


Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers电子书

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10人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Francesco Corti

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:54.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create reports and solve common report problems with minimal fuss. About This Book ? Use this unique book to master the basics and advanced features of Pentaho 8 Reporting. ? A book showing developers and analysts with IT skills how to create and use the best possible reports using the Pentaho platform. ? Written with a very practical approach: full of tutorials and practical examples (source code included). Who This Book Is For This book is written for two types of professionals and students: Information Technologists with a basic knowledge of Databases and Java Developers with medium seniority. Developers will be interested to discover how to embed reports in a third-party Java application. What You Will Learn ? The basics of Pentaho Reporting (Designer and SDK) and its initial setup. ? Develop the most attractive reports on top of a wide range of data sources. ? Perform detailed customization of layout, parameterization, internationalization, behaviors, and more for your custom reports developed with Pentaho Reporting. ? Integrate Pentaho reports into third-party Java application with full control over interactions, layout, and behavior in general. ? Use Pentaho reports in the other components of the Pentaho Suite (BA Platform and PDI). In Detail This hands-on tutorial, filled with exercises and examples, introduces the reader to a variety of concepts within Pentaho Reporting. With screenshots that show you how reports look at design time as well as how they should look when rendered as PDF, Excel, HTML, Text, Rich-Text-File, XML, and CSV, this book also contains complete example source code that you can copy and paste into your environment to get up-and-running quickly. Updated to cover the features of Pentaho 8, this book will teach you everything you need to know to build fast, efficient reports using Pentaho. If your interest lies in the technical details of creating reports and you want to see how to solve common reporting problems with a minimum of fuss, this is the book for you. Style and approach A step-by-step guide covering technical topics relating to environments, best practices, and source code, to enable the reader to assemble the best reports and use them in existing Java applications.

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Pentaho 8 Reporting for Java Developers


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Introduction to Pentaho Reporting

Introducing Pentaho Reporting

Introducing Pentaho Reporting tools

Types of users and required knowledge

Technological advantages

A business friendly open source license

Typical uses of Pentaho Reporting

Operational reporting

Business intelligence reporting

Financial reporting

Production reporting

Pentaho Reporting history

Feature overview

An advanced reporting algorithm

A multitude of available data sources

A wide variety of output formats

Pixel accurate rich formatting

Embedded charts

Report parameterization

Formulas and style expressions


Cross tab reports

Interactive reporting

Rich authoring tools

Reporting server

Java API for building reports


Pentaho reporting website

Pentaho Reporting architecture

Reporting Engine's libraries

Reporting Engine core

Reporting Engine extensions


Getting Started with Report Designer

Prerequisites of your environment

Setting up the Pentaho Report Designer

The SamplaData schema

Introduction to the user interface

Menu and toolbar

Report element palette

Report canvas tab

Report explorer

Element properties


Creating your first report using the wizard

Introducing the Report Design Wizard

Defining the look and feel

Defining the data source and query

Defining the layout

Formatting the fields

Previewing the report

Saving and opening the report


Getting Started with Reporting SDK

Obtaining the Pentaho Reporting SDK

Anatomy of the Pentaho Reporting SDK

Using the included Eclipse project

Introducing the included examples

Creating a web application using Pentaho Reporting and Maven

Prerequisites of your environment

Creating a web application in Java

Creating a Java web application using Apache Maven

Creating the first page of the Java web application

Including Pentaho Reporting Engine in a web application

Adding the Pentaho repository

Adding the Pentaho dependencies

Showing an existing Pentaho report in a web application

Including an existing Pentaho report

Including the SampleData schema

Updating the PentahoServlet

Previewing the Pentaho report


Creating a Report with Report Designer

Creating a Pentaho report

Creating a new Pentaho report

Creating a datasource in Pentaho reports

Adding details to Pentaho reports

Previewing and saving a Pentaho report

Customizing Pentaho reports

Customizing the font

Customizing the report header

Adding the details header and customizing the details

Customizing the page footer

Grouping the details

Adding charts

Previewing Pentaho reports in different formats

Train yourself to learn faster


Design and Layout in Report Designer

Report Designer user interface components

The Structure tab in report explorer

The report element properties

Master report and report bands properties

Common properties

Size and position properties

Font, text, and text-spacing properties

Font properties

Text properties

Text-spacing properties

Object properties

Links properties

Excel properties

Page-behaviour properties

Padding properties

Border properties

Common properties in attributes

Query-metadata properties

Wizard properties

HTML properties

Excel properties in attributes

HTML-events, PDF-events, and Swing-events properties

HTML-events properties

Pdf-events properties

Swing-events properties

Master Report properties

Size and position properties

Text properties

Page-behaviour properties

Query properties

Common properties in the attributes tab

Wizard properties

Excel properties

Advanced properties

Pentaho properties

Page Header and Page Footer properties

Report Header and Report Footer properties

Group Header and Group Footer properties

Details body properties

Watermark properties

Report elements

Common properties

Size and position properties

Font properties

Text and text-spacing properties

Rotation properties

Object properties

Links properties

Excel properties

Page-behavior properties

Padding and border properties

Common properties in attributes

Query-metadata properties

Wizard properties

HTML properties

Excel properties in attributes

HTML-event, pdf-events, Swing-events properties

Label and message

Fields and resources

Image and image-field

Vertical-line, horizontal-line, rectangle, and eclipse




Bar-sparkline, line-sparkline, and pie-sparkline



Table-of-content and index

Hiding and showing bands

Visual layout in Report Designer

The grid

Guide lines

Additional visual indicators

Moving and aligning single elements

Aligning groups of elements

Miscellaneous layout capabilities

Pentaho Report Designer shortcut keys

Considerations for different output formats

Cell output


Limits to rich graphics and charts


Configuring JDBC and Other Data Sources

Introducing data sources

Datasets in report explorer

The JDBC data source

Adding or editing a JDBC connection

About the JNDI access

Adding or editing a query

The metadata data source

The MongoDB data source

The Pentaho Data Integration data source

The OLAP data source

Pentaho analysis


Pentaho analysis - custom

The XML data source

The table data source

The advanced data source



Sequence generator

OpenERP data access

The Pentaho community data access data source


Including Graphics and Charts in Reports

Including static images in reports

Including dynamic images in reports

Including charts in reports

Types of datasets

Category dataset

Common properties

Series properties

Group properties

Optional properties

Pie dataset

XY series and XYZ series dataset

Time series dataset

Thermometer dataset

Style and layout common properties

Required properties

Title properties

General properties

Legend properties

Scripting properties

Bar chart

Bar chart example

Line chart

Line chart example

Area chart

Area chart example

Pie chart

Pie chart example

Multipie chart

Multipie chart example

Bar line chart

Bar line chart example

Ring chart

Ring chart example

Bubble chart

Bubble chart example

Scatter plot chart

Scatter plot chart example

XY bar chart, XY line chart, and XY area chart

XY bar chart, XY line chart, and XY area chart examples

Extended XY line chart

Extended XY line chart example

Waterfall chart

Waterfall chart example

Radar chart

Radar chart example

XY area line chart

Thermometer chart

Thermometer chart example

Including sparkline charts in reports


Parameterization, Functions, Variables, and Formulas

Report parameterization

Using report parameters

The available report parameter types

Creating parameters

Creating a report using parameters

Functions and expressions

Functions and expressions in Report Designer

Creating and using functions

Example of function

Creating and using expressions

Example of expression

The available function types

Common functions

Report functions

Summary functions

Running functions

Advanced functions

Chart data and value data functions

Image functions

Script functions

Table of contents functions

Environment variables

Working with formulas

Creating a formula

The formula syntax

Formula datatypes

Formula operators

The available formula categories

Date or time formulas

Database formulas

Information formulas

Logical formulas

Mathematical formulas

Rounding formulas

Text formulas

User-defined formulas


Internationalization and Localization

Internationalization and localization

Using resources to localize elements

Resources for localization

Managing resource bundles

Testing the localization

An example of report localization


Subreports and Cross Tabs

Subreports in Pentaho Report Designer

Subreport example

Other subreport examples

Table of contents and index elements

Example of index

Cross tabs in Pentaho Report Designer

Cross tab examples


The PRPT Format and the Java API to Build It

Understanding the serialized report format

Anatomy of a .prpt bundle file

The datadefintion.xml file and datasources folder


Data source reference

Functions and expressions

Datasources folder

layout.xml file

Group and detail band hierarchy

Report elements

settings.xml file

styles.xml file

Manual creation of a .prpt bundle file

Building a report using Pentaho Reporting Java API

Adding a data source

Defining parameters

Including functions and expressions

Defining the report layout

Common report bands

Group band hierarchy

Adding elements to the report

Adding a label element

Adding a chart element

Developing an example of Pentaho report


Developing Using Data Sources

Pentaho Reporting Engine Data API

The DataFactory interface

The TableModel interface

DataFactory serialization

Additional data source metadata

Accessing data throughout a report

Existing DataFactory implementations


TableDataFactory example





Using SQLReportDataFactory

SQLReportDataFactory example


XPathDataFactory example





XMI file

Domain Id


PmdDataFactory example


KettleDataFactory example

BandedMDXDataFactory and DenormalizedMDXDataFactory



BandedMDXDataFactory example




Internationalization, Subreports, and Cross Tabs Using Java

Internationalization and localization using Java

Resources for localization using Java

Testing the localization using Java

An example of report localization using Java

Subreports using Java

Subreports using Java

An example of subreport using Java

Cross tab using Java

Cross tabs using Java

An example of cross tab using Java


Building Interactive Reports

Interactive reports in HTML

Manipulating the reporting HTML DOM

Including an external CSS or JavaScript resource

Example of interactive reports using Java

Opening a static URL from a Pentaho report

Opening a dynamic URL from a Pentaho report

Manipulating the content of a Pentaho report

Example of master/details report interaction


Using Reports in Pentaho Business Analytics Platform

Introducing Pentaho Business Analytics Platform

Installing the Business Analytics Platform

Basics of the Business Analytics Platform

Publishing a report in the Business Analytics Platform

Manually uploading a report

Publishing a report using the Pentaho Report Designer

Managing data sources

Previewing a report

Previewing a report from the browse files page

Previewing a report using a direct link

The bundled report preview

Managing permits and schedule

Creating a dashboard with Pentaho reports

Community dashboard editor basics

Introduction of the report components

PRPT Component

Execute Prpt Component

Schedule PRPT Component

Example of CDE dashboard


Using Reports in Pentaho Data Integration

Introducing Pentaho Data Integration

Installing Pentaho Data Integration

Basics of Pentaho Data Integration

Jobs and transformations

Steps and entries

Database connections

Storage and reuse

Introduction of Spoon client

The Pentaho Reporting output step

Introducing Pan and Kitchen

Creating a transformation with Pentaho reports

Executing the transformation using Pan


Pentaho Reporting Nightly Build and Support

Pentaho Report Designer nightly build

Prerequisites for building the project

Cloning the GitHub repository

Building the release

Installing and running the nightly build

Pentaho Reporting SDK nightly build

Updating the pom.xml file

Adding the nightly build libraries

Compiling and running the project

Getting help from the community

Asking questions and helping others

Online documentation

Submitting bugs and viewing backlogs

Contributing code

Enterprise support

What to do once you become an expert


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