


Red Clocks电子书

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作       者:Leni Zumas

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:32.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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‘Intense, beautifully crafted . . . Her talent is electric. Get ready for a shock’ Guardian FIVE WOMEN. ONE QUESTION: What is a woman for? In this ferociously imaginative novel, abortion is once again illegal in America, in-vitro fertilization is banned, and the Personhood Amendment grants rights of life, liberty, and property to every embryo. In a small Oregon fishing town, five very different women navigate these new barriers. Ro, a single high-school teacher, is trying to have a baby on her own, while also writing a biography of Eiv?r, a little-known 19th-century female polar explorer. Susan is a frustrated mother of two, trapped in a crumbling marriage. Mattie is the adopted daughter of doting parents and one of Ro's best students, who finds herself pregnant with nowhere to turn. And Gin is the gifted, forest-dwelling homeopath, or "mender," who brings all their fates together when she's arrested and put on trial in a frenzied modern-day witch hunt. RED CLOCKS is at once a riveting drama whose mysteries unfold with magnetic energy, and a shattering novel of ideas. With the verve of Naomi Alderman’s THE POWER and the prescient brilliance of THE HANDMAID’S TALE, Leni Zumas’ incredible new novel is fierce, fearless and frighteningly plausible.

Title Page





The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Wife

The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Wife

The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Wife

The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Wife

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Mender

The Wife

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Mender

The Wife

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Mender

The Wife

The Daughter

The Biographer

The Wife

The Mender

The Biographer

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Mender

The Wife

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Wife

The Mender

The Daughter

The Biographer

The Wife

The Mender

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Wife

The Mender

The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Biographer

The Daughter

The Wife

The Biographer

The Mender

The Daughter

The Biographer



About the Author

Also by Leni Zumas

About the Publisher

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