


Virtual Reality Blueprints电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Charles Palmer,John Williamson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:25.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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Join the virtual reality revolution by creating immersive 3D games and applications with Cardboard VR, Gear VR, OculusVR, and HTC Vive About This Book ? Develop robust, immersive VR experiences that are easy on the eye. ? Code 3D games and applications using Unity 3D game engine. ? Learn the basic principles of virtual reality applications Who This Book Is For If you are a game developer and a VR enthusiast now looking to get stuck into the VR app development process by creating VR apps for different platforms, then this is the book for you. Familiarity with the Unity game engine and the C# language is key to getting the most from this book. What You Will Learn ? Use Unity assets to create object simulation. ? Implement simple touch controls in your application. ? Apply artificial intelligence to achieve player and character interaction. ? Add *s for movement, tracking, grasping, and spawning. ? Create animated walkthroughs, use 360-degree media, and build engaging VR experiences. ? Deploy your games on multiple VR platforms. In Detail Are you new to virtual reality? Do you want to create exciting interactive VR applications? There's no need to be daunted by the thought of creating interactive VR applications, it's much easier than you think with this hands-on, project-based guide that will take you through VR development essentials for desktop and mobile-based games and applications. Explore the three top platforms—Cardboard VR, Gear VR, and OculusVR —to design immersive experiences from scratch. You’ll start by understanding the science-fiction roots of virtual reality and then build your first VR experience using Cardboard VR. You'll then delve into user interactions in virtual space for the Google Cardboard then move on to creating a virtual gallery with Gear VR. Then you will learn all about virtual movements, state machines, and spawning while you shoot zombies in the Oculus Rift headset. Next, you'll construct a Carnival Midway, complete with two common games to entertain players. Along the way, you will explore the best practices for VR development, review game design tips, discuss methods for combating motion sickness and identify alternate uses for VR applications Style and approach A project-based guide with every project built across chapters.

Title Page

Title Page

Copyright and Credits

Copyright and Credits

Virtual Reality Blueprints

Virtual Reality Blueprints

Packt Upsell

Packt Upsell

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About the authors

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Who this book is for

Who this book is for

What this book covers

What this book covers

To get the most out of this book

To get the most out of this book

Download the example code files

Download the example code files

Download the color images

Download the color images

Conventions used

Conventions used

Get in touch

Get in touch



The Past, Present, and Future of VR

The Past, Present, and Future of VR

The history of virtual reality

The history of virtual reality

Through the looking glass

Through the looking glass

Making a static image dance

Making a static image dance

The bigger the better – panoramic paintings

The bigger the better – panoramic paintings

Stereoscopic viewers

Stereoscopic viewers

Why stop at just sight and sound? – Smell o' Vision and Sensorama

Why stop at just sight and sound? – Smell o' Vision and Sensorama

Link Trainers and Apollo

Link Trainers and Apollo

Interactivity and True HMDs

Interactivity and True HMDs

1960 – TelesphereMask

1960 – TelesphereMask

1961 – Headsight

1961 – Headsight

1968 – Teleyeglasses

1968 – Teleyeglasses

1965 – The Ultimate Display

1965 – The Ultimate Display

1968 – Sword of Damocles

1968 – Sword of Damocles

1968 – The mother of all demos

1968 – The mother of all demos

1969 – Virtual Cockpit/Helmet Mounted Sight

1969 – Virtual Cockpit/Helmet Mounted Sight

1969 – Artificial Reality

1969 – Artificial Reality

1995 – CAVE

1995 – CAVE

1987 – Virtual reality and VPL

1987 – Virtual reality and VPL

1989 – Nintendo Powerglove

1989 – Nintendo Powerglove

1990s – VR Explosion

1990s – VR Explosion

1991 – Virtuality Dactyl Nightmare

1991 – Virtuality Dactyl Nightmare

1993 – SEGA VR glasses

1993 – SEGA VR glasses

1995 – VRML – Virtual reality Markup Language

1995 – VRML – Virtual reality Markup Language

1995 – Nintendo Virtual Boy

1995 – Nintendo Virtual Boy

1995 – Hasbro Toaster

1995 – Hasbro Toaster

2013 – Oculus Rift

2013 – Oculus Rift

2014 – Google Cardboard

2014 – Google Cardboard

2015 – Samsung Gear VR

2015 – Samsung Gear VR

2018 – Magic Leap

2018 – Magic Leap



Building a Solar System for Google Cardboard

Building a Solar System for Google Cardboard

Platform setup

Platform setup

Google Cardboard setup

Google Cardboard setup

Setting up the Unity environment

Setting up the Unity environment

Building the TRAPPIST-1 System

Building the TRAPPIST-1 System

Building the application

Building the application

Android Instructions

Android Instructions

Building an Android application

Building an Android application

Invalid command Android error

Invalid command Android error

iOS Instructions

iOS Instructions

Preparing your Unity project for iOS

Preparing your Unity project for iOS

Building an iOS application

Building an iOS application



Building an Image Gallery System for the Gear VR

Building an Image Gallery System for the Gear VR

A virtual image gallery

A virtual image gallery

The Samsung Gear VR platform

The Samsung Gear VR platform

Process overview – Part 1

Process overview – Part 1

Getting started in VR

Getting started in VR

Prepping for VR

Prepping for VR

Acquiring the Oculus SDK package

Acquiring the Oculus SDK package

Constructing a panoramic skybox

Constructing a panoramic skybox

Creating the Gallery prefab

Creating the Gallery prefab

Optional custom fonts

Optional custom fonts

Building the galleries

Building the galleries

Creating the image display element (FullImage)

Creating the image display element (FullImage)

Creating a controller and a scene controller script

Creating a controller and a scene controller script

Creating a gallery prefab

Creating a gallery prefab



Adding User Interactions to the Virtual Gallery Project

Adding User Interactions to the Virtual Gallery Project

Facilitating user interaction

Facilitating user interaction



StandaloneInput module

StandaloneInput module

Image selector

Image selector

Setting touch control

Setting touch control

Creating feedback for the user

Creating feedback for the user

Scene controller

Scene controller

Image collection

Image collection

Adding imagery

Adding imagery

Use a highlight material as feedback

Use a highlight material as feedback

Assigning values

Assigning values

Finalizing user interaction

Finalizing user interaction

Using Event Triggers for user feedback

Using Event Triggers for user feedback

Building the application

Building the application

Creating an osig file

Creating an osig file

Preparing your Android device

Preparing your Android device

Building an Android application

Building an Android application



Fighting Zombies on the Oculus Rift

Fighting Zombies on the Oculus Rift

Playing with zombies

Playing with zombies

The Oculus Rift platform

The Oculus Rift platform

Process overview – Part 1

Process overview – Part 1

Setting up the Unity environment

Setting up the Unity environment

Creating the Player GameObject

Creating the Player GameObject

Graphic Raycaster

Graphic Raycaster

Adding a 3D camera

Adding a 3D camera

Building the game environment

Building the game environment

Constructing gameplay boundaries

Constructing gameplay boundaries

Setting the mood

Setting the mood

Creating spawn points

Creating spawn points

Optimizing the experience for VR

Optimizing the experience for VR

Frame rate is key to performance

Frame rate is key to performance

Reducing excessive scene geometry

Reducing excessive scene geometry

Removing unnecessary objects

Removing unnecessary objects

Using planes

Using planes

Occlusion culling

Occlusion culling



Creating the zombie prefab

Creating the zombie prefab

Animating the zombie assets

Animating the zombie assets

Adding transitions

Adding transitions



Scripting Zombies for the Oculus Rift

Scripting Zombies for the Oculus Rift

Scripting the zombies

Scripting the zombies

Summoning zombies

Summoning zombies

ZombieSpawner script

ZombieSpawner script

Controlling the zombie prefab

Controlling the zombie prefab

ZombieController script

ZombieController script

Fighting back

Fighting back

PlayerController script

PlayerController script

Update function

Update function

Shoot function

Shoot function

OnDrawGizmos function

OnDrawGizmos function

Testing the PlayerController

Testing the PlayerController

Targeting reticle cursor

Targeting reticle cursor

Setting the mood

Setting the mood

Building an executable

Building an executable



Expanding the experience

Expanding the experience

Carnival Midway Games — Part 1

Carnival Midway Games — Part 1

Recreating carnival games

Recreating carnival games



Special production note

Special production note



Process overview – Part 1

Process overview – Part 1

Preparing Unity for VR development on the Rift

Preparing Unity for VR development on the Rift

Loading the OVRP

Loading the OVRP

Setting up the project

Setting up the project

Creating the player avatar

Creating the player avatar

Designing the play area

Designing the play area

Building the game environment

Building the game environment

Building the game booth

Building the game booth

Adding 3D text

Adding 3D text

Creating the booth prefab

Creating the booth prefab

Planning the midway activities

Planning the midway activities

Adding clutter to the scene

Adding clutter to the scene

Combating VR sickness

Combating VR sickness

Eliminating non-forward motion

Eliminating non-forward motion

Consider adding UI overlays

Consider adding UI overlays

Reducing acceleration

Reducing acceleration

Reducing yaw

Reducing yaw

Reducing vection

Reducing vection

Using appropriate motions

Using appropriate motions

Implementing movement

Implementing movement

A gaze-based teleportation system

A gaze-based teleportation system

Mapping touch controller buttons

Mapping touch controller buttons

Deactivating stick movement [Optional]

Deactivating stick movement [Optional]

Making objects grabbable

Making objects grabbable



Carnival Midway Games — Part 2

Carnival Midway Games — Part 2

Backing up the project

Backing up the project

Local backup

Local backup

Unity Collaborate

Unity Collaborate

Software version control services

Software version control services

Midway booth games

Midway booth games

Wacky Mole props

Wacky Mole props

The GameTable

The GameTable

The mole

The mole

The Score Board

The Score Board

Crispy UI Text

Crispy UI Text

The mallet

The mallet

Animating the mole

Animating the mole

Building an animation state machine

Building an animation state machine

Scripting the mole asset

Scripting the mole asset

Scripting the mole game controller

Scripting the mole game controller

Finishing the Wacky Mole game

Finishing the Wacky Mole game

Milk Bottle Toss props

Milk Bottle Toss props

Game props

Game props

Scripting the Milk Bottle Toss game

Scripting the Milk Bottle Toss game

Building the application

Building the application

Expanding the game

Expanding the game



VR Hardware Roundup

VR Hardware Roundup

VR hardware roundup

VR hardware roundup

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard

Google Daydream

Google Daydream

Gear VR

Gear VR

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift







Headset costs

Headset costs

VR Terms and Definitions

VR Terms and Definitions

VR terms and definitions

VR terms and definitions

Primer of best practices

Primer of best practices





User interface and experience design

User interface and experience design

Motion sickness

Motion sickness

Motion sickness prevention, there is no cure

Motion sickness prevention, there is no cure

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