills and Tolmomyias Flycatcher

84 Tolmomyias Flycatchers and Spadebills

85 Royal Flycatcher and Myiophobus Flycatchers

86 Nephelomyias and Other Flycatchers, and Cinnamon Manakin-tyrant

87 Empidonax Flycatchers and Pewees

88 Negritos and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

89 Knipolegus Tyrants

90 Ground-tyrants

91 Ground-tyrants, Shrike-tyrants and Bush-tyrants

92 Diucon, Monjitas and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

93 Bush-tyrants and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

94 Chat-tyrants

95 Alectrurus, Myiozetetes and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

96 Kiskadees and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

97 Kingbirds and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

98 Rhytipterna Mourners, Sirystes, Casiornises and Other Tyrant Flycatchers

99 Myiarchus Flycatchers

100 Flatbills and Attilas

101 Sharpbill and Fruiteaters

102 Fruiteaters, Berryeaters, Plantcutters and Other Cotingas

103 Cotingas and Ampelioides Fruiteater

104 Cotingas and Cocks-of-the-rock

105 Capuchinbird and Pihas

106 Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Fruitcrows, Bellbirds and Umbrellabirds

107 Tyrant-manakins and Corapipo Manakins

108 Lepidothrix and Other Manakins

109 Xenopipo and Other Manakins

110 Manacus and Pipra Manakins

111 Chiroxiphia and Heterocercus Manakins, and Tityras

112 Schiffornises, Laniocera Mourners, Purpletufts and Other Tityras

113 Becards

114 Becards, Pipriteses, Calyptura, Peppershrikes and Shrike-vireos

115 Vireos and Greenlets

116 Greenlets

117 Greenlets, Horned Lark and Jays

118 Jays

119 Swallows

120 Swallows and Martins

121 Swallows

122 Troglodytes and Other Wrens

123 Campylorhynchus and Other Wrens

124 Pheugopedius and Cantorchilus Wrens

125 Cantorchilus and Cinnycerthia Wrens

126 Henicorhina and Cyphorhinus Wrens, and Gnatwrens

127 Gnatcatchers, Donacobius, Dippers and Waxwing

128 Nightingale-thrushes, Wood Thrush and Solitaires

129 Entomodestes Solitaires and Turdus Thrushes

130 Turdus Thrushes

131 Turdus Thrushes, Catbird and Thrashers

132 Mockingbirds

133 Myna, Starling, Wagtail and Pipits

134 Cardinals, and Orchesticus and Other Tanagers

135 Conothraupis and Other Tanagers

136 Olive-green Tanager and Hemispinguses

137 Hemispinguses, and Cnemoscopus and Thlypopsis Tanagers

138 Tachyphonus and Other Tanagers

139 Ramphocelus and Other Tanagers

140 Thraupis and Other Tanagers

141 Bangsia and Other Tanagers

142 Anisognathus and Other Tanagers

143 Iridosornis and Other Tanagers

144 Tangara Tanagers

145 Tangara Tanagers

146 Tangara Tanagers

147 Tangara Tanagers

148 Tangara Tanagers and Dacnises

149 Dacnises and Honeycreepers

150 Conebills

151 Hemithraupis and Other Tanagers

152 Flowerpiercers

153 Flowerpiercers and Other Tanagers, and Bananaquit

154 Grassquits, Vegetarian Finch and Tree-finches

155 Warbler-finches, Ground-finches, Cactus-finches and Saltator Grosbeaks

156 Saltators

157 Saltators, Chaco Finch, Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak and Various Sparrows

158 Blue Finch and Sierra-finches

159 Sierra-finches, Diuca-finches and Other Finches

160 Inca-finches, Grassquit and Other Finches

161 Warbling-finches

162 Warbling-finches, Mountain-finches and Grass-finches

163 Yellow-finches

164 Yellow-finches, Pampa-finches and Sporophila Seedeaters

165 Sporophila Seedeaters

166 Sporophila Seedeaters

167 Sporophila and Dolospingus Seedeaters, and Seed-finches

168 Tanager Finch, Catamenia Seedeaters and Arremon Sparrows

169 Arremon Sparrows

170 Arremonops Sparrows and Brushfinches

171 Brushfinches

172 Brushfinches and Coal-crested Finch

173 Coryphaspiza and Coryphospingus Finches, and Bush-tanagers

174 Piranga Tanagers and Ant-tanagers

175 Chlorothraupis and Other Tanagers, Pheucticus Grosbeaks and Chat

176 Vermilion Cardinal, Amaurospiza Seedeaters, Cyanocompsa and Other Grosbeaks, and Dicksissel

177 Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Parulas and Other Wood-warblers

178 Dendroica Warblers

179 Dendroica and Other Warblers

180 Willsonia and Other Warblers

181 Redstarts

182 Basileuterus Warblers

183 Basileuterus Warblers

184 Oropendolas

185 Caciques and Oriole Blackbird

186 Troupials and Orioles

187 Orioles, Grackles, and Curaeus and Other Blackbirds

188 Agelasticus and Other Blackbirds, and Marshbirds

189 Molothrus Cowbirds, and Sturnella Blackbirds and Meadowlarks

190 Bay-winged Cowbird, Quiscalus Grackles, Bobolink, Carduelis Finches and Siskins

191 Siskins, Goldfinch and Euphonias

192 Euphonias

193 Euphonias and Chlorophonias

194 Introduced and Unconfirmed Species

195 Unconfirmed Species

196 New Species

197 Possible New Species





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