


Expert GeoServer电子书

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作       者:Ben Mearns

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:13.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Explore TensorFlow's capabilities to perform efficient deep learning on images Key Features *Discover image processing for machine vision *Build an effective image classification system using the power of CNNs *Leverage TensorFlow’s capabilities to perform efficient deep learning Book Description TensorFlow is Google’s popular offering for machine learning and deep learning, quickly becoming a favorite tool for performing fast, efficient, and accurate deep learning tasks. Hands-On Deep Learning for Images with TensorFlow shows you the practical implementations of real-world projects, teaching you how to leverage TensorFlow’s capabilities to perform efficient image processing using the power of deep learning. With the help of this book, you will get to grips with the different paradigms of performing deep learning such as deep neural nets and convolutional neural networks, followed by understanding how they can be implemented using TensorFlow. By the end of this book, you will have mastered all the concepts of deep learning and their implementation with TensorFlow and Keras. What you will learn *Build machine learning models particularly focused on the MNIST digits *Work with Docker and Keras to build an image classifier *Understand natural language models to process text and images *Prepare your dataset for machine learning *Create classical, convolutional, and deep neural networks *Create a RESTful image classification server Who this book is for Hands-On Deep Learning for Images with TensorFlow is for you if you are an application developer, data scientist, or machine learning practitioner looking to integrate machine learning into application software and master deep learning by implementing practical projects in TensorFlow. Knowledge of Python programming and basics of deep learning are required to get the best out of this book.

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Expert GeoServer

Packt Upsell

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Developing a Spatial Analysis Platform with WPS

Installing and learning the basics of WPS

WPS request builder

Process chaining

OpenLayers integration


Speed Up Your App with Tile Caching

Tile caching basics

Configuring tile caching in GeoServer

Creating a tile-backed OL app

Using the tile cache

Resolving problems with tile caching


Optimizing GeoServer

Resolving bottlenecks

Optimizing vector data stores

Vector data formats

Optimizing raster data stores


Clustered deployment


Secure Authentication

Configuring the proxy

HTTPS with TLS and certificates

GeoServer authentication

Secure login from OL


Putting it into Production

Hosting your GeoServer instance and app

Monitoring the GeoServer instance

Backup and recovery

Production checklist

References and credentials

Locking down

Regular maintenance



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