


The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm电子书

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作       者:Viktor Farcic

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:57.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Viktor Farcic's latest book, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, shows you how to successfully integrate Docker Swarm into your DevOps toolset. About This Book ? Expand your DevOps Toolkit with the DevOps thought leader, Viktor Farcic ? Build, test, deploy, and monitor services inside Docker Swarm clusters ? Translate your understanding to different hosting providers like AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean ? Go beyond simple deployment to explore how to create a continuous deployment process ? Extend the deep understanding you gained from Viktor's DevOps 2.0 Toolkit book Who This Book Is For This book is for professionals interested in the full microservices life cycle combined with continuous deployment and containers. Target audience could be architects who want to know how to design their systems around microservices. It could be DevOps wanting to know how to apply modern configuration management practices and continuously deploy applications packed in containers. It is for developers who would like to take the process back into their hands as well as for managers who would like to gain a better understanding of the process used to deliver software from the beginning to the end. This book is for everyone wanting to know more about the software development life cycle starting from requirements and design, through the development and testing all the way until deployment and post-deployment phases. We'll create the processes taking into account the best practices developed by and for some of the biggest companies. What You Will Learn ? Learn all aspects of Docker Swarm from building, testing, deploying, and monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters, available since Docker 1.12. ? Master the deeper logic of DevOps with Viktor, so that you can successfully apply that logic across any specific set of tools you’re working with. ? Translate a deep understanding to different hosting providers like AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, among others. ? You’ll go beyond simple deployment: you will explore with Viktor how to create a continuous deployment process. Accomplish zero-downtime deployments, and what to do in case of a failover. ? Know how to run services at scale, how to monitor the systems, and how to make it heal itself. In Detail Viktor Farcic's latest book, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, takes you deeper into one of the major subjects of his international best seller, The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, and shows you how to successfully integrate Docker Swarm into your DevOps toolset. Viktor shares with you his expert knowledge in all aspects of building, testing, deploying, and monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters. You'll go through all the tools required for running a cluster. You'll travel through the whole process with clusters running locally on a laptop. Once you're confident with that outcome, Viktor shows you how to translate your experience to different hosting providers like AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean. Viktor has updated his DevOps 2.0 framework in this book to use the latest and greatest features and techniques introduced in Docker. We'll go through many practices and even more tools. While there will be a lot of theory, this is a hands-on book. You won't be able to complete it by reading it on the metro on your way to work. You'll have to read this book while in front of the computer and get your hands dirty. Style and approach We'll go through many practices and even more tools. While there will be a lot of theory, this is a hands-on book. You'll have to read this book while in front of the computer and get your hands dirty. The goal is not to master one particular set of tools, but to learn the logic behind them so that you can apply it to your job in various contexts.

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Continuous Integration with Docker Containers

Defining a fully Dockerized manual Continuous Integration flow

Running unit tests and building service binary

Building service images

Running staging tests

Pushing images to the registry

Setting Up and Operating a Swarm Cluster


Axis scaling

X-axis scaling

Y-axis scaling

Z-axis scaling


Docker Swarm Mode

Setting up a Swarm cluster

Deploying services to the Swarm cluster

Scaling services


What now?

Docker Swarm Networking and Reverse Proxy

Setting up a cluster

Requirements of secured and fault tolerant services running with high availability

Running a database in isolation

Running a service through a reverse proxy

Creating a reverse proxy service in charge of routing requests depending on their base URLs

Load balancing requests across all instances of a service

What now?

Service Discovery inside a Swarm Cluster

What would Docker Swarm look like without?

What does standalone Docker Swarm look like with service discovery?

Service discovery in the Swarm cluster

Do we need service discovery?

Setting up Consul as service registry inside a Swarm cluster

Problems when scaling stateful instances

Using service registry to store the state

Discovering addresses of all instances that form a service

Using service registry or key value store to store service state

What now?

Continuous Delivery and Deployment with Docker Containers

Defining the Continuous Delivery environment

Setting up Continuous Delivery clusters

Using node labels to constrain services

Creating services

Walking through Continuous Delivery steps

Walking the extra mile from Continuous Delivery to Continuous Deployment

What now?

Automating Continuous Deployment Flow with Jenkins

Jenkins architecture

Production environment setup

Jenkins service

Jenkins failover

Jenkins agent

Creating services in production and production-like environments

Automating Continuous Deployment flow with Jenkins

Creating Jenkins Pipeline jobs

Defining Pipeline nodes

Defining Pipeline stages

Defining Pipeline steps

What now?

Exploring Docker Remote API

Setting up the environment

Operating Docker Swarm through the Docker Remote API

Using Docker Remote API to automate proxy configuration

Combining the Swarm listener with the proxy

Automatically reconfiguring the proxy

Removing a service from the proxy

What now?

Using Docker Stack and Compose YAML Files to Deploy Swarm Services

Swarm cluster setup

Creating Swarm services through Docker stack commands

Deploying more stacks

To stack or not to stack


Defining Logging Strategy

The need for centralized logging

Setting up ElasticSearch as the logging database

Setting up LogStash as the logs parser and forwarder

Forwarding logs from all containers running anywhere inside a Swarm cluster

Exploring logs

Discussing other logging solutions

What now?

Collecting Metrics and Monitoring the Cluster

The requirements of a cluster monitoring system

Choosing the right database to store system metrics

Creating the cluster

Prometheus metrics

Exporting system wide metrics

Scraping, querying, and visualizing Prometheus metrics

Using Grafana to create dashboards

Exploring Docker Swarm and container overview dashboard in Grafana

Adjusting services through dashboard metrics

Monitoring best practices

What now?

Embracing Destruction: Pets versus Cattle

What now?

Creating and Managing a Docker Swarm Cluster in Amazon Web Services

Installing AWS CLI and setting up the environment variables

Setting up a Swarm cluster with Docker Machine and AWS CLI

Setting up a Swarm cluster with Docker for AWS

Automatically setting up a Swarm cluster with Docker for AWS

Setting up a Swarm cluster with Packer and Terraform

Using Packer to create Amazon Machine Images

Using Terraform to create a Swarm cluster in AWS

Choosing the right tools to create and manage Swarm clusters in AWS

To Docker Machine or not to Docker Machine?

To Docker for AWS or not to Docker for AWS?

To Terraform or not to Terraform?

The final verdict

Creating and Managing a Docker Swarm Cluster in DigitalOcean

Setting up the environment variables

Setting up a Swarm cluster with Docker Machine and DigitalOcean API

Setting up a Swarm cluster with Packer and Terraform

Using Packer to create DigitalOcean snapshots

Using Terraform to create a Swarm cluster in DigitalOcean

Choosing the right tools to create and manage Swarm clusters in DigitalOcean

To Docker Machine or not to Docker Machine?

To Terraform or not to Terraform?

The final verdict

To DigitalOcean or not to DigitalOcean

Creating and Managing Stateful Services in a Swarm Cluster

Exploring the twelve-factor app methodology

Setting up a Swarm cluster and the proxy

Running stateful services without data persistence

Persisting stateful services on the host

Persisting stateful services on a Network File System

Data volume orchestration

Persisting stateful services with REX-Ray

Choosing the persistence method for stateful services

Adding REX-Ray to packer and terraform

Persisting stateful services without replication

Persisting stateful services with synchronization and replication

Persisting docker flow proxy state

Persisting MongoDB state

Initializing MongoDB replica set through a swarm service

What now?

Managing Secrets in Docker Swarm Clusters

Creating secrets

Consuming secrets

A real-world example of using secrets

Using secrets with Docker Compose

Common ways to use secrets

What now?

Monitor Your GitHub Repos with Docker and Prometheus

Docker, Prometheus, and Grafana

Getting started


Post configuration

Install dashboard


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