


Machine Learning With Go电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Daniel Whitenack

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:36.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build simple, maintainable, and easy to deploy machine learning applications. About This Book ? Build simple, but powerful, machine learning applications that leverage Go’s standard library along with popular Go packages. ? Learn the statistics, algorithms, and techniques needed to successfully implement machine learning in Go ? Understand when and how to integrate certain types of machine learning model in Go applications. Who This Book Is For This book is for Go developers who are familiar with the Go syntax and can develop, build, and run basic Go programs. If you want to explore the field of machine learning and you love Go, then this book is for you! Machine Learning with Go will give readers the practical skills to perform the most common machine learning tasks with Go. Familiarity with some statistics and math topics is necessary. What You Will Learn ? Learn about data gathering, organization, parsing, and cleaning. ? Explore matrices, linear algebra, statistics, and probability. ? See how to evaluate and validate models. ? Look at regression, classification, clustering. ? Learn about neural networks and deep learning ? Utilize times series models and anomaly detection. ? Get to grip with techniques for deploying and distributing analyses and models. ? Optimize machine learning workflow techniques In Detail The mission of this book is to turn readers into productive, innovative data analysts who leverage Go to build robust and valuable applications. To this end, the book clearly introduces the technical aspects of building predictive models in Go, but it also helps the reader understand how machine learning workflows are being applied in real-world scenarios. Machine Learning with Go shows readers how to be productive in machine learning while also producing applications that maintain a high level of integrity. It also gives readers patterns to overcome challenges that are often encountered when trying to integrate machine learning in an engineering organization. The readers will begin by gaining a solid understanding of how to gather, organize, and parse real-work data from a variety of sources. Readers will then develop a solid statistical toolkit that will allow them to quickly understand gain intuition about the content of a dataset. Finally, the readers will gain hands-on experience implementing essential machine learning techniques (regression, classification, clustering, and so on) with the relevant Go packages. Finally, the reader will have a solid machine learning mindset and a powerful Go toolkit of techniques, packages, and example implementations. Style and approach This book connects the fundamental, theoretical concepts behind Machine Learning to practical implementations using the Go programming language.

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Machine Learning With Go


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Gathering and Organizing Data

Handling data - Gopher style

Best practices for gathering and organizing data with Go

CSV files

Reading in CSV data from a file

Handling unexpected fields

Handling unexpected types

Manipulating CSV data with data frames


Parsing JSON

JSON output

SQL-like databases

Connecting to an SQL database

Querying the database

Modifying the database


Caching data in memory

Caching data locally on disk

Data versioning

Pachyderm jargon

Deploying/installing Pachyderm

Creating data repositories for data versioning

Putting data into data repositories

Getting data out of versioned data repositories



Matrices, Probability, and Statistics

Matrices and vectors


Vector operations


Matrix operations



Statistical measures

Measures of central tendency

Measures of spread or dispersion

Visualizing distributions


Box plots


Random variables

Probability measures

Independent and conditional probability

Hypothesis testing

Test statistics

Calculating p-values



Evaluation and Validation


Continuous metrics

Categorical metrics

Individual evaluation metrics for categorical variables

Confusion matrices, AUC, and ROC


Training and test sets

Holdout set

Cross validation




Understanding regression model jargon

Linear regression

Overview of linear regression

Linear regression assumptions and pitfalls

Linear regression example

Profiling the data

Choosing our independent variable

Creating our training and test sets

Training our model

Evaluating the trained model

Multiple linear regression

Nonlinear and other types of regression




Understanding classification model jargon

Logistic regression

Overview of logistic regression

Logistic regression assumptions and pitfalls

Logistic regression example

Cleaning and profiling the data

Creating our training and test sets

Training and testing the logistic regression model

k-nearest neighbors

Overview of kNN

kNN assumptions and pitfalls

kNN example

Decision trees and random forests

Overview of decision trees and random forests

Decision tree and random forest assumptions and pitfalls

Decision tree example

Random forest example

Naive bayes

Overview of naive bayes and its big assumption

Naive bayes example




Understanding clustering model jargon

Measuring Distance or Similarity

Evaluating clustering techniques

Internal clustering evaluation

External clustering evaluation

k-means clustering

Overview of k-means clustering

k-means assumptions and pitfalls

k-means clustering example

Profiling the data

Generating clusters with k-means

Evaluating the generated clusters

Other clustering techniques



Time Series and Anomaly Detection

Representing time series data in Go

Understanding time series jargon

Statistics related to time series


Partial autocorrelation

Auto-regressive models for forecasting

Auto-regressive model overview

Auto-regressive model assumptions and pitfalls

Auto-regressive model example

Transforming to a stationary series

Analyzing the ACF and choosing an AR order

Fitting and evaluating an AR(2) model

Auto-regressive moving averages and other time series models

Anomaly detection



Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Understanding neural net jargon

Building a simple neural network

Nodes in the network

Network architecture

Why do we expect this architecture to work?

Training our neural network

Utilizing the simple neural network

Training the neural network on real data

Evaluating the neural network

Introducing deep learning

What is a deep learning model?

Deep learning with Go

Setting up TensorFlow for use with Go

Retrieving and calling a pretrained TensorFlow model

Object detection using TensorFlow from Go



Deploying and Distributing Analyses and Models

Running models reliably on remote machines

A brief introduction to Docker and Docker jargon

Docker-izing a machine learning application

Docker-izing the model training and export

Docker-izing model predictions

Testing the Docker images locally

Running the Docker images on remote machines

Building a scalable and reproducible machine learning pipeline

Setting up a Pachyderm and Kubernetes cluster

Building a Pachyderm machine learning pipeline

Creating and filling the input repositories

Creating and running the processing stages

Updating pipelines and examining provenance

Scaling pipeline stages



Algorithms/Techniques Related to Machine Learning

Gradient descent

Entropy, information gain, and related methods


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