Title Page
Also by Leil Lowndes
How to be a people magnet
How we’re going to find the answer
The fatal FUD factor (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
Friends, lovers and Knights
Platonic male/female friendships: ‘There’s no such thing!’ (Or is there?)
And, of course, love: the magic that makes the world go round
Men’s friendships: ‘I love you, man!’
Women’s friendships: ‘Oh, why can’t a man be more like a woman?’
Networking friends: so who are these Knights?
Why this book is guaranteed to work!
It is not a book – it’s a contract!
Everything in the contract is backed by sociological studies
It contains confidential testimony from thousands in my seminars
Part I: Making strangers like you instantly!
1 Hi! How do you like me so far?
But is being popular really being liked?
What’s your OQ? (Optimism Quotient)
2 How to spread sunshine wherever you go
3 Making everyone feel special
4 Win their hearts, in 10 words or less
5 The magic wand – your body
6 Like Hallmark cards, a smile for every occasion
7 Why do we prefer one person over another?
Deborah gets the last laugh (and Leil eats her hat)
8 Fine-tuning your tongue
9 Never hear ‘You’re not listening!’ again
10 Fragging the fatal FUD factor
But what about me? I’m no Olympic athlete
When you love the one who hurts you
How you can go for gold
Confidence alone isn’t enough
11 How to work a room like royalty
12 Nice shake!
13 The Hugganary
14 The secret of confident conversing
What separates social ‘winners’ from social ‘losers’?
15 Shyness stinks! (Not only that, it can trash your life)
Wait, there are more bummers!
So, if schmooze-ophobia is a disease, what’s the cure?
16 Does this confidence make money?
17 Ah, mystery of life (and how optimism saved one!)
18 Pass the Pollyanna please
Part II: Friends and lovers: How to find them, how to keep them
19 Why have friends? or Pollyanna plummets into Pandora’s box
Suddenly last summer
Pollyanna plummets into Pandora’s box
The bottom of the pit
So what’s this got to do with making people like you?
Pandora’s box suddenly snaps shut
20 Friendship’s first commandment
Thou must have something to give in order to receive
You don’t make friends, you earn them
And yes, you earn lovers too
21 Ways to say ‘I love you’ to a friend
Plan private pleasures for precious people
‘I love ya, man’, and all that jazz
Actions speak louder than words (just ask any guy)
The power of gifts (or a great way to get rid of junk you don’t want!)
22 Standing up for your friends
The green-eyed monster in my closet
23 Planting seeds for new friendships
Prissy’s present
You can never go back (and would you really want to?)
You made my day!
Now, about your promotion …
24 Do you want to be popular, or do you want to be liked?
25 What if I only feel those butterflies when I’m talking
Great, so I know why; now how can I get rid of those butterflies?
26 Have you ever had a friend ... who changed your way of looking at life for ever?
27 If you’ve got it, flaunt it!
28 Diversity, it’s not just for the workplace
Guess who’s coming to dinner?
Part III: Cupid’s secrets: Sexy schemes for luring lovers – and keeping them
29 Cupid’s got LOTS of secrets!
Cupid, please tell me – Why him? Why her?
When two of Cupid’s arrows cross
Some Cupids who crashed and burned
30 Finally science captures Cupid
Cupid does drugs
Why do so many women go for the bad boys?
Cupid grows up!
So how long can I enjoy this legal high before I come down?
31 A better, deeper kind of love sets in – really!
What if I still want the ‘can’t wait to jump your bones’ kinda love?
How Cindy keeps the sex cinders hot
32 What about turning a friend into a lover?
33 Cupid’s last words
Can you have the peaceful for-ever kind of love straight away?
So what’s Cupid’s secret? What really keeps couples together?
34 Mirror, mirror, find me a mate
35 Get off my bottom
36 If you want to date, you must initiate
The dance of love
Inviting someone to the Dance of Intimacy
37 Don’t think lines, think lyrics
38 Men ‘pick her up’, gentlemen ‘make her acquaintance’
How to know the answer to ‘How do you like me so far?’
39 The failure fallback plan
40 Creative courting
41 Shhh, he’s annoyed!
42 Give me a strong shoulder and a big ear
43 Go figure!
You be the judge
44 How would you handle this, dear?
It’s not just for schmoozing her
45 I just want you to be happy!
46 Hyperbole as aphrodisiac
47 Understanding my clam
Who talks more – men or women?
Clams à la grecque
Part IV: Networking: Recruiting Knights for my personal Round Table
48 The world’s best contact sport (once you learn
49 ‘Networking?’ Did I hear you say ‘networking’?
50 Plan ahead!
51 The guide to sharing your gifts
Networking, it’s kids’ stuff too
52 Do you carry enough friend insurance?
One man’s Knight is another man’s nobody
The Knights at my Round Table
53 Who ya gonna call?
54 Making deposits in the good neighbour account
Part V: Marketing me!: Just like Hollywood celebrity makers promote a star
55 How’s my packaging?
56 What they see is what they think they get
57 You’re the brand manager (and the product is YOU)
58 Beauty is as beauty feels
Thunder Thighs wins Olympic gold medal for love
Gentlemen, lest you feel left out of the beauty game ...
59 What can I change? And what am I stuck with?
To see or not to see
The best case of self-packaging I ever witnessed
Just add a scarf here, pin that there and don’t get dead in that!
60 The making of a star – me!
61 What’s your story?
62 Getting to know me, getting to feel free’n’easy
63 Give yourself a priceless gift
Appendix A – How to say it to the opposite sex
Appendix B – The e-mail sent to me by Dr Stan on ‘smart women’
Appendix C – What love equity theorists would say about your compatibility
Appendix D – Reading her subconscious ‘sex signals’
Appendix E – The minute-an-hour treatment
Appendix F – On developing a deeper sense of self
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