


Build Applications with Meteor电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Dobrin Ganev

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:37.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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Build a variety of cross-platform applications with the world’s most complete full-stack JavaScript framework— Meteor About This Book ? Develop a set of real-world applications each exploring different features of Meteor ? Make your app more appealing by adding reactivity and responsiveness to it ? Work with the most powerful feature of Meteor—the “full stack reactivity”—through building real-time applications with many third party libraries Who This Book Is For If you are a developer who is looking forward to taking your application development skills with Meteor to next level by getting your hands-on different projects, this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? See how Meteor fits in the modern web application development by using its reactive data system ? Make your front-end behave consistently across environments by implementing a predictable state container with Redux ? Get familiar with React and overview of Angular 2 ? Add a map to your application with a real-time geolocation ? Plugin into Meteor social media APIs like Twitter’s streaming and Facebook’s Messenger ? Add search functionality from scratch to your existing app and data ? Add responsiveness with Bootstrap 4 and Google’s Material Design using Less and Sass ? Distribute your data across machines and data centers by adding Apache Cassandra to your existing stack. ? Learn how to scale your microservices with the high performant language neutral framework gRPC. ? Learn how to query multiple data sources using GraphQL. In Detail This book starts with the basic installation and overview of the main components in Meteor. You’ll get hands-on multiple versatile applications covering a wide range of topics from adding a front-end views with the hottest rendering technology React to implementing a microservices oriented architecture.All the code is written with ES6/7 which is the latest significantly improved JavaScript language. We’ll also look at real-time data streaming, server to server data exchange, responsive styles on the front-end, full-text search functionality, and integration of many third-party libraries and APIs using npm. By the end of the book, you’ll have the skills to quickly prototype and even launch your next app idea in a matter of days. Style and Approach This book takes an easy-to-follow project-based approach. Each project starts with the goal of what you will learn and an overview the technologies used.

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Foundation of Meteor

Setting up the development environment

Building a Meteor app

The frontend with React

The React's state

Adding state to a stateless function component

Inheritance versus composition

Adding a state to a component

Meteor with React

Adding and removing atmosphere packages in Meteor

Integrating React with Meteor's reactive data system

Explore MongoDB in the Meteor shell

Publishing and Subscribing

Improvements in the current code


Building a Shopping Cart

Creating the project structure

On the server

Building the application components

The ProductsContainer


The CartContainer

Adding router to the application



The data containers



Meteor methods

Removing item from the cart

Updating the quantity of an item in the cart

Let's create another method that will calculate the cart's total price

Considerations for scalability

Basic validations on the server

Defining a schema



Style Your React Components with Bootstrap and Material Design

Mobile first

Making it mobile friendly!

Modular CSS with LESS

Test it out!

Modular CSS with Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets

Bootstrap and Meteor

Using CSS modules with Meteor

Meteor and webpack styling the shopping cart

Test it out!

Test it out!

Styling the shopping cart with Material Design Lite

The grid


Real-Time Twitter Streaming

Twitter streaming

The application structure

Meteor with Redux

Redux and pure functions

The Redux parts

Why do we need Redux when we have Minimongo on the client?

Building the App

Folder structure client

Getting the data from the collection

Async actions in Redux

Creating the App components

Connecting the Redux store with the React components

The containers and the components of the App

The Filter components

Tweets component

The Sentiment component

On the Server

Test it out and improve it!


Developing Kanban Project Management Tool

Drag and drop in React

Test it out!

Building the App

The reducer function

Building the Modal

Test it out!

Higher-Order Components

Test it out!


Building a Real-Time Search Application

Importing the data

Index a text field

Try it out!

Building the app

Test it Out!


Real-Time Maps

Building the App

The server side

Test it out!


Build a Chatbot with Facebook’s Messenger Platform

Building the app

Training the bot

Moving the chatbot to the Meteor app

Test it out and improve it!

Adding Cassandra to our stack

Adding GraphQL to the stack


Build Internet of Things Platform

What is gRPC?

Test it out!

Building the apps

Test it out!

Test it out!

Test it and improve it!


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