


Paris, City of Light: 1919–1939 (Text Only)电子书

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作       者:Vincent Cronin

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:64.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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In the early days of Cubism, when writers and painters led bohemian lives in Montmartre, a familiar figure in the studios and cafes was a young journalist named Roland Dorgelès. With high brow, long straight nose, lean face and steady blue eyes, smartly turned out, often in a long black coat with astrakhan collar, he was well liked for his cheerful manner, vein of poetry and adventurousness.Dorgelès came of petit bourgeois parents. The father, a travelling textile salesman, was often absent and did not get along with his wife, who transferred her affection to her only son without however becoming possessive. She gave him a Catholic upbringing and encouraged him to read good authors, his favourites being Molière and Courteline. After an unsuccessful spell at the Ecole des Arts décoratifs he decided on a literary career. He became a journalist of the Paris scene, had two short plays put on and indulged in light-hearted practical jokes: calling the fire brigade to extinguish a nonexistent fire in the flat of a rival in love and, on another occasion, to protest against the thick glass on certain paintings in the Louvre, installing himself in front of one such painting, producing razor, cream and brush, soaping his face and calmly shaving as though in front of a mirror.

Title Page




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1. From War to Peace

2. A New Hedonism

3. Men of Reason

4. The Feminine Touch

5. Enemies of Reason

6. The Search for Man’s Centre

7. Film

8. The Stage

9. Song and Dance

10. The English-speaking Enclave

11. Two Chevrons, a Ship and the Atom

12. Toilers for Peace

13. Defend and again Defend

14. The Russian Card

15. France Reflected

16. Poles Apart

17. The Rhineland Crisis

18. The Popular Front

19. Paddling over the Weir

20. Groping for Unity

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