


AWS Administration - The Definitive Guide - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Yohan Wadia

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:41.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Leverage this step-by-step guide to build a highly secure, fault-tolerant, and scalable Cloud environment About This Book ? Learn how to leverage various Amazon Web Services (AWS) components and services to build a secure, reliable, and robust environment to host your applications on. ? Delve into core AWS service offerings with hands-on tutorials, real-world use case scenarios, and best practices. ? A self-paced, systematic, and step-by-step guide to learning and implementing AWS in your own environment. Who This Book Is For This book is for those who want to learn and leverage the rich plethora of services provided by AWS. Although no prior experience with AWS is required, it is recommended that you have some hands-on experience of Linux, Web Services, and basic networking. What You Will Learn ? Take an in-depth look at what's new with AWS, along with how to effectively manage and automate your EC2 infrastructure with AWS Systems Manager ? Deploy and scale your applications with ease using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Amazon Elastic File System ? Secure and govern your environments using AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and AWS Shield ? Learn the DevOps way using a combination of AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline ? Run big data analytics and workloads using Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift ? Learn to back up and safeguard your data using AWS Data Pipeline ? Get started with the Internet of Things using AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass In Detail Many businesses are moving from traditional data centers to AWS because of its reliability, vast service offerings, lower costs, and high rate of innovation. AWS can be used to accomplish a variety of both simple and tedious tasks. Whether you are a seasoned system admin or a rookie, this book will help you to learn all the skills you need to work with the AWS cloud. This book guides you through some of the most popular AWS services, such as EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, EFS, CloudTrail, Redshift, EMR, Data Pipeline, and IoT using a simple, real-world, application-hosting example. This book will also enhance your application delivery skills with the latest AWS services, such as CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline, to provide continuous delivery and deployment, while also securing and monitoring your environment's workflow. Each chapter is designed to provide you with maximal information about each AWS service, coupled with easy to follow, hands-on steps, best practices, tips, and recommendations. By the end of the book, you will be able to create a highly secure, fault-tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on. Style and approach This in-depth and insightful guide is filled with easy-to-follow examples, real-world use cases, best practices, and recommendations that will help you design and leverage some of the most commonly used AWS services.

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AWS Administration – The Definitive Guide Second Edition

Packt Upsell

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What's New in AWS?

Improvements in existing services

Elastic Compute Cloud

Availability of FPGAs and GPUs

Simple Storage Service

Virtual Private Cloud


Elastic Load Balancer

Introduction of newer services

Plan of attack!


Managing EC2 with Systems Manager

Introducing EC2 Systems Manager

Getting started with the SSM agent

Configuring IAM Roles and policies for SSM

Installing the SSM agent

Configuring the SSM agent to stream logs to CloudWatch

Introducing Run Command

Working with State Manager

Simplifying instance maintenance using System Manager Automation

Working with automation documents

Patching instances using automation

Triggering automation using CloudWatch schedules and events

Managing instance patches using patch baseline and compliance

Getting started with Inventory Management

Planning your next steps


Introducing Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic File System

Introducing Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Concepts and terminologies

Getting started with Elastic Beanstalk

Creating the Dev environment

Working with the Elastic Beanstalk CLI

Understanding the environment dashboard

Cloning environments

Configuring the production environment

Introducing Amazon Elastic File System

How does it work?

Creating an Elastic File System

Extending EFS to Elastic Beanstalk

Planning your next steps


Securing Workloads Using AWS WAF

Introducing AWS Web Application Firewall

Concepts and terminologies

Getting started with WAF

Creating the web ACL

Creating the conditions

Creating rules

Assigning a WAF Web ACL to CloudFront distributions

Working with SQL injection and cross-site scripting conditions

Automating WAF Web ACL deployments using CloudFormation

Monitoring WAF using CloudWatch

Planning your next steps

Introduction to AWS Shield


Governing Your Environments Using AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config

Introducing AWS CloudTrail

Working with AWS CloudTrail

Creating your first CloudTrail Trail

Viewing and filtering captured CloudTrail Logs and Events

Modifying a CloudTrail Trail using the AWS CLI

Monitoring CloudTrail Logs using CloudWatch

Creating custom metric filters and alarms for monitoring CloudTrail Logs

Automating deployment of CloudWatch alarms for AWS CloudTrail

Analyzing CloudTrail Logs using Amazon Elasticsearch

Introducing AWS Config

Concepts and terminologies

Getting started with AWS Config

Creating custom config rules

Tips and best practices


Access Control Using AWS IAM and AWS Organizations

What's new with AWS IAM

Using the visual editor to create IAM policies

Testing IAM policies using the IAM Policy Simulator

Introducing AWS Organizations

Getting started with AWS Organizations

Planning your next steps


Transforming Application Development Using the AWS Code Suite

Understanding the AWS Code Suite

Getting Started with AWS CodeCommit

Working with branches, commits, and triggers

Introducing AWS CodeDeploy

Concepts and terminologies

Installing and configuring the CodeDeploy agent

Setting up the AppSpec file

Creating a CodeDeploy application and deployment group

Introducing AWS CodePipeline

Creating your own continuous delivery pipeline

Putting it all together

Planning your next steps


Messaging in the Cloud Using Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS

Understanding the AWS messaging services

Getting started with Amazon Simple Notification Service

Sending text messages using SNS

Using Amazon SNS as triggers

Monitoring Amazon SNS using Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Introducing Amazon Simple Queue Service

Creating your first queue

Creating a FIFO queue using the AWS CLI

Integrating Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS

Planning your next steps


Powering Analytics Using Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift

Understanding the AWS analytics suite of services

Introducing Amazon EMR

Concepts and terminologies

Getting started with Amazon EMR

Connecting to your EMR cluster

Running a job on the cluster

Monitoring EMR clusters

Introducing Amazon Redshift

Getting started with Amazon Redshift

Connecting to your Redshift cluster

Working with Redshift databases and tables

Planning your next steps


Orchestrating Data using AWS Data Pipeline

Introducing AWS Data Pipeline

Getting started with AWS Data Pipeline

Working with data pipeline definition Files

Executing remote commands using AWS Data Pipeline

Backing up data using AWS Data Pipeline

Planning your next steps


Connecting the World with AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass

IoT – what is it?

Introducing the AWS IoT suite of services

Getting started with AWS IoT Core

Connecting a device to AWS IoT Core

Getting started with AWS IoT Device SDK

Working with IoT rules

Introducing AWS Greengrass

Connecting a device to Greengrass Core

Running Lambda functions on AWS Greengrass

Monitoring AWS IoT devices and services


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