


UX for the Web电子书

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作       者:Marli Ritter,Cara Winterbottom

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:41.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how UX and design thinking can make your site stand out from the rest of the internet. About This Book ? Learn everything you need to know about UX for your Web Design. ? Design B2B, B2C websites that stand out from the competitors with this guide ? Enhance your business by improving customer accessibility and retention. Who This Book Is For If you’re a designer, developer, or just someone who has the desire to create websites that are not only beautiful to look at but also easy to use and fully accessible to everyone, including people with special needs, UX for the Web will provide you with the basic building blocks to achieve just that. What You Will Learn ? Discover the fundamentals of UX and the User-Centered Design (UCD) Process. ? Learn how UX can enhance your brand and increase user retention ? Learn how to create the golden thread between your product and the user ? Use reliable UX methodologies to research and analyze data to create an effective UX strategy ? Bring your UX strategy to life with wireframes and prototypes ? Set measurable metrics and conduct user tests to improve digital products ? Incorporate the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to create accessible digital products In Detail If you want to create web apps that are not only beautiful to look at, but also easy to use and fully accessible to everyone, including people with special needs, this book will provide you with the basic building blocks to achieve just that. The book starts with the basics of UX, the relationship between Human-Centered Design (HCD), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and the User-Centered Design (UCD) Process; it gradually takes you through the best practices to create a web app that stands out from your competitors. You’ll also learn how to create an emotional connection with the user to increase user interaction and client retention by different means of communication channels. We’ll guide you through the steps in developing an effective UX strategy through user research and persona creation and how to bring that UX strategy to life with beautiful, yet functional designs that cater for complex features with micro interactions. Practical UX methodologies such as creating a solid Information Architecture (IA), wireframes, and prototypes will be discussed in detail. We’ll also show you how to test your designs with representative users, and ensure that they are usable on different devices, browsers and assistive technologies. Lastly, we’ll focus on making your web app fully accessible from a development and design perspective by taking you through the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Style and Approach This is an easy-to-understand step-by-step guide with full of examples to that will help you in creating good UX for your web applications.

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UX for the Web


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The Fundamentals of UX

UX from the early 20th century

360° of UX

Design thinking and human-centered design (HCD)

User-centered design (UCD)

Software development methodologies

Lean UX versus Agile UX

UX and design disciplines

The unique attributes of UX and UI


Stand Out from Your Competitors

Branding in modern times

Case study - brand identity versus brand image - Jeep

Branding - visuals

Branding - personality

Branding - relationship

How UX differentiates a brand from competitors

Conducting a competitor UX analysis

Case study - competitor UX analysis of fast food brands

B2B versus B2C

Case study - B2C and UX

Case study - B2B and UX


Creating an Emotional Connection with the User

Creating a digital personality the user can relate to

Speaking a clear language

Keeping the tone relevant

Being as human as possible

Giving visual rewards

Incorporating micro-interactions in the UI

Making the UI discoverable and giving incentives

Giving guidance through anticipation design

Entertaining by providing useful information

Establishing trust and credibility


Best Practices for Usability Within the User Interface (UI)

Introduction to UI

Color psychology

The color wheel

Warm and cool colors

Color symbolism

Case study 1 - blue street lighting in Glasgow, Scotland

Case study 2 - blue lighting in railway stations in Japan

Color and web accessibility

Best design practices

Google's Material Design guidelines

iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Case Study - UI design for websites

Brief for the MTH website

UI design

Language and semiotics

Best practices for effective iconography

Case study: languages versus flags


Set a Solid Foundation - Research and Analyze

Defining and categorizing research

Understanding qualitative versus quantitative research

Deciding when to conduct research

Describing UX research methods

Setting up a research plan

Deciding on a problem statement

Exploring prior knowledge and literature

Planning research methods and logistics

Turning your problem statement into measurable metrics

Choosing a research method

Planning research logistics and creating checklists

Conducting a pilot test

Conducting the study

Analyzing data

Presenting results

Doing expert analyses

Heuristic analysis

Content audit

Using qualitative techniques


Tips for interviewing


Tips for observation

Content analysis

Ethnography example - a financial services broker portal

Using quantitative techniques

Using statistics

Deciding which statistical test to use


Create a UX Strategy - Users and Content

Creating personas to guide your UX strategy

Characteristics of a useful persona

Building a solid information architecture

Card sorting

How to conduct a card sorting exercise

Case study - Leadtrekker footer evaluation

Constructing a sitemap

Steps to creating a solid sitemap

Creating user journeys

Key components of a user journey

Four steps in creating an effective user journey

Case study - Book Galaxy online book retailer

Creating task flows

Key components of a well-constructed task flow

Example of a task flow


Bring Your UX Strategy to Life with Wireframes and Prototypes

Setting up moodboards and storyboards

Defining moodboards

Creating a moodboard

Defining storyboards

Creating a storyboard

Case study - creating a storyboard

Deciding what, when, and how to prototype

Choosing what and when to prototype

Choosing how to prototype

Creating wireframes and interactive prototypes

Prototyping tools

Creating a wireframe

Designing the interface

Components of a wireframe

Components of a wireframing tool

An example website - Etsy

A note about responsiveness

A typical wireframing process

Best practices for wireframing

Creating an interactive prototype

Best practices for creating interactive prototypes

Version control

Setting up a pattern library

Designing for responsiveness and accessibility


Building Your Product - Devices, Browsers, and Assistive Technologies

Understanding the importance of responsive, accessible, and universal design

Designing for varied technologies

Designing for input and output

Designing responsively

Designing for different browsers and operating systems

Designing for accessibility and assistive technologies

Using universal design principles to guide design

Testing your designs on multiple technologies


Optimize your UX Strategy with Iterative User Testing

Maximizing the value of user testing

Planning, conducting, and analyzing usability tests

Planning usability tests

Designing the test - formulating goals and structure

Designing tasks and metrics

Planning questions and observation

Preparing the script

Securing a venue and inviting clients and team members

Recruiting participants

Setting up the hardware, software, and test materials

Conducting usability tests

Best practices for facilitating usability sessions

Analyzing and reporting on usability tests

Reporting the results of a usability test

Variations on usability testing

Applying analytics effectively-constructing a useful A/B test

Using analytics with A/B testing


The Basics and Benefits of Web Accessibility

Defining web accessibility

Catering for different types of temporary and permanent special needs

Catering for visual disabilities

Catering for auditory disabilities

Catering for motor/mobility disabilities

Catering for cognitive/intellectual disabilities

Catering for neurological disabilities

Benefits of ensuring your product is accessible

Legal implications for non-accessible products

Assistive technology and the role it plays in developing for accessibility

Testing for accessibility


A Practical Guide to Web Accessibility

Where to start with web accessibility?

Practical guidelines for analyzing a website's web accessibility status

An overview of the WCAG 2.0





An overview of WAI-ARIA


Properties and states

Web accessibility requirements from a design perspective

Case Study - Booking.com analysis of design requirements for WCAG 2.0

Before we part ways


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