


Mastering macOS Programming电子书

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作       者:Stuart Grimshaw

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:63.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Take your macOS Sierra to the next level using the latest tools, designs, and best coding practices while developing with Swift 3.0 About This Book ? Learn to harness the power of macOS with the elegance of the Swift programming language ? Become highly competent in building apps on the macOS platform ? Get the most in-depth guide with a hands-on approach on the latest version of macOS Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who have some experience with macOS and want to take their skills to next level by unlocking the full potential of latest version of macOS with Swift 3 to build impressive applications. Basic knowledge of Swift will be beneficial but is not required. What You Will Learn ? Combine beautiful design with robust code for the very best user experience ? Bring the best coding practices to the new macOS Sierra ? See what's new in Swift 3.0 and how best to leverage the Swift language ? Master Apple's tools, including Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments ? Use Unix and other common command-line tools to increase productivity ? Explore the essential Cocoa frameworks, including networking, animation, audio, and video In Detail macOS continues to lead the way in desktop operating systems, with its tight integration across the Apple ecosystem of platforms and devices. With this book, you will get an in-depth knowledge of working on macOS, enabling you to unleash the full potential of the latest version using Swift 3 to build applications. This book will help you broaden your horizons by taking your programming skills to next level. The initial chapters will show you all about the environment that surrounds a developer at the start of a project. It introduces you to the new features that Swift 3 and Xcode 8 offers and also covers the common design patterns that you need to know for planning anything more than trivial projects. You will then learn the advanced Swift programming concepts, including memory management, generics, protocol orientated and functional programming and with this knowledge you will be able to tackle the next several chapters that deal with Apple's own Cocoa frameworks. It also covers AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data in detail which is a part of the Cocoa umbrella framework. The rest of the book will cover the challenges posed by asynchronous programming, error handling, debugging, and many other areas that are an indispensable part of producing software in a professional environment. By the end of this book, you will be well acquainted with Swift, Cocoa, and AppKit, as well as a plethora of other essential tools, and you will be ready to tackle much more complex and advanced software projects. Style and approach This comprehensive guide takes a hands-on practical approach incorporating a visually-rich format rather than a text heavy format. The focus is on teaching the core concepts through a series of small projects and standalone examples so you gain expertise with various aspects of macOS application development.

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Hello macOS

It's going to be Swift

And more than Swift

It's going to be Xcode and more


The book's overall structure

How Unix, macOS, Cocoa, and AppKit fit together




Harnessing that power

The serious developer's toolkit

What you'll get from this book


Basic Swift

Variables and types

Number types




Printing to the console


Arrays, dictionaries, and sets




Naming of types and variables

Type aliases

Value and reference types


Mathematical operators

Augmented assignment

Comparison operators

Logical operators

Other standard operators

Ternary operator

Nil-coalescing operator

Structs, classes, and other data structures



Optional instances




Why use optionals?

Unwrapping an optional

Control flow

if else



Saying goodbye to i++

Iterating with for loops




Checking Out the Power of Xcode

A quick and simple sketch app

Speeding it up with code snippets

Checking out the supplied snippets


Rolling your own snippets

Logging with special literals

Getting the most out of breakpoints

Editing breakpoint options

Other actions

Adding a debugger command

Triggering an AppleScript or shell script

Don't stop me now


Understanding schemes

What schemes actually do

Creating a new scheme

Using scheme environment variables

Why build configs are so cool

Creating a new build configuration

Creating user-defined build settings

Adapting the Info.plist file

Using Swift compiler custom flags

Creating the custom flag

Using custom flags in code

Finding the build settings on disk


MVC and Other Design Patterns

Programming paradigms

So, what is meant by paradigm?


Object-oriented programming

Class-based programming

Protocol-oriented programming

The drawbacks of OOP

Declarative programming

Understanding functional programming

Using functional concepts within OOP

Learning functional programming the fast way


Separation of concerns


A path through the forest


Data flow


Design patterns


Advanced Swift

Control flow

Using switch

Compound cases

Tuple matching

Value binding

Using the where keyword

Control transfer statements

The break statement

The fallthrough statement

The guard statement



Default arguments

Anonymous arguments

Variadic arguments

Function overloading

Function naming in Swift 3.0

First class functions

Functions are typed


Closures that take arguments

Closures with multiple arguments

Alternative closure syntax

Closures are functions; functions are closures

Using map, reduce, and filter

Map with arrays

Map with dictionaries



Nesting and chaining map, reduce, and filter



Enumerations as data structures

Adding methods to enums

Associated values

Grouping together different data types

Creating multiple distinct types from a single type

Mixed type arrays, anybody?

Recursive definitions

Making constants with an enum

Replacing classes


Declaring method requirements

Conforming to a protocol

Protocol advantages over classes

Extending existing types with a protocol

Creating collections of mixed types

Protocols can conform to protocols

Declaring required properties

Implementing required properties

Class-only protocols

Class considerations

Protocol composition

Customizing operators

Adding operator implementations to types


Custom operators

Defining a custom operator

Prefix operators

Postfix operators

Infix operators

Implementing a custom operator

Collection types


Comparing arrays

Mutating an array

Using arrays to create new arrays

Testing array elements

Removing elements from an array

Methods that mutate and return a value

Mutating non-returning methods

Sorting arrays


Accessing all keys or values

Mutating dictionaries

Removing dictionary elements


Conditional downcasting

Unwrapping optionals with guard

Implicitly unwrapped optionals


Cocoa Frameworks - The Backbone of Your Apps

Understanding Foundation Kit

Understanding NSObject

Import statements

Leveraging key-value observing

Coding for KVO

KVO - compliant classes

Adding the observer

Reacting to value changes

Removing the observer

Trying it out

Modifying ViewController

Cocoa bindings

Adding the data model

Adding an NSArrayController

Binding the table view

Binding the table selection

Adding the binding

Adding and binding a text field

Changing array values

Pretty Boolean


Creating Views Programmatically

Why code instead of IB?

Setting our goals

The steps involved

Beyond the visuals

Coding a table view

Preparing the View Controller

The table and label

Adding the table

Configuring the table's columns

Adding the info label

Providing the app with data

Importing the Person class

The data model

Creating a property list with XML

Getting data from the property list

Adopting datasource and delegate protocols

Datasource extension

Delegate extension

Returning table view columns

Reacting to selection events

Observing without bindings

Adding KVO to the View Controller

Adding an observer

Handling changes in the data

Removing an observer

Triggering changes to the data

Advantages of KVO in code

The final line of code

Adding further control elements in code

Adding the sort button

Implementing a button's action

Running the app


Strings and Text

Strings and characters

What is a String in Swift?

What is a Character?

Unicode compliance

Combining strings and characters

String indices and subranges

Obtaining a String.Index

Obtaining a subrange

Modifying strings

Removing characters

Inserting characters

String interpolation

Writing long strings

Escape characters

Other representations

C strings


Some NSString gotchas



Value and reference

String comparison

Formatting strings

Formatting using fonts

Formatting using NSMutableAttributedString

Adding an attribute

Multiple attributes

Links in text

Styles and effects


The MVC pattern of text views




Custom text view

Creating the custom storage class

Creating the custom text view


Getting More from Interface Builder

Advanced IB navigation

The little-known HUD

Showing all views under the cursor

Debug View Hierarchy

Controlling the amount of information

Other view settings

Wireframe view


Showing constraints

Encapsulating views with NSStackView

Taming the storyboard

Refactoring large storyboards

Under the hood of a storyboard


Drawing on the Strength of Core Graphics

Why not use an image?

Why not use native views?

Core Graphics and AppKit drawing

Using AppKit

Using Core Graphics

Which to use

Creating custom views

Custom buttons

Defining the custom button's properties

Overriding the button's draw method

Filling a path

Stroking a path

Drawing the icon with code

Adding an alternative icon

Testing the button

Dial clock

Creating a custom view with AppKit

Overriding the custom view's draw method

Drawing arcs

Drawing the outline

Adding the fill color

Adding the minutes curve

Adding the hours curve

Correcting the order of drawing

Pie clock

Creating a custom view with Core Graphics

Understanding CGContext

Why do we need a graphics context?

Understanding the CG coordinates system

Creating the custom class

Overriding the class's draw method

The draw method

The drawFace method

Adding a gradient with AppKit

The drawMinutes method

Adding a gradient with Core Graphics

Adding more color locations

The drawHours method

Context translation

Context rotation

Translating the context

Rotating the text

Adding the hour displacement

Adding shadows

Context scaling


Core Animation

What is Core Animation?

Where does Core Animation fit in?

Layer backed and layer hosting

Drawing, then animating

Introducing CALayer

Creating a project

Adding a custom view

Extending CGColor

Preparing the ViewController class

Adding a button in code

Building CALayer objects

Adding CA sublayers

Exploring glows and shadows

Adding a CAShapeLayer

CAShapeLayer properties


Adding CA transformations

Rotating a layer in 3D

Using CATextLayer

Animating CALayer objects

CA implicit animations

CA explicit animations


CABasicAnimation and the view model

Delaying an animation

Using CAKeyframeAnimation

Controlling animations with CAAnimationGroup

Wrapping changes in CATransaction objects

Affine transformation

Adding CATransaction completion blocks

Nesting CATransaction blocks

Two-and-a-half dimensional animations

Adding perspective

Getting even closer to 3D

Introducing CATransformLayer

Composing CALayers onto CATransformLayer

Rotating the CATransformLayer

Adding 3D animation

Animating NSViews


Handling Errors Gracefully

Errors aren't mistakes

Expecting the unexpected


Explicit error handling

Swift error handling

The four ways of handling errors

Error types

Creating the simplest Error enum

Creating a better Error enum

Throwing an error

Handling an error

The error life cycle

Asserting that the error will not occur

Handling the error as an optional value

Handling an error with do-catch

Pattern matching

Matching associated values

Propagating an error

Propagation - case study: handling in scope

Propagation - case study: propagation

Verbose errors

Anything can be an error

NSError handling

Anatomy of an NSError

Catching NSErrors

Pattern-matched Cocoa catches

Creating NSError instances in Swift


Persistent Storage

Creating a project

Creating the project's file manager

Using UserDefaults

Storage of simple objects

Storing simple objects

Using the synchronize method

Loading simple objects

Testing the code

Storing structured data

Saving structured data

Loading structured data

Testing the code

Loading by type

Testing the code

UserDefaults convenience methods

Saving with convenience methods

Loading the data

Testing the code

Security considerations

Saving text to the Documents folder

Create an extension and helper function

Storing textual data

Testing the save function

Loading text files

Testing the load function


Creating an NSCoding--compliant class

Handling NSCoding--compliant objects

Saving NSCoding--compliant objects

Loading NSCoding--compliant objects

Testing the code

More complex objects

Presenting open and save dialog boxes


The Benefits of Core Data

What Core Data is, and isn't

Elements of a Core Data model




Core Data, Cocoa Bindings, and no code

Create the project

Create a simple UI in Interface Builder

Adding the necessary UI objects to the Scene

Add an Array Controller

Setting up the data model

Preparing the View Controller

Connecting up to the storyboard

Connecting the buttons

Connecting the Array Controller

Setting up the table columns

Connecting the Table Cell Views

Connecting the text fields

Using our data model

Using NSPersistenceContainer

Adding an NSPersistentContainer instance

Delete the unneeded properties

Replacing references to the context

Creating a data manager class

Non-string entity attributes

Creating entity instances

What is a managed object context?

Fetching data

Adding relationships between entities

One-to-one relationships

One-to-many relationships

Adding relationships to the crew

Same thing, the other way around

Sorted fetches

Sorting in the table view

Predicate fetching

Using other predicates

Searching for a string

Searching for a case - insensitive string

Combining predicates

Relationship predicates

Deleting the red guy

More about Core Data

The Core Data stack




Does app X really need Core Data?

The pros

The cons

Making that decision


Connect to the World - Networking

Patterns for downloading data



Downloading using closures

Starting a local test server on your machine

Starting the server

Creating a JSON file

Testing the server

Implementing an HTTP request manager

The web as an asynchronous entity

The simplest request possible

The completion handler

Improving the simplest request possible

Customizing URLSessionConfiguration properties

Customizing URLRequest properties

Customizing URLSessionTask properties

Downloading using a URLSession delegate

Adding HTTP compatibility to the app

Creating a simple UI

Creating the manager

Creating a session delegate class

URLSessionDownloadDelegate methods

Handling the data

Catching errors

Getting progress information

Canceling a download

URLSessionTaskDelegate methods

Adding suspend and resume

No third-party frameworks?

The URLSession framework


Ephemeral sessions

Cache rewards

Using different request cache policies


Concurrency and Asynchronous Programming

Concurrency and asynchronicity


Concurrency and parallelism



Threads, and why you don't need to worry


The challenges of asynchronous programming

Dependencies, and why you don't need to worry

Operation framework

Understanding operations and queues

Basic use of an OperationQueue

Adding dependencies to BlockOperations

More BlockOperation features

BlockOperation completion blocks

Defining a custom Operation object

Concurrent and non-concurrent operations

Defining non-concurrent custom operations

Defining concurrent custom operations


Understanding Xcodes Debugging Tools

Checking out Xcode's debugging tools

Debug area

Variables view

Using Quicklook

Console view

Debugging in the navigator area

Debug navigator

Hiding and showing additional information

Changing the process view

Breakpoint navigator

Report navigator

Leveraging breakpoints

Different types of breakpoint

Swift error breakpoints

Symbolic breakpoints

Other breakpoint types

Adding and removing breakpoints

Editing breakpoints



Adding an action to a breakpoint

Log message

Debugger Command

Shell Command


We can also get a little more ambitious with these actions


Multiple actions

Breakpoint control flow

Debugger control




Step over

Step into

Step out

Trying them out


LLDB and the Command Line


Using LLDB

Debugging line-by-line


Step over

Step into

Step out

Trying it out


Printing in LLDB

Preparing classes for LLDB descriptions

Stop hooks

Printing formatted numbers

Executing code from LLDB

Type lookups

Breakpoints in LLDB

Adding a breakpoint

Breakpoint list

Attaching commands to breakpoints

Creating a Swift Error breakpoint

Naming breakpoints


Adding conditions and commands

Watchpoint lists

Enabling, disabling, and deleting watchpoints

Persistent customization

Getting help in LLBD

Using shell commands in LLDB


Switching between LLDB and Swift REPL

Leaving a REPL session

Using Python in LLDB

Accessing program variables from Python

Switching between LLDB and Python REPL

One liners from LLDB to Python

Getting help in Python

Altogether now

Standalone LLDB

Running Xcode projects in a standalone LLDB session

Differences between standalone and Xcode LLDB


Deploying Third - Party Code

Common use cases

Distribution methods

Third - party source code

Third - party libraries

Third-party frameworks

But the Internet says...

Pros and cons

The case for third - party code

The case against

The take-away

A case study

Leaving it till later

Different installation methods

Manual source code integration

Downloading the ZIP

Cloning the repo

Preparing to clone

Installing Homebrew

Installing Git

Cloning the repository

Importing the source code

Swift Package Manager

SPM products

Adding the package to an Xcode project

Over to Xcode

Package baggage

Other package managers



The price of complexity


Wrapping It Up

App distribution

The right settings on project creation

The product name


The Organization Identifier

Bundle ID

Setting up the project

Setting the Application Category

Enabling sandboxing

Your developer account

Registering an app ID

Providing the required icons

Archiving the app

Validating the archive

Uploading to the App Store

Creating app records in iTunes Connect

Uploading from Xcode to the App Store

Exporting the app for distribution

Save for Mac App Store Deployment

Testing the Installer package

Export a Developer ID-signed Application

Export a Development-signed Application

Export as a macOS App


And finally

The book website

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