南无本师释迦牟尼佛 Namō Teacher Shakyamuni
南无观世音菩萨 Namō Avalokitesvara
观音菩萨六字真言 Avalokitesvara's six-syllabled mantra
双鹿法轮 Double-deer Dharmacakra
经幢 Dhāranī pillar
飘扬的经幡 Fluttering prayer flags
壮美的西藏高原 Magnificent Tibetan plateau
雄伟的喜玛拉雅山 Grand Himalayas
奔腾的雅鲁藏布江 Roaring Yarlung Tsangpo River
苍凉的扎达土林 Desolate Soil Forest in Zanda
雪原人家 Homes on snowland
鲁郎藏寨 Tibentan village in Lulangzhen
藏野牦牛 Tibetan wild yak
藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope
圣城 Holy City
经幡护行者 天灯照路明 Prayer flags escort the prilgrims Divine light illuminates the way
天边一方神秘境 脚下山路弯又弯 Twisty roads to mystic heaven
菩提大道通极乐 天地之间我笃行 The Way of Bodhi leads to eternal paradise An earnest heart strengthens the trides
磕头不为己超度 只求众生能离苦 Prostrating, not for one's own, but for the sake of all beings
牵手朝圣路 相传菩提心 Hand in hand, a pilgrimage we go on Generations after generations, Bodhicitta is passed on
磕头山路天边远 感应如来温暖情 Prostrate on the journey to heaven The warmth of Buddha thus experienced
一路走来相携手 旌旗猎猎伴我行 A helping hand supports along the way Fluttering flags escort the fellowship away
闲看眼前车马过 不动磕头朝圣心 Watching modern vehicles passing by
一路风尘伴日落 搭起帐篷路边眠 Camping on road side
忘却昨日风尘苦 不等黎明又登程 Overnight, fatigue is gone Journey resumes before new dawn
走出无明地 驾起般若船 Out of darkness Onto the ark of wisdom
双手举起齐天愿 一腔普渡众生情 Hold up lofty wishes To end all sorrows
经轮一转天开朗 心中诵念几部经 Prayer wheel spins out a clear sky Words of Buddha I hereby recite
天庭有境真仙意 云雾无常显圣来 A peek into heaven
地球接天处 珠峰沐金光 Mt.Chomolungma bathed in golden light
远望神山云中影 宛如宝剑亮青天 The holy mountain is like a sword thrust into the sky
雪山莽莽连天外 经幡猎猎播法音 Snowy mountains blessed by the prayers in the wind
神山矗立高原上 彤云轻舞蓝天中 Holy mountain towering on the plateau Red clouds dancing in the blue sky
茫茫白雪清莹境 净净游魂自在飘 A free spirit floating above a snowy wonderland
俊美山川千古远 遗韵苍凉望浮云 An ancient landscape that has hosted countless drifting clouds
白云升罗帐 神山令息风 A cloudy umbrella
圣母化身堪仰望 水中倩影亦空灵 Mountains lying by the lake
米堆冰川 Midui glacier
来古冰川 Laigu glacier
云漫冰川覆白雪 牦牛风中自在闲 Tibetan yaks wandering on the glacier
雄峙高原六千米 遥望两极海上漂 The largest continental glacier other than the Arctic and Antarctic ones
恒古冰川堪融化 天外白云笑无常 Even ancient ice can melt one day What in life will forever stay
冰川有花真剔透 融水润物再轮回 Ice becomes water, to nourish all lives Through reincarnation, in another form it thrives
历经沧桑仍伟岸 岁月轮回又峥嵘 Witnessed countless changes Its integrity is still unchanged
越古恒今仍伟岸 沧桑风骨天地间 Standing erect after thousands of years
树大根深经风雨 开枝散叶越千年 Big trunk, deep roots, the elements withstood Innumerable branches record the years been through
阴阳同体千古妙 天地和合世代缘 Harmonious embodiment of Yin and Yang begets generations of good karma
铮铮铁骨经年月 春夏秋冬历沧桑 Stout trees having been through countless seasons
老树参天云作伴 日照当头树下荫 Only clouds can keep such a towering old tree company
古树不知年 新枝花竞放 Flowers blossom on new branches of an old tree
铁骨傲冰雪 禅心更护花 Unyielding branches and brave blossoms
岁月千年去 笃守不相离 Standing by each other for millennia
牵手春风里 醉闻桃花香 Charming fragrance of the spring peach blossoms
大山深处千古树 英魂转世看灵芝 Ganoderma growing on the trunk of an old tree
桃树千年因缘起 岁月流转又灵童 A thousand-year-old tree A bright young boy
不知年月何处去 只留风范天地间 Old trees——what were their younger years like?
只手撑起真傲骨 佛力加持薄云天 A single branch supports the unyielding body Buddha's blessings are the source of energy
游龙苍山过 峡谷起雄风 A dragon swimming by the mountains
恒古神山施圣水 淙淙流入我心田 A clear stream of water bestowed by the holy mountain
希夏邦玛云中坐 摘云化雾造冰河 Clouds turned into icy rivers by Shishapangma
法王殿前飘玉带 圣城当空瑞祥云 A jade belt lying before the sacred palace Auspicious clouds oversee the holy city
雅鲁藏布江 Yarlung Tsangpo River