


Collins Tracing Your Family History电子书

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作       者:Anthony Adolph

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:66.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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The new, fully-updated edition of Collins Tracing Your Family History is the definitive handbook for anyone interested in tracing their family’s past. Firmly practical in its approach, yet entertaining in its style, this reference guide is the indispensable companion for all who are seeking a reliable, one-source volume to use while tracking down their family origins. New and up-to-date content helps you make the most of your resources - such as how best to utilise the internet, and informs you about the most recent records released which could be vital to your search for your ancestry. The book gives comprehensive guidance on the full variety of governmental, religious and more obscure records available to the family history sleuth. The guide also contains highly useful advice on how to expand and reinvigorate a search when the trial runs cold – as it inevitably will. Author Anthony Adolph balances detailed instruction and guidance with humorous anecdotes and illuminating history lessons, ensuring an informative and entertaining read.

Cover Page

Title Page

How We Are Related


Table of Contents


Part One: Getting Started

Chapter One: Ask The Family

Chapter Two: Writing It All Down

Chapter Three: Ancestral Pictures

Chapter Four: Before You Begin

Part Two: The Main Records

Chapter Five: General Registration

Chapter Six: Censuses

Chapter Seven: The Main Websites

Chapter Eight: Directories & Almanacs

Chapter Nine: Lives Less Ordinary

Chapter Ten: Parish Records

Chapter Eleven: Manorial Records

Chapter Twelve: Wills

Chapter Thirteen: Gravestones & Memorials

Part Three: Taking It Further

Chapter Fourteen: Newspapers & Magazines

Chapter Fifteen: Land Records

Chapter Sixteen: Slave Ancestry

Chapter Seventeen: Maps & Local Histories

Chapter Eighteen: Records of Elections

Chapter Nineteen: The Parish Chest

Chapter Twenty: Hospitals & Workhouses

Chapter Twenty-One: What People Did

Chapter Twenty-Two: Fighting Forbears

Chapter Twenty-Three: Tax & Other Financial Matters

Chapter Twenty-Four: Swearing Oaths

Chapter Twenty-Five: Legal Accounts

Chapter Twenty-Six: Education! Education! Education!

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Immigration & Emigration

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Religious Denominations in Britain

Part Four: Broadening The Picture

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Genetics

Chapter Thirty: What’s in A Name?

Chapter Thirty-One: Royalty, Nobility & Landed Gentry

Chapter Thirty-Two: Heraldry

Chapter Thirty-Three: Psychics

Useful Addresses




About the Publisher

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