


Voice User Interface Projects电子书

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作       者:Henry Lee

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:33.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build optimized applications in Kotlin by learning how to make use of the standard library features the smart way Key Features *Get the most out of the Kotlin library to develop high-quality portable applications *Explore the powerful support for data processing and I/O operations *Discover ways to enhance your Android application development Book Description Given the verbosity of Java, developers have turned to Kotlin for effective software development. The Kotlin standard library provides vital tools that make day-to-day Kotlin programming easier. This library features the core attributes of the language, such as algorithmic problems, design patterns, data processing, and working with files and data streams. The recipes in this book offer coding solutions that can be readily executed. The book covers various topics related to data processing, I/O operations, and collections transformation. We'll walk through effective design patterns in Kotlin and you'll understand how coroutines add new features to JavaScript. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll learn how to implement clean, reusable functions and scalable interfaces containing default implementations. In the concluding chapters, we'll provide recipes on functional programming concepts, such as lambdas, monads, functors, and Kotlin scoping functions. By the end of the book, you'll be able to address a range of problems that Kotlin developers face by implementing easy-to-follow solutions. What you will learn *Work with ranges, progressions, and sequences in use cases *Add new functionalities to current classes with Kotlin extensions *Understand elements such as lambdas, closures, and monads *Build a REST API consumer with Retrofit and a coroutine adapter *Discover useful tips and solutions for making your Android projects *Explore the benefits of standard library features Who this book is for This book is for software developers who are familiar with Kotlin’s basics and want to discover more advanced features and concepts, especially those provided by the Kotlin standard library. It’s also ideal for experienced software developers who are familiar with the functional programming paradigm and other programming languages who want to switch to Kotlin. It will also help Java developers switch to Kotlin and integrate it into existing Java Virtual Machine (JVM) projects.

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Voice User Interface Projects


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Technological advancement of VUIs

First-generation VUIs

Boom of VUIs

History of VUIs on mobile devices

History of VUIs for Google Home

History of VUIs in cars

Basic design fundamentals of VUIs

What are VUIs and why are they important?

Role of NLP in VUIs

VUI design platforms

Principles of conversation

Turn taking



Verbal confirmation

Visual confirmation

Error handling

Session awareness

Providing help

Response time


Voice-enabled applications

Home assistant devices

Automobile virtual assistant devices


Future of VUIs


Building an FAQs Chatbot

Why an FAQs chatbot?

Introduction to Dialogflow

Setting up a Dialogflow account

Creating your first agent

About an FAQs chatbot

What are intents?

Creating your first intent

What are entities?

Using entities

Using JSON to create entities

About action

What is context?

Creating your first context

No context

Testing context and no context scenarios

What is Google Assistant?

Installing Google Assistant on iPhone and Android

Configuring Google Assistant on Android and iPhone

Deploying FaqChatBot to Google Assistant

Configuring FaqChatBot

Machine learning in Dialogflow

Machine learning classification threshold

Training data


Building a Fortune Cookie Application

About the Fortune Cookie project

About webhook

Installing Visual Studio Code

Setting up an agent

Checking security and the service account

Enabling webhook

Deploying and testing webhook

Working with logs

Building Fortune Cookie VUIs

Building a Get Quote intent

Handling the Get Quote intent from the Webhook

Building a Get Quote based on the user feelings

Building a Feeling entity

Building events to get Feeling-based quotes

Building a Custom Welcome intent

Building a get feeling custom follow-up intent

Writing code for a feeling custom follow-up intent

Building a Get Fortune Cookie by an author

Building an Author entity

About rich response

Creating a text response

Creating an image response

Creating quick replies

Creating a card response

Creating a listSelect response

Building a Get Authors intent

Building a listSelect response in code

Building a Get Author Quote intent

Building a Get Author Quote intent's webhook

SSML and audio integration

Integrating SSML and audio to Default Welcome intent

Testing the default welcome intent SSML and audio sound

Using Analytics


Hosting, Securing, and Testing Fortune Cookie in the Cloud

What is the Microsoft Azure cloud platform?

Fortune Cookie architectural topology in Microsoft Azure

Deploying a Fortune Cookie webhook to Microsoft Azure

Updating Fortune Cookie's Node.js webhook code

Testing a webhook locally

Creating a web.config to run Node.js in Microsoft Azure

Creating Microsoft Azure App Service to host a Node.js webhook

Configuring Dialogflow webhook

Securing the Node.js webhook for Dialogflow

Storing Quotes in Cosmos DB

Creating Cosmos DB

Importing the Fortune Cookie quotes

Updating the Node.js webhook to use Cosmos DB

Installing a new component on Microsoft Node.js

Managing the Microsoft Azure Node.js service

Creating a backup of the service

Scaling up or scaling out

Managing Cosmos DB

Scaling out Cosmos DB

Geo-replicating Cosmos DB

Creating end-to-end tests using the Dialogflow client SDK

Setting up the Dialogflow client SDK

Enabling the Dialogflow API for Fortune Cookie

Creating a test script using the Dialogflow client SDK


Deploying the Fortune Cookie App for Google Home

Setting up Google Home for the first time

Learning about Google Home's features

Adding a home control device to Google Home

Deploying Fortune Cookie to Google Home

Certifying an application for the marketplace

Learning about general guidelines


Building a Cooking Application Using Alexa

Introducing the ASK

Building a Henry's Kitchen Alexa skill

Setting up the ASK development environment

Creating an Alexa skill

Creating wake up words

Building slots

Building intents

Building utterances

Creating a web service endpoint to handle skill requests

Deploying and debugging the web service endpoint

Configuring and testing the endpoint in the Alexa console

Debugging the endpoint locally

Working with Amazon Echo

Setting up and testing in Amazon Echo

Viewing history in Amazon Echo

Backing up the Alexa skill


Using Advanced Alexa Features for the Cooking App

Logging application events and data

Setting up an Azure Blob storage

Setting up application logging in the cooking application

About dialog interfaces

Building GetCookingIntent dialog models

Handling the GetCookingIntent dialog model in code

Deploying and testing the GetCookingIntent dialog model

Working with built-in Intents

About dialog states

Coding the state management

Submitting cooking app to Amazon marketplace


Migrating the Alexa Cooking Application to Google Home

Comparing an Alexa Skills Kit and Dialogflow agent

Comparing an Alexa Skill to a Dialogflow agent

Comparing intent

Comparing slots to entities

Converting the Henry's Kitchen Alexa Skill to Dialogflow

Creating the agent

Converting slots to entities

Converting Alexa intents to Dialogflow intents

Enabling a webhook

Creating a webhook to handle Dialogflow

What code is reused?

Setting up a Dialogflow router

Setting up a Dialogflow webhook entry point

Refactoring the BuildGetCookingInstruction function

Refactoring the GetOffset function

Deploying and testing Henry's Kitchen


Building a Voice-Enabled Podcast for the Car

Learning about Xamarin

Setting up the development environment

Creating a new Xamarin project

Setting up the Xamarin project for Android Auto

Building Android Auto MyPodCast

Building MusicService

Implementing MusicService (Android MediaBrowserService)

Implementing MusicPlayer

Building MusicProvider

Building an Android Media Player UI

Testing Using Android Phone


Hosting and Enhancing the Android Auto Podcast

Enhancing a MusicProvider

Creating a Node.js backend server

Creating and adding the podcasts to the Microsoft Azure blob storage

Refactoring the GetSource() method in MusicProvider

Testing Android Auto using the Desktop-Header unit

Testing the Podcast's Application in the Car

Basic Voice Commands

Certifying Android Auto


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