


Echo Quick Start Guide电子书

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作       者:J. Ben Huson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:17.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Echo is a leading framework for creating web applications with the Go language. This book will show you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Echo. About This Book ? The easiest way to learn how to build web apps with Echo ? Build a full working project ? For Go developers with only basic web development knowledge required Who This Book Is For You will need to know the basics of the Go language, and the general concepts of web development. What You Will Learn ? Key design considerations for high performance Echo applications ? How Echo handles routing ? How context is managed through the lifetime of the request and response pipeline ? Decrease complexity of your apps by developing middleware functions ? Interact with the request through request data bindings ? Interact with the response through response data renderings within the framework ? Use Echo's logging and error handling facilities ? Render Go templates within Echo to allow for server side rendering of content In Detail Echo is a leading framework for creating web applications with the Go language.? This book will show you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Echo.? After a thorough understanding of the basics, you'll be introduced to all the concepts for a building real-world web system with Echo. You will start with the the Go HTTP standard library, and setting up your work environment. You will move on to Echo handlers, group routing, data binding, and middleware processing. After that, you will learn how to test your Go application and use templates.? By the end of this book you will be able to build your very own high performance apps using Echo. A Quick Start Guide is a focussed, shorter title which provides a faster paced introduction to a technology. They are for people who don’t need all the detail at this point in their learning curve. The presentation has been streamlined to concentrate on the things you really need to know, rather than everything. Style and approach This book creates a working example of a web application written with the Echo framework, and shows you enough of Echo to give context for a developer to bootstrap a high performance web application with the smallest amount of development time.

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Echo Quick Start Guide


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Understanding HTTP, Go, and Echo

Technical requirements

HTTP basics

HTTP request

HTTP response

Go HTTP handlers

Go HTTP web server

Reasons for a framework

Setting up the environment

Setting up Echo


Developing Echo Projects

Technical requirements

Setting up a project in echo and organizing code

Implementing a project

Dependency management

Routing and handlers




Custom middleware



Exploring Routing Capabilities

Technical requirements

Basic handler routing

Adding routes

How Echo routing works

Group routing

Router implementation considerations

In action


Implementing Middleware

Technical requirements

Basics of middleware processing

Middleware chaining

Creating custom middleware

In action


Utilizing the Request Context and Data Bindings

Technical requirements

Maintaining context

Globally requesting context mapping

The new handler function type

Hiding context within a request

Post Go 1.7

Echo context

Request binding

Response rendering



Performing Logging and Error Handling

Technical requirements


Echo's Logger interface

Log levels

Logger middleware

Error handling

Handling application panics


Testing Applications

Technical requirements

Types of testing

Unit testing

Benchmark testing

Behavior testing

Integration testing

Security testing

Unit testing middleware and handler code

Benchmark testing web applications

External behavior and integration testing


Providing Templates and Static Content

Technical requirements

Serving static files

Template basics

Templates within Echo

Calling Echo from templates


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