


Mastering Spring 5.0电子书

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13人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Ranga Rao Karanam

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:55.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Develop cloud native applications with microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Cloud Data Flow About This Book ? Explore the new features and components in Spring ? Evolve towards micro services and cloud native applications ? Gain powerful insights into advanced concepts of Spring and Spring Boot to develop applications more effectively ? Understand the basics of Kotlin and use it to develop a quick service with Spring Boot Who This Book Is For This book is for an experienced Java developer who knows the basics of Spring, and wants to learn how to use Spring Boot to build applications and deploy them to the cloud. What You Will Learn ? Explore the new features in Spring Framework 5.0 ? Build microservices with Spring Boot ? Get to know the advanced features of Spring Boot in order to effectively develop and monitor applications ? Use Spring Cloud to deploy and manage applications on the Cloud ? Understand Spring Data and Spring Cloud Data Flow ? Understand the basics of reactive programming ? Get to know the best practices when developing applications with the Spring Framework ? Create a new project using Kotlin and implement a couple of basic services with unit and integration testing In Detail Spring 5.0 is due to arrive with a myriad of new and exciting features that will change the way we’ve used the framework so far. This book will show you this evolution—from solving the problems of testable applications to building distributed applications on the cloud. The book begins with an insight into the new features in Spring 5.0 and shows you how to build an application using Spring MVC. You will realize how application architectures have evolved from monoliths to those built around microservices. You will then get a thorough understanding of how to build and extend microservices using Spring Boot. You will also understand how to build and deploy Cloud-Native microservices with Spring Cloud. The advanced features of Spring Boot will be illustrated through powerful examples. We will be introduced to a JVM language that’s quickly gaining popularity - Kotlin. Also, we will discuss how to set up a Kotlin project in Eclipse. By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the knowledge and best practices required to develop microservices with the Spring Framework. Style and Approach This book follows an end-to-end tutorial approach with lots of examples and sample applications, covering the major building blocks of the Spring framework.

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Mastering Spring 5.0


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Evolution to Spring Framework 5.0

Spring Framework

Problems with EJB

Why is Spring Framework popular?

Simplified unit testing

Reduction in plumbing code

How does Spring Framework do this magic?

Architectural flexibility

Keep up with changing times

Spring modules

Spring Core Container

Cross-cutting concerns




Spring Projects

Spring Boot

Spring Cloud

Spring Data

Spring Batch

Spring Security


New features in Spring Framework 5.0

Baseline upgrades

JDK 9 runtime compatibility

Usage of JDK 8 features in Spring Framework code

Reactive programming support

Functional web framework

Java modularity with Jigsaw

Kotlin support

Dropped features

Spring Boot 2.0 new features


Dependency Injection

Understanding dependency injection

Understanding dependencies

The Spring IoC container

Defining beans and wiring

Creating a Spring IoC container

Java configuration for the application context

A quick review

Launching the application context with Java configuration

The console log

The XML configuration for the application context

Defining the XML Spring configuration

Launching an application context with the XML configuration

Writing JUnit using the Spring context

Unit testing with mocks

Container managed beans

Dependency injection types

The setter injection

The constructor injection

Constructor versus setter injection

Spring bean scopes

Java versus XML configuration

The @Autowired annotation in depth

The @Primary annotation

The @Qualifier annotation

Other important Spring annotations

Exploring Contexts and dependency injection

An example of CDI


Building a Web Application with Spring MVC

Java web application architecture

Model 1 architecture

Model 2 architecture

Model 2 Front Controller architecture

Basic flows

Basic setup

Adding dependency for Spring MVC

Adding DispatcherServlet to web.xml

Creating Spring context

Flow 1 - Simple controller flow without View

Creating a Spring MVC controller

Running the web application

Unit testing

Setting up the Controller to test

Writing the Test method

Flow 2 - Simple controller flow with a View

Spring MVC controller

Creating a View - a JSP

View resolver

Unit testing

Setting up the Controller to test

Writing the Test method

Flow 3 - Controller redirecting to a View with Model

Spring MVC controller

Creating a View

Unit testing

Setting up the Controller to test

Writing the Test method

Flow 4 - Controller redirecting to a View with ModelAndView

Spring MVC controller

Creating a View

Unit testing

Flow 5 - Controller redirecting to a View with a form

Creating a command or form backing object

The Controller method to show the form

Creating the View with a form

Controller get method to handle form submit

Unit testing

Flow 6 - Adding validation to the previous flow

Hibernate Validator dependency

Simple validations on the bean

Custom validations

Unit testing

Controller setup

The Test method

An overview of Spring MVC

Important features

How it works

Important concepts behind Spring MVC


Examples of request mapping

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Request Mapping methods - supported method arguments

RequestMapping methods - supported return types

View resolution

Configuring JSP view resolver

Configuring Freemarker

Handler mappings and Interceptors

Defining a HandlerInterceptor

Mapping HandlerInterceptor to handlers

Model attributes

Session attributes

Putting an attribute in the session

Reading an attribute from the session

Removing an attribute from the session


The @ControllerAdvice annotation

Spring MVC - advanced features

Exception handling

Common exception handling across controllers

The error view

Specific exception handling in a Controller


Message bundle setup

Configuring a SessionLocaleResolver

Configuring a CookieLocaleResolver

Integration testing Spring controllers

Serving static resources

Exposing static content

Caching static content

Enabling GZip compression of static content

Integrating Spring MVC with Bootstrap

Bootstrap WebJar as Maven dependency

Configure Spring MVC resource handler to deliver WebJar static content

Using Bootstrap resources in JSP

Spring Security

Adding Spring Security dependency

Configuring a filter to intercept all requests



Evolution toward Microservices and Cloud-Native Applications

Typical web application architecture with Spring

Web layer

Web application - rendering an HTML View

RESTful services

Business layer

Data layer

Integration layer

Cross-cutting concerns

Problems solved by Spring

Loose coupling and testability

Plumbing code

Lightweight architecture

Architecture flexibility

Simplified implementation of cross-cutting concerns

Design patterns for free

Application development goals







High resilience


Challenges with monolithic applications

Long release cycles

Difficult to scale

Adapting new technologies

Adapting new methodologies

Adapting modern development practices

Understanding microservices

What is a microservice?

The microservice architecture

Microservice characteristics

Small and lightweight microservices

Interoperability with message-based communication

Capability-aligned microservices

Independently deployable units


Automated build and release process

Event-driven architecture

Approach 1 - sequential approach

Approach 2 - event-driven approach

Independent teams

Microservice advantages

Faster time to market

Technology evolution

Availability and scaling

Team dynamics

Microservice challenges

Increased need for automation

Defining the boundaries of subsystems

Visibility and monitoring

Fault tolerance

Eventual consistency

Shared capabilities (enterprise level)

Increased need for operations teams

Cloud-Native applications

Twelve-Factor App

Maintain one code base



Backing services

Build, release, run


Port binding



Environment parity

Logs as event streams

No distinction of admin processes

Spring projects

Spring Boot

Spring Cloud


Building Microservices with Spring Boot

What is Spring Boot?

Building a quick prototype for a microservice

Primary goals

Nonfunctional features

Spring Boot Hello World

Configure spring-boot-starter-parent


Configure pom.xml with the required starter projects

Understanding starter projects

Configuring spring-boot-maven-plugin

Creating your first Spring Boot launch class

SpringApplication class

The @SpringBootApplication annotation

Running our Hello World application


Starter projects

What is REST?

First REST service

Simple method returning string

Unit testing

Integration testing

Simple REST method returning an object

Executing a request

Unit testing

Integration testing

Get method with path variables

Executing a request

Unit testing

Integration testing

Creating a todo resource

Request methods, operations, and URIs

Beans and services

Retrieving a Todo list

Executing the service

Unit testing

Integration testing

Retrieving details for a specific Todo

Executing the service

Unit testing

Integration testing

Adding a Todo


Executing the POST service

Unit testing

Integration testing

Spring Initializr

Creating your first Spring Initializr project


FirstSpringInitializrApplication.java class

FirstSpringInitializrApplicationTests class

A quick peek into auto-configuration


Extending Microservices

Exception handling

Spring Boot default exception handling

Nonexistent resource

Resource throwing an exception

Throwing a custom exception

Customizing the exception message

Response status


Sending HATEOAS links in response

Spring Boot starter HATEOAS


Enabling validation on the controller method

Defining validations on the bean

Unit testing validations

Documenting REST services

Generating a Swagger specification

Swagger UI

Customizing Swagger documentation using annotations

Securing REST services with Spring Security

Adding Spring Security starter

Basic authentication

Integration testing

Unit testing

OAuth 2 authentication

High-level flow

Implementing OAuth 2 authentication for our service

Setting up authorization and resource servers

Executing OAuth requests

Obtaining an access token

Executing the request using the access token

Integration test




Enabling caching

Caching data

JSR-107 caching annotations

Auto-detection order


Advanced Spring Boot Features

Externalised configuration

Customizing frameworks through application.properties


Embedded server configuration

Spring MVC

Spring starter security

Data Sources, JDBC and JPA

Other configuration options

Custom properties in application.properties

Configuration properties - type-safe Configuration Management


Profiles-based Bean configuration

Other options for application configuration values

YAML configuration

Embedded servers

Switching to Jetty and Undertow

Building a WAR file

Developer tools

Live reload

Spring Boot Actuator

HAL Browser

Configuration properties

Environment details







Deploying an application to Cloud

Cloud Foundry


Spring Data

Background - data stores

Spring Data

Spring Data Commons


The CrudRepository interface

The PagingAndSortingRepository interface

Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA example

New project with Starter Data JPA


The SpringBootApplication class

Populating some data

A simple repository

Unit test

The CrudRepository interface

Unit test

The PagingAndSortingRepository interface

Unit tests

Query methods


Named Parameters

Named Query

Native query

Spring Data Rest

The GET method

The POST method

The search resource

Big Data


Unit test


Spring Cloud

Introducing Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud Netflix

Demo microservices setup

Microservice A

Service consumer


Centralized microservice configuration

Problem statement



Spring Cloud Config

Implementing Spring Cloud Config Server

Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server

Connecting Spring Cloud Config Server to a local Git repository

Creating an environment-specific configuration

Spring Cloud Config Client

Spring Cloud Bus

The need for Spring Cloud Bus

Propogating configuration changes using Spring Cloud Bus


Declarative REST Client - Feign

Load balancing



The Name server

Limitations of hard coding microservice URLs

Workings of Name server



Setting up a Eureka Server

Registering microservices with Eureka

Connecting the service consumer microservice with Eureka

API Gateways

Implementing client-side load balancing with Zuul

Setting up a new Zuul API Gateway Server

Zuul custom filters

Invoking microservices through Zuul

Configuring service consumer to use Zuul API gateway

Distributed tracing

Distributed tracing options

Implementing Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

Integrating microservice components with Spring Cloud Sleuth

Setting up Zipkin Distributed Tracing Server

Integrating microservice components with Zipkin

Hystrix - fault tolerance



Spring Cloud Data Flow

Message-based asynchronous communication

Complexities of asynchronous communication

Spring projects for asynchronous messages

Spring Integration

Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud Data Flow

Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud Stream architecture

Event processing - stock trading example

Model for stock trading example

The source application



Spring Cloud Data Flow

High-level architecture

Implementing Spring Cloud Data Flow

Setting up Spring Cloud Data Flow server

Setting up Data Flow Shell project

Configuring the apps

Configuring the stream

Deploying the stream

Log messages - setting up connections to the message factory

Log messages - the flow of events

Spring Cloud Data Flow REST APIs

Spring Cloud Task


Reactive Programming

The Reactive Manifesto

Characteristics of Reactive Systems

Reactive use case - a stock price page

The traditional approach

The reactive approach

Comparison between the traditional and reactive approaches

Reactive programming in Java

Reactive streams




Spring Web Reactive

Creating a project using Spring Initializr

Creating a Reactive Controller

Creating an HTML view

Launching SpringReactiveExampleApplication

Reactive databases

Integrating Spring Boot Reactive MongoDB Starter

Creating a model object - a stock document

Creating a ReactiveCrudRepository

Initialising stock data using the Command Line Runner

Creating Reactive methods in Rest Controller

Updating the view to subscribe to the event stream

Launching SpringReactiveExampleApplication


Spring Best Practices

Maven standard directory layout

Layered architecture

Recommended practices

Separate API and impl for important layers

Exception handling

Spring's approach to exception handling

The recommended approach

Keeping your Spring configuration light

Using the basePackageClasses attribute in ComponentScan

Not using version numbers in schema references

Preferring constructor injection over setter injection for mandatory dependencies

Managing dependency versions for Spring Projects

Unit testing

The business layer

Web layer

The data layer

Other best practices

Integration testing

Spring Session


Adding dependencies for Spring Session

Configuring Filter to replacing HttpSession with Spring Session

Enabling filtering for Tomcat by extending AbstractHttpSessionApplicationInitializer


Adding the Spring Boot Starter Cache dependency

Adding caching annotations




Framework independent configuration


Working with Kotlin in Spring


Kotlin versus Java

Variables and type inference

Variables and immutability

Type system




No checked exceptions

Data class

Creating a Kotlin project in Eclipse

Kotlin plugin

Creating a Kotlin project

Creating a Kotlin class

Running a Kotlin class

Creating a Spring Boot project using Kotlin

Dependencies and plugins

Spring Boot application class

Spring Boot application test class

Implementing a REST service using Kotlin

Simple method returning a string

Unit testing

Integration testing

Simple REST method returning an object

Executing a request

Unit testing

Integration testing

Get method with path variables

Executing a request

Unit testing

Integration testing


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