


Terns (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 123)电子书

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作       者:David Cabot,Ian Nisbet

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:72.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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This New Naturalist volume provides a much-anticipated overview of these fascinating birds – the first book on the natural history of British and Irish terns since 1934. Terns are small seabirds that are commonly seen along coastlines and estuaries in the summer months – their graceful flight and command of the air are among their most attractive features. Most of the five species of terns breeding in Britain and Ireland today are under intensive management, involving protection from predators, human interference, egg-collecting, recreational activities, land-use changes, and a range of issues concerning climate change, including rising sea levels and flooding of low-lying colonies. If these protective measures were abandoned then the numbers of terns would inevitably decline, with the possibility of several species ending up on the endangered list. Covering the history of terns in Britain and Ireland, David Cabot and Ian Nisbet explore these diverse issues as well as offering a comprehensive natural history of these stunning seabirds. Drawing on a wealth of new information and research, the authors focus on migrations, food and feeding ecology as well as breeding biology and behaviour. Perhaps most importantly, they highlight recent conservation issues and prospects, and what this means for the future of terns.

Title Page

About the Editors


Editors’ Preface

Author’s Foreword and Acknowledgements

1 Terns of the World

2 Food and Foraging

3 Breeding Biology

4 Migration

5 History of Terns in Britain and Ireland

6 Little Tern

7 Sandwich Tern

8 Common Tern

9 Roseate Tern

10 Arctic Tern

11 Conservation

12 Vagrants, Passage Migrants and Occasional Breeders

Appendix 1: Demography, Population Trends and the Basis for Conservation

Appendix 2: Research on Terns

Appendix 3: The Seabird Monitoring Programme

Appendix 4: Scientific Names of Plants and Animals Mentioned in the Text



The New Naturalist Library


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