★所有阅读材料均选自《格林童话》《安徒生童话》,加以改编,篇幅适中,适合阅读。 ★按照《英语课程标准》,为3年级小学生配备相应的阅读材料。 ★对于生僻单词和词组,随文配有解释。 ★阅读材料中的难、重和疑,文后配有讲解。 ★设置测试题,以检验小学生对阅读材料的理解。 ★特聘外籍教师录制音频,发音纯正,语速适中。可扫码获取音频和译文。
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1 The Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)
2 The Turtledove and the Owl (斑鸠和猫头鹰)
3 The Pig and the Watermelon (小猪和西瓜)
4 The Bremen Town Musicians (不来梅镇的乐师)
5 Lean Lisa(瘦子丽莎)
6 Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽)
7 The Owl(猫头鹰)
8 The Ice Maiden (冰姑娘)
9 The Wedding of Mrs. Fox (狐狸太太的婚礼)
10 The Aged Mother(老妈妈)
11 The Peasant in Heaven (天堂里的农夫)
12 The Sole(比目鱼)
13 The Star-Money(星币)
14 The House of 1000 Mirrors (千镜屋)
15 King Thrushbeard (画眉嘴国王)
16 The Windmill (风车)
17 The Dog and the Sparrow (狗和麻雀)
18 The Thief and His Master (小偷和师傅)
19 Jorinda and Jorindel (约琳德和约林德)
20 The Wolf and the Man (狼和人)
21 Hans in Luck 1 (幸运的汉斯1)
22 Hans in Luck 2 (幸运的汉斯2)
23 Old Hildebrand (老希尔德布兰德)
24 The Old Man and His Grandson (爷爷和孙子)
25 Hans Married (汉斯结婚)
26 Bearskin (熊皮人)
27 Sweet Porridge (香甜的米粥)
28 The Shroud (小寿衣)
29 The Blue Light (蓝灯)
30 Grandmother (祖母)
31 Five Out of One Pod (一个豆荚里的五粒豆)
32 The Flax (亚麻)
33 The Bell (钟声)
34 The Old Gravestone (老墓碑)
35 Strong Hans (壮士汉斯)
36 Knoist and His Three Sons (克诺衣斯特和他的三个儿子)
37 The Peasant and the Devil (农夫与魔鬼)
38 Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful (忠实的费尔南德和不忠实 的费尔南德)
39 The Fir Tree 1(枞树1)
40 The Fir Tree 2(枞树2)
41 A Golden Key(金钥匙)
42 Donkey Cabbages(菜驴)
43 The Flail from Heaven (天堂的连枷)
44 The Maid of Brakel (布拉克姑娘)
45 Brides on Their Trial(挑媳妇)
46 The Ungrateful Son (不孝之子)
47 The Old Man Made Young Again(返老还童)
48 The Old Beggar-Woman (要饭的老婆婆)
49 The Three Sluggards (三个懒汉)
50 The Story of Pure Land (极乐世界的童话)
51 The Incredible Tale of Wonders (令人难以置信的童话)
52 The Elves 1(小精灵1)
53 The Elves 2(小精灵2)
54 Frau Trude(特鲁德夫人)
55 Sharing Joy and Sorrow (同甘共苦)
56 The Little Elf and the Lady (小精灵和太太)
57 The Saucy Boy (调皮的男孩)
58 The Tailor in Heaven (裁缝在天国)
59 The Louse and the Flea (小虱子和小跳蚤)
60 Gift of the Dwarfs (小矮人的礼物)