


The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France (Text Only)电子书

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作       者:R. J. Knecht

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:138.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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If one stands by the west wall of the church at Penmarc’h, by the Atlantic coast in south-west Brittany, one sees how this building was intended to be on a grand scale. Founded in 1508, it was to be paid for by the shipbuilders and shipowners of the parish, a testimony to their wealth as well as to their faith. The heads of three of them are depicted on the wall. Penmarc’h was then one of the most important and flourishing ports of France, sending ships south to Portugal and north to Britain, trading in fish and wine. It was natural that carvings of ships, fish, seagulls and sailors should decorate the church walls. But the great tower which was to crown the west wall was never completed. No statues were erected. Penmarc’h’s prosperity rapidly disappeared as the discovery of Newfoundland brought activity to the Normandy coast and as larger ships, some as large as 300 tons, took over the trade. The flat-bottomed boats of Penmarc’h, which were beached on the sand and on the river-beds, could not compete. Penmarc’h fell into obscurity, its only fame being its legends. A sad song tells how at night its people used to set up decoy lights to lure ships on to the rocks. One night they wrecked a ship only to discover that it had on board their own children, who drowned before their eyes.

Title Page




General Editor’s Introduction

A Note on Coinage and Measures

Map of France (1494)

Map of France (1585–98)


1: France in 1500

2: The Minority of Charles VIII and The Breton Marriage (1483–94)

3: Charles VIII and The Italian Wars (1494–8)

4: Louis XII, ‘Father of the People’ (1498–1515)

5: The Church in Crisis

6: Francis I: The First Decade (1515–25)

7: The New Learning and Heresy (1483–1525)

8: Defeat, Captivity and Restoration (1525–7)

9: War and Peace (1527–38)

10: The Court and Patronage of Francis I

11: Francis I: The Last Decade (1537–47)

12: The Absolutism of Francis I

13: Henry II, the Victor of Metz (1547–52)

14: The Arts and Literature Under Henry II

15: Henry II: The Tragic Peace (1553–9)

16: France Overseas

17: The Mid-Century Crisis

18: The Failure of Conciliation (1559–62)

19: The First Civil War (1562–3)

20: The Fragile Peace (1563–6)

21: The Second and Third Civil Wars (1566–70)

22: The St Bartholomew’s Day Massacres (1572)

23: Literary Responses

24: Fraternal Discord (1573–83)

25: Henry III and his Court

26: The Catholic League (1584–92)

27: The Triumph of Henry IV (1593–1610)






About the Author

The Fontana History Series

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