


JBoss: Developer's Guide电子书

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作       者:Elvadas Nono Woguia

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:36.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build your own enterprise applications and integration flows with JBoss and its products About This Book ? Build fast, smart, and flexible applications using JBoss ? Couple one or more JBoss products to effectively solve various business problems ? Explore the JBoss product ecosystem for improving the performance of your projects Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer who wants to have a complete view of the JBoss ecosystem or quickly explore a specific JBoss Product, then this is the book you want. Integrators and consultants, familiar with JBoss, who want integrate several JBoss products within their ongoing project will also find this book useful. What You Will Learn ? Create new applications or integrate existing systems with JBoss products ? Setup and manage a JBoss domain ? Setup and manage a JBoss Fuse cluster with Fabric and Apache Karaf ? Create and deploy OSGi applications on JBoss Fuse containers ? Manage enterprise data with JBoss Datagrid ? Aggregate various data sources with JBoss Data virtualization to offer data as a service ? Optimize your business and workflows with both JBoss Business RulesManagement System and JBoss Business Process Management platforms. In Detail Have you often wondered what is the best JBoss product to solve a specific problem? Do you want to get started with a specific JBoss product and know how to integrate different JBoss products in your IT Systems? Then this is the book for you. Through hands-on examples from the business world, this guide presents details on the major products and how you can build your own Enterprise services around the JBoss ecosystem. Starting with an introduction to the JBoss ecosystem, you will gradually move on to developing and deploying clustered application on JBoss Application Server, and setting up high availability using undertow or HA proxy loadbalancers. As you are moving to a micro service archicture, you will be taught how to package existing Java EE applications as micro service using Swarm or create your new micro services from scratch by coupling most popular Java EE frameworks like JPA, CDI with Undertow handlers. Next, you will install and configure JBoss Data grid in development and production environments, develop cache based applications and aggregate various data source in JBoss data virtualization. You will learn to build, deploy, and monitor integration scenarios using JBoss Fuse and run both producers/consumers applications relying on JBoss AMQ. Finally, you will learn to develop and run business workflows and make better decisions in your applications using Drools and Jboss BPM Suite Platform. Style and Approach The book works through the major JBoss products, with examples and instructions to help you understand each product and how they work together.

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JBoss: Developer's Guide


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Introduction to the JBoss Ecosystem

Beos bank project

JBoss Developer Studio


Integration Stack

The Forge console

Working with the Forge CLI

Creating Maven projects

Creating a Java class

Adding attributes to classes

Building projects with Forge


Developing and Hosting Scalable Web Applications

Installation and configuration

Architecture and features

Practical JBoss

Lab - setting up a simple JBoss EAP domain

JBoss EAP 7 installation

Configuring authentication

Creating a management to manage your EAP domain

Configuring host authentication

Setting up the domain host and interfaces

Checking the management interfaces

Reviewing the domain controller configuration

Configuring slaves - host-slave.xml

Starting the domain

Lab - using the JBoss CLI

Creating server groups

Creating a server instance

Clustered high available money TransferWebApp

Implementing a clustered money transfer web page

JBoss CLI deployment

JBoss as maven plugin

Session replication demo

Archiving automatic cluster failover

Session distribution on limited nodes and passivation

Cluster isolation by server groups

Creating datasources

Creating a module

Creating a MySQL driver


Testing the datasource

Lab accessing databases with JPA

Referencing a datasource

Creating entities

Inserting a MoneyTransferRequest

Leveraging the existing features to define security policies

Creating a database security domain

Plugging a security domain in a web application

Deploying the application and checking the secure pages

Customizing/overriding security policies

Creating a custom login module

Deploying the module on JBoss


Custom Web Deployment using Undertow and Swarm

Undertow - purpose and architecture

Creating your first Undertow server

Undertow request life cycle

Undertow handlers

Path handlers

Reverse proxy handler

Microservices with Undertow

Reading money transfer details

Running the application

Load balancing with an Undertow subsystem

Innovative microservice packaging with WildFly Swarm


Storing and Accessing Distributed Data

JBoss Data Grid architecture


Running configuration

Working with caches

Library mode in Java SE

Cache Listener

Client-Server mode

Clustering and visualizing caches

Building the Datagrid cluster

Visualizing the cluster

Replicated and distributed

Cache advanced usages


Cache expiration and eviction

XML configuration

Grid computing

Distributed Streams

Distributed execution

Cache security


Exposing Data as a Service

Introduction to data virtualization

JBoss data virtualization architecture

JBoss Data Virtualization installation

Installing JDV Server

Setting up JDV features in JBoss Developer Studio

Developing virtual databases

Business case

Data preparation

Modeling data sources with JBoss data virtualization

Creating the beosbank-datavirt Teiid Model project

Creating a MySQL source model

Creating a Postgres source model

Creating a MongoDB source model

Building Virtual Base Layers

Creating the AF_Transactions_VBL model

Building and deploying federated data views

Accessing virtual databases

Virtual procedures


Integrating Applications with JBoss Fuse

JBoss Fuse architecture

Installing JBoss Fuse

Basic Fuse installation

Creating a Fuse cluster with Fabric8 and Apache Zookeeper

Developing and deploying OSGi applications on the JBoss Fuse platform

Content- and source-based routering

Creating a project

Creating the business logic

Preparing the beosbank-moneytransfer-cacheloader test environment

MySQL database

JBoss Datagrid and infinispan visualizer

Running Fuse applications on a standalone Karaf container

Running beosbank-moneytransfer-cacheloader on Fuse Fabric

Creating a profile

Deploying the profile in the fabric

Updating profiles and properties to use the encrypted password

Proxying web services

Business case


File processing and data transformation


Delivers Information Safely and Connects IoT

JBoss AMQ architecture and installation

JBoss AMQ architecture

JBoss AMQ insallation

Connecting clients to routers and brokers

Lab description

Simulate the network

Create and start Fidelity broker instances

Create the router

Router configuration

Connecting IoT devices

AMQ topologies


Making Better Decisions in Your Applications

JBoss BRMS components and architecture

Installing the JBoss BRMS platform

Authoring business rules with JBoss BRMS

Authoring rules in Business Central

Creating a rule-based project

Creating a data object

Creating business rules

Creating test scenarios in BRMS

Implementing a decision table

Real-time decisions with BRMS

Complex event processing


Developing Workflows

Process modeling with JBoss BPMS

Installing JBoss BPM

The BPMN2 notation

The Beosbank practical sample

Creating the beosbank-bpms-withdrawal project

Modeling withdrawal data objects

Modeling the WelcomeUserProcess

The process configuration

Greeting manual task

Filling in the withdrawal form user task

Modeling the checkUserInput BRMS task

Modeling the WelcomeScript task and go back gateway

Building and running the process

Integrating the WelcomeUser in a parent process


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