


Drupal 8 Blueprints电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Alex Burrows

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:21.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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A project-based guide that will show you how to create 7 professional Drupal sites About This Book ? Create and design your own customized website effortlessly and efficiently ? This up-to-date guide on Drupal 8 will show you how you can leverage the latest Drupal 8 features ? This hands-on guide will turn you into a professional grade Drupal 8 developer through 7 unique and engaging web sites Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for web developers who are looking to create professional web applications using Drupal 8. You should have some previous experience with Drupal and must have a basic knowledge of web application development in general. If you are looking to create fluent professional websites that will take you to the next level, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? Find out how to use the Drupal 8 core functionality to build great websites ? Discover how to better manage content using custom blocks and views ? Display content in multiple ways, taking advantage of display modes ? Using the new TWIG theme engine for Drupal ? Easily manage and filter content ? Understanding best practices for building great Drupal sites ? Move beyond Drupal to build headless websites using RESTful services and JavaScript frameworks In Detail Drupal is an open source content management framework that can be used for developing websites and simplifying online management of content for users. This book is a must-have for web developers who are looking to create professional-grade websites using Drupal 8. While building 7 different Drupal websites, we will focus on implementing the out of the box features that come with Drupal 8 and see how we can make some complex sites with minimal custom code. Focusing completely on Drupal 8, this book will help you leverage the new Drupal 8 features such as creating a different types and layouts of content using configuration to build in core with its built-in web services facilities, and effortless authoring using the new CKEditor with an effortless and efficient industry standard approach. The book starts with getting started with the development environment of Drupal. Each chapter will start with a brief overview of the site to be built and the required features. Then, we will proceed to create customized modules and themes and integrate third-party plugins. Lastly, you will learn about "headless" Drupal that uses RESTful services that would help you to display content outside of Drupal By the end of the book, you will be able to implement the knowledge gained to build your own custom websites using Drupal 8. Style and approach This unique, project-based resource on Drupal 8 website development will show you how to leverage Drupal 8’s features to create customized, professional-grade applications efficiently and effectively.

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Drupal 8 Blueprints


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Introduction and Getting Set Up

Setting up for local development

Setting up on Windows

Setting up on macOS

What is SSH?

Our great development tools for macOS



Oh My Zsh

Setting up our local development environment


Acquia DevDesktop




Drush and Drupal Console

Installing Drupal

Getting our basic site

Drupal core structure

Downloading modules and themes

Using themes


Getting involved with Drupal

Let's get Drupal started!

Telling Your Own Story with Drupal

Creating the Post content type

Creating our fields

Adding our fields

Adding taxonomy vocabulary

Adding fields to our vocabulary

Adding more fields

Creating content

Creating our view modes

What we will need to do

How's it done

Customizing our Post

Displaying content with views

Understanding views

Using blocks a brief overview

Block admin UI

How it's done

Adding our block

Adding a block

Relating content

What we will do

Adding our entity reference field

How it works

Creating a related news block

Using Contextual filters

Previewing content

Using relationships to show content

Adding our new block to our Post content type

Making our display look better

Adding comments

How do comments work

Comment types

What this means for us

Attaching comments



Listing and filtering content

Exposed filters

Restricting content by role

How to do it

Adding restricted content to views

Editing content

Moving to the frontend

Adding CSS and JavaScript


Get Fundraising with Drupal

What will we learn?

Getting started

Creating our fundraising pages

Donation content type

Fundraising content type

Registering users

Account settings

Creating our users

Authenticated users

Building the fundraising page

Creating a dashboard

Understanding view field settings

Showing user's their content

Allowing users to donate

What we will do

How modules work

Structure of a module

Creating our module


What we need

How we do it

Creating a block


Creating a node programmatically

$form state object

Sending emails


Donation progress bar




Theming our plugin



Finishing off




Recruit Using Drupal

Getting started

What is Composer?

Using Composer with Drupal

What we need

Creating user registration pages

Candidate role

Using Webform

Creating our job

Jobs module



What we have done

Almost there

Dashboards for Recruiter

Job search


List Properties with Drupal

Getting prepared

Cleaning up

Adding our Property

Enhancing our content

Display Suite

Adding custom fields to our display

Property search

Generate dummy content

Property search

Exposed filters as a block

Administer our properties

SEO-friendly paths


Express Your Event with Drupal

Getting started

Creating our user roles

Creating our session

Time and date


Skill level


Entity reference fields

Restricting fields

Managing permissions

User dashboard

User creation

User fields

Session submissions



Session management

Session display

Session sharing



Get Teaching with Drupal

Getting started

Categorizing our Lessons

Video embed

Using Panels

Using variants

Harnessing the power of variants

Organizing our Lessons

Creating a listing of Lessons


Go Static with Drupal

Getting started

What is REST?

How does it work in Drupal?

Exposing Drupal using REST API

Filter endpoint dynamically

Let's go React

Getting ready for React

Creating our frontend


There's more in core

One last thing

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