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作       者:中国寰球工程有限公司 编

出  版  社:化学工业出版社


字       数:57.8万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 一般工业技术



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本书以炼油、化工、石油化工、煤化工、LNG等行业词汇为主要内容,广泛收集了工艺、系统、环保、安全、设备、蒸汽动力系统、转动机器、管道、仪表、电气、分析、实验室、焊、无损检验、土建、施工机具等工程建设中常用的词汇。全书共分15部分,约20000条词汇,内容按专业分类,以图形示例,英中文对照编排,书末附有词条索引,便于检索。 本书可供化工设计、施工、科研、教学等领域的科技工作者使用。  <br/>【作者】<br/>无<br/>





1 工艺及公用工程 Process and Utilities

1.1 工艺流程图图例说明 Process Flow Diagram/Legent Identification

1.1.1 物料代号 Line Service(Fluid)Identification

1.1.2 在仪表符号中字母标志的意义 Meanings of Identification Letters in

Instrument Symbols

1.1.3 管道图例 Piping Symbols

1.1.4 绘图示例——氨库装置 Illustrative Drawing—Ammonia Storage Facility

1.2 工艺装置典型工艺流程图 Typical Process Unit Flow Diagram

1.2.1 炼厂流程框图,润滑油型 Refining Block Diagram,Lube Type

1.2.2 炼化一体化流程框图,炼油部分 Refining Chemical Complex Block Diagram,Refining Part

1.2.3 炼化一体化流程框图,化工部分 Refining Chemical Complex Block Diagram,Chemical Part

1.2.4 合成氨装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Ammonia Plant

1.2.5 尿素装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Urea Plant

1.2.6 乙烯装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram For Ethylene Plant

1.2.7 线性低密度聚乙烯装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for LLDPE Plant

1.2.8 管式法低密度聚乙烯/乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for L-Tubular DPE/EVA Plant

1.2.9 聚丙烯装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Polypropylene Plant

1.2.10 聚氯乙烯装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride)Plant

1.2.11 环氧乙烷/乙二醇装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycol Plant

1.2.12 合成气制乙二醇装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Syngas to Ethylene Glycol Plant

1.2.13 天然气液化装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant

1.2.14 液化天然气接收站工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG)Receiving Terminal

1.2.15 MTO装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Methanol to Olefin(MTO)

1.2.16 MTP工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Methanol to Propylene

1.2.17 丙烷脱氢装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Propane Dehydrogenation(PDH)Plant

1.2.18 煤气化工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Coal Gasification

1.2.19 煤制油工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Coal to Oil Plant

1.2.20 煤制甲醇工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Coal to Methanol

1.2.21 低温甲醇洗工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Rectisol

1.2.22 精对苯二甲酸装置(PTA)工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for PTA Plant

1.2.23 苯乙烯/环氧丙烷(SM/PO)装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for SM/PO Plant

1.2.24 聚醚多元醇装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Polyether Polyol Plant

1.3 公用工程典型工艺流程图 Typical Utility Flow Diagram

1.3.1 空分空压装置工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Air Separation Unit and Compressed Air“Station”

1.3.2 循环冷却水工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Recirculating Cooling Water System

1.3.3 净水场工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Raw Water Treatment Plant

1.3.4 储运系统工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Storage and

Transportation System

1.3.5 离子交换除盐水系统工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Demineralized Water System(Ion Exchanger System)

1.3.6 污水处理工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Waste Water Treatment System

1.3.7 含盐废水处理装置流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Salty Waste Water Treatment Unit

1.3.8 浓盐水蒸发系统流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Brine Water Evaporation System

1.3.9 浓盐水结晶系统流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Brine Water Crystallization System

1.3.10 反渗透除盐水工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Demineralized Water System(Reverse Osmosis System)

1.3.11 锅炉房系统工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Boiler House

1.3.12 热电站系统工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram for Thermal and

Power Station

1.3.13 物料处理系统典型工艺流程图 Typical Process Flow Diagram for

Material Handling System

1.4 工艺流程模拟计算 Process Flowsheet Simulation

1.4.1 工艺流程图 Process Flowsheet

1.4.2 热力学模型 Thermodynamic Model

1.4.3 模型修正 Model Modify

1.4.4 用户输入 User Input

1.4.5 石油馏分数据 Petroleum Component Data

1.4.6 蒸馏塔 Distillation Column

1.4.7 尺寸设计和校核 Sizing and Rating

1.4.8 收敛数据 Convergence Data

1.4.9 优化 Optimization

1.4.10 流程收敛 Flowsheet Convergence

1.4.11 用户定义 User Interface

1.4.12 结果汇总 Result Summary

1.4.13 设置选项 Setup Option

1.4.14 用户定制模拟程序 Customizing Simulation Engine

1.4.15 塔内件 Column Internals

1.4.16 负荷性能图 Hydraulic Plots

1.4.17 流动场分析 Computational Fluid Dynamics

2 环境保护 Environmental Protection

2.1 化工企业排放的主要污染物 Pollutants Discharged by Chemical Industrial Enterprise

2.1.1 废气污染物 Waste Gas Pollutants

2.1.2 废水污染物 Waste Water Pollutants

2.1.3 固体废弃物 Waste Solid

2.1.4 其他 Others

2.2 环境质量 Environmental Quality

2.2.1 环境空气质量 Ambient Environmental Quality

2.2.2 地表水环境质量 Surface Water Environmental Quality

2.2.3 声环境质量 Noise Environmental Quality

2.2.4 其他 Others

2.3 化工企业三废污染控制 Chemical Industrial Enterprise Wastes Pollution Control

2.3.1 大气污染控制 Air Pollution Control

2.3.2 工艺废水污染控制 Process Wastewater Pollution Control

2.3.3 固体废物污染控制 Waste Solid Pollution Control

2.3.4 噪声污染控制 Noise Pollution Control

2.4 大气污染物扩散 Air Pollutant Dispersion

2.4.1 烟羽形态 The Shapes of Stack Plumes

2.4.2 局地环流对大气污染的影响 Effects of Atmospheric Circulation in

Localized Areas on Air Pollution

2.5 固体废弃物处理 Waste Solid Treatment

2.5.1 安全填埋场 Security Landfill Disposal Site

2.5.2 焚烧厂 Incineration Plant

2.6 污染物治理措施 Pollution Control Facility

2.6.1 废气治理措施 Waste Gas Treatment

2.6.2 多效蒸发系统 Multi-effect Evaporation System

2.6.3 重点污染防治区防渗结构图示 Special Important Pollution Prevention and Control Area Penetration Prevention Structure Diagram

2.6.4 噪声控制措施 Noise Control Facility

3 消防、安全和职业卫生 Fire Fighting,Safety and Occupational Health

3.1 消防系统流程图 Flow Diagram of Fire Fighting System

3.1.1 水喷淋典型流程图 Typical Flow Diagram of Water Sprinkler System

3.1.2 泡沫消防典型流程图 Typical Flow Diagram of Foam Extinguishing System

3.1.3 气体灭火系统典型流程图 Typical Flow Diagram of Gas Extinguishing


3.1.4 干粉灭火系统典型流程图 Typical Flow Diagram of Dry Chemical

Extinguishing System

3.2 消防设备 Fire Fighting Equipment

3.2.1 消防车 Fire Truck

3.2.2 消防泵 Fire Pump

3.2.3 泡沫灭火设备 Foam Extinguishing Equipment

3.2.4 消火栓 Fire Hydrant

3.2.5 消防水泵接合器 Fire Pump Connection

3.2.6 消防水炮 Fire Water Monitor

3.2.7 电控消防水炮 Electric Monitor

3.2.8 消防接口和闷盖 Fire Quick Coupling and Cap

3.2.9 灭火器 Fire Extinguisher

3.2.10 消防水带 Fire Hose

3.2.11 灭火剂 Fire Extinguishing Agent

3.3 安全设备 Safety Equipment

3.3.1 呼吸器 Breathing Apparatus

3.3.2 防护服 Chemical Suit

3.3.3 其他安全设备 Other Safety Equipment

4 成套设备 Package Equipment

4.1 空分设备 Air Separation Unit

4.1.1 冷箱 Cold Box

4.1.2 变压吸附制氮装置/真空变压吸附制氧装置 PSA Nitrogen Generation Unit/VPSA Oxygen Generation Unit

4.1.3 膜分离制氮装置 Membrane Module Nitrogen Generation Unit

4.2 制冷机 Refrigerator

4.2.1 制冷装置 Refrigeration Unit

4.2.2 辅助设备 Auxiliary Equipments

4.3 低温冷箱 Cryogenic Cold Box

4.3.1 CO分离 CO Separation

4.3.2 液氮洗 Nitrogen Wash

4.4 冷却塔 Cooling Towers

4.4.1 自然通风冷却塔 Natural Draft Cooling Tower

4.4.2 横流冷却塔 Crossflow Cooling Tower

4.4.3 逆流冷却塔 Counterflow Cooling Tower

4.5 过滤器 Filter

4.5.1 压力过滤器 Pressure Filter

4.5.2 重力无阀过滤器 Gravity Valveless Filter

4.6 双室浮动阳(阴)离子交换器 Double Chamber Floating Cation(Anion)Exchanger

4.7 逆流再生阳(阴)离子交换器 Countercurrent Regeneration Cation(Anion)Exchanger

4.8 顺流再生阳(阴)离子交换器 Concurrent Regeneration Cation(Anion) Exchanger

4.9 混合离子交换器 Mixed Ion Exchanger

4.10 反渗透膜元件 Reverse Osmosis Membrane

4.11 脱气塔 Degassing Tower

4.12 微孔曝气器 Fine Bubble Diffusion Aerator

4.13 转刷曝气机 Brush Aerator

4.14 表面曝气机 Surface Aerator

4.15 火炬 Flare Stacks

4.15.1 火炬系统 Flare System

4.15.2 火炬头 Flare Tip

4.15.3 地面火炬 Multi-point Ground Flare

4.16 输送机和提升机 Conveyor and Elevator

4.16.1 带式输送机 Belt(Band)Conveyor

4.16.2 垂直提升(输送)机 Vertical Elevator(Conveyor)

4.16.3 埋刮板式输送机 En Masse Conveyor

4.16.4 螺旋输送机 Screw Conveyor

4.16.5 辊子输送机 Roller Conveyor

4.16.6 吊挂式链输送机和振动输送机 Chain Trolley Conveyor and Vibrating


4.16.7 气力输送机系统 Pneumatic Conveying System

4.17 破碎和筛分设备 Crushing and Screening Equipment

4.17.1 颚式冲击破碎机 Impact Jaw Crusher

4.17.2 颚式破碎机 Jaw Crusher

4.17.3 回转球形破碎机 Gyrasphere Crusher

4.17.4 盘式回转破碎机 Tray Type Gyratory Crusher

4.17.5 液压锥形破碎机和冲击破碎机(叶片破碎机) Hydraulic Cone Crusher and Impact Crusher(Impeller Breaker)

4.17.6 辊子粉碎机 Roller Mill

4.17.7 双轴锤式破碎机 Double Shaft Hammer Mill

4.17.8 磨机 Mill

4.17.9 干燥粉磨机 Dryer-Pulveriser

4.17.10 返混设备布置 Layout of Back Mixing Equipment

4.17.11 振动筛 Vibrating Screen

4.17.12 分级机 Classifiers

4.18 料仓、料斗与阀门 Storage Bin,Hopper and Valve

4.18.1 筒仓 Silo (见左下图)

4.18.2 重力式掺混仓 Gravity Blending Silo (见右下图)

4.18.3 料斗与溜槽 Hopper and Chute

4.18.4 气动粉体插板阀 Pneumatic Slide Valve

4.18.5 手动粉体插板阀 Manual Slide Valve

4.18.6 粉体重力换向阀 Gravity Flow Diverter

4.18.7 气动翻板换向阀 Pneumatic Flap Diverter

4.18.8 气动转子换向阀 Pneumatic Rotary Diverter

4.18.9 粉体旋转给料阀 Rotary(Feeder)Valve

4.19 给料、称重、包装及码垛设备 Feeding,Weighing,Bagging

and Palletizing Machine

4.19.1 振动给料机 Vibrating Feeder

4.19.2 电振动给料机 Electric Vibrating Feeder

4.19.3 板式给料机 Apron Feeder

4.19.4 (粉末)均匀自动给料机 Smooth Auto-Feeder

4.19.5 带式计量秤 Dosing Belt Weigher

4.19.6 定量给料秤 Constant Feed Weigher

4.19.7 失重式给料机 Loss-in-Weight Feeder

4.19.8 自动装袋系统 Auto Bagging System

4.19.9 自动码垛系统 Automatic Palletizing System

4.19.10 托盘式缠绕机 Pallet Stretch Wrapping Machine

4.19.11 热缩膜垛盘打包机 Shrink Packing System

4.20 仓储设备 Storage Equipment

4.20.1 堆取料机 Stacker and Reclaimer 圆形堆场堆取料机 Stacker and Reclaimer for Circular Store

4.20.2 火车装车机 Train Carriage Loader

4.21 LNG成套设备 LNG Package Equipment

4.21.1 装卸臂 Loading(Unloading)Arm

4.21.2 装车撬 Truck Loading Skid

4.21.3 装车臂 Truck Loading Arm

4.21.4 浸没燃烧式气化器 Submerged Combustion Vaporizer

4.22 造粒机 Granulator

4.22.1 钢带造粒机 Steel Belt Granulator

4.22.2 转筒造粒机 Rotating Drum Granulator

5 蒸汽动力系统 Steam and Power System

5.1 锅炉 Boiler

5.1.1 燃煤锅炉 Coal Fired Boiler

5.1.2 燃油(气)锅炉 Oil-Fired Boiler and Gas-Fired Boiler

5.1.3 循环流化床锅炉 Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler

5.1.4 特种锅炉 Special Boiler

5.1.5 热回收设备 Heat Recovery Equipment

5.2 汽轮机 Steam Turbine

5.2.1 汽轮机循环 Steam Turbine Cycles

5.2.2 冲动式汽轮机 Impulse Turbine

5.2.3 单级汽轮机 Single Stage Steam Turbine

5.2.4 汽轮机轴封 Turbine Glands and Gland Sealings

5.2.5 超速脱扣装置(保安器) Overspeed Tripping Device

5.2.6 汽轮机的润滑 Lubrication of Steam Turbine

5.2.7 汽轮机供汽方式 Methods of Steam Supply to a Turbine

5.2.8 汽轮机调速器 Turbine Governor

5.2.9 汽轮机调速器及调速 Governors and Governing of Steam Turbine

5.2.10 汽轮机的安装 Installation of Steam Turbine

5.3 燃气轮机 Gas Turbine

5.3.1 燃气轮机结构 Constitution of Gas Turbine

5.3.2 燃气轮机发电机组 Gas Turbine Power Plant

5.3.3 燃气轮机简单循环发电厂 Gas Turbine Simple Cycle Power Plant

5.3.4 燃气轮机-蒸汽轮机联合循环发电厂 Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine

Combined Cycle Power Plant

6 设备 Equipment

6.1 设备设计常用术语 Terms and Definitions

6.1.1 一般术语 General Terms

6.1.2 设备类型术语 Types of Equipment

6.1.3 压力容器分类术语 Classification for Categories of Pressure Vessels

6.2 塔 Column

6.2.1 板式塔 Plate Column

6.2.2 填料塔 Packed Column

6.2.3 楼梯(梯子)和平台 Stair and Platform

6.2.4 塔附件 Tower Attachments

6.2.5 塔结构示例 Column Examples

6.3 反应设备 Reactor

6.3.1 氨合成塔 Ammonia Converter

6.3.2 尿素合成塔 Urea Reactor

6.3.3 环管反应器 Loop Reactor

6.3.4 氧氯化反应器 Oxychlorination Reactor

6.3.5 聚合釜 Polymerizer

6.3.6 隔膜电解槽 Diaphragm Cells

6.3.7 变换炉 Shift Converter

6.4 造粒设备 Prilling Equipment

6.4.1 (造粒塔)总图及造粒喷头组装图 General Assembly and

Prill-Spray Assembly

6.4.2 造粒塔扒料机 Prill Tower Reclaimer

6.5 换热设备 Heat Exchanger

6.5.1 换热器的类型 Types of Heat Exchangers

6.5.2 管壳式换热器 Tubular Heat Exchanger

6.5.3 套管式换热器和刮面式换热器 Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger and

Scraped-Surface Exchanger

6.5.4 套管式纵向翅片换热器 Double Pipe Longitudinal Finned Exchanger

6.5.5 板式换热器 Plate Exchangers

6.5.6 蒸汽表面冷凝器,凝汽器 Steam Surface Condensers

6.5.7 蒸发器 Evaporators

6.5.8 空冷器、空气冷却器 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

6.6 储罐 Storage Tanks

6.6.1 储罐类型 Types of Storage Tanks

6.6.2 固定顶储罐 Fixed-Roof Tanks

6.6.3 内浮顶罐 Internal Floating Roof Tank

6.6.4 外浮顶罐 External Floating Roof Tank

6.6.5 球形储罐及其他低压大型储罐 Spherical Tanks and Other Large Low-

Pressure Storage Tanks

6.6.6 低温储罐 Refrigerated Storage Tanks

6.7 衬里设备 Lining Equipment

6.7.1 橡胶衬里设备 Rubber Lining Equipment

6.7.2 搪玻璃设备 Glass-Lined Equipment

6.7.3 衬砖设备 Brick Lining Equipment

6.8 非金属设备 Non-metal Equipment

6.8.1 石墨设备 Graphite Equipment

6.8.2 玻璃钢设备 FRP(Fibre Reinforce Plastics)Equipment

6.9 混合设备 Mixing Equipment

6.9.1 搅拌器型式 Types of Agitator

6.9.2 混合(搅拌)槽 Mixing Tanks

6.9.3 管道混合器 Line Mixers (Flow Mixers)

6.9.4 静止混合器 Static Mixers

6.9.5 双螺杆连续混合机 Double Screw Continuous Mixer

6.9.6 膏状物料及黏性物料混(拌)合设备 Paste and Viscous-Material Mixing


6.9.7 固体混合机械 Solids Mixing Machines

6.10 萃取器 Extractors

6.10.1 浸提设备 Leaching Equipments

6.10.2 连续萃取设备,连续抽提设备 Continuous Contact (Differential Contact)Equipments

6.11 旋风分离器、澄清器、过滤器和离心机 Cyclone,Decanter,

Filter and Centrifuger

6.11.1 旋风分离器 Cyclone Separators

6.11.2 沉降罐、澄清器 Gravity Settlers (Decanters)

6.11.3 气体洗涤器 Gas Scrubbers

6.11.4 过滤机 Filters

6.11.5 离心式分离机 Centrifugal Separator

6.12 干燥器 Dryers

6.12.1 直接干燥器 Direct Dryers

6.12.2 间接干燥器 Indirect Dryers

6.12.3 喷雾干燥器 Spray Dryers

6.12.4 气流(气动)输送干燥器 Pneumatic Conveyor Dryers

6.13 其他静设备及部件 Other Equipments and Components

6.13.1 石油炼制中的流化过程 Fluidization Processes in Petroleum Refinery

6.13.2 壳体和封头 Shells and Heads

6.13.3 破沫器 Demister

6.13.4 设备支座 Supports of Equipments

6.13.5 密封型式 Types of Seal

6.13.6 非圆形截面容器 Vessels of Noncircular Cross Section

6.13.7 其他容器及零部件名称 Nomenclature of Other Vessels and Components

6.14 耐火衬里结构 Refractory Lining Constructions

6.14.1 陶瓷纤维衬里结构 Ceramic Fiber Lining Construction

6.14.2 砖炉衬结构 Fire Brick Lining Construction

6.14.3 浇注料炉衬结构 Castable Lining Construction

6.15 炉用零部件 Furnace Components

6.15.1 炉管、管件及联箱(集合管) Tubes,Fitting and Header(Manifold)

6.15.2 燃烧器(烧嘴)和附属设备 Burners and Accesseries

6.15.3 管板及管架 Tube Sheet and Tube Supports

6.15.4 其他炉用附件 Furnace Accessories

6.16 炉型及结构 Types and Structure of Furnace

6.16.1 管式加热炉 Tubular Heater

6.16.2 典型加热炉结构 Typical Structure of Heater

6.16.3 转化炉 Reformers

6.16.4 裂解炉 Cracking Furnace

6.16.5 气化炉 Gasifier

6.16.6 余热回收和废热锅炉 Waste Heat Recovery and Waste Heat Boiler

6.16.7 热载体加热炉 Heat Carrier Heater

7 转动机器 Rotary Machine

7.1 泵 Pump

7.1.1 各种形式的泵 Various Types of Pumps

7.1.2 离心泵 Centrifugal Pump

7.1.3 轴流泵 Axial Flow Pump

7.1.4 管道泵 Inline Pump

7.1.5 混流泵 Mixed Flow Pump

7.1.6 斜流泵 Diagonal Flow Pump

7.1.7 螺杆泵 Screw Pump

7.1.8 计量泵 Metering Pump

7.1.9 真空泵 Vacuum Pump

7.1.10 气动隔膜泵 Air Operated Pump

7.1.11 往复泵 Reciprocating Pump

7.1.12 喷射泵 Jet Pumps

7.1.13 喷射装置 Ejector Units

7.1.14 皮托管泵 Pitot Tube Pump

7.2 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors,Blowers and Fans

7.2.1 螺杆压缩机 Screw Compressor

7.2.2 往复式压缩机 Reciprocating Compressor

7.2.3 低密度聚乙烯(超)高压压缩机 High Pressure Compressor for Low Density Polythylene Process

7.2.4 离心压缩机 Centrifugal Compressor

7.2.5 鼓风机 Blowers

7.2.6 风机 Fans

7.2.7 典型的空气压缩机装置 Typical Air Compressor Unit

7.3 搅拌器 Mixer

7.4 驱动机 Driver

7.4.1 蒸汽轮机 Steam Turbine

7.4.3 液力透平 Hydraulic Turbine

7.4.4 燃气轮机 Gas Turbine

7.4.5 烟气轮机 Flue Gas Turbine

7.4.6 膨胀机/再压缩机 Expander/Compressor

7.4.7 柴油机 Diesel Engine

7.5 转动设备辅机 Rotating Equipment Auxiliaries

7.5.1 液力耦合器 Fluid Coupling

7.5.2 齿轮箱 Gear

7.5.3 透平冷凝系统 Turbine Condensing System

8 管道工程 Piping Engineering

8.1 设备及管道布置 Equipment and Piping Layout

8.1.1 设备布置 Equipment Layout

8.1.2 管道布置图,配管图 Piping Layout Drawing

8.1.3 管道组装图(轴测图,管段图) Erection Diagram(Pipe Line

Isometric Diagram )

8.1.4 伴热及夹套 Tracing Lines and Jacket

8.1.5 急救冲洗和洗眼站 Safety Shower and Eyewash Station

8.2 管道材料 Piping Material

8.2.1 管子,弯管 Pipe,Pipe Bends

8.2.2 管件 Pipe Fitting

8.2.3 法兰、法兰密封面 Flanges,Flange Facings

8.2.4 管螺纹 Pipe Threaded

8.2.5 垫片 Gasket

8.2.6 管道用紧固件 Piping Fastener

8.2.7 阀门 Valve

8.2.8 管道特殊件 Pipe Specialty

8.2.9 管道特殊元件 Pipe Special Element

8.2.10 填料 Packings

8.2.11 管子端部连接 End Connection in Tubing and Pipe

8.3 管道机械 Piping Mechanics

8.3.1 金属软管 Metal Flexible Hose

8.3.2 金属补偿器 (膨胀节) Metal Expansion Joint

8.3.3 管道支吊架 Pipe Hangers and Pipe Supports

8.4 地下管道 Underground Piping

8.4.1 地下管平面布置图 Underground Piping Arrangement Drawing

8.4.2 地下管常见附属设施及构筑物 Common Facility and Structure of U/G Piping

8.5 绝热 Insulation

8.5.1 管道绝热 Piping Insulation

8.5.2 立式容器的外部隔热 External Thermal Insulation for Vertical Vessel

8.6 工程图常用缩写词(按字母顺序排列) Abbreviations for

Use on Drawing (in Alphabetical Order)

8.7 防腐 Anticorrosion

8.7.1 内防护 Internal Anticorrosive Coating

8.7.2 三层聚乙烯涂层 Three Layer Polyethylene Coating

8.7.3 表面处理 Surface Preparation Vocabulary

8.7.4 涂料 Paint

8.7.5 腐蚀 Corrosion

8.7.6 其他常用词汇 Others

8.8 管道应力分析 Piping Stress Analysis

8.8.1 应变 Strain

8.8.2 应力 Stress

8.8.3 管道应力 Piping Stress due to Forces and Moments

8.8.4 管道应力分析 Piping Stress Analysis

8.8.5 管道应力分析输入条件 Input of Piping Stress Analysis

8.8.6 管道柔性 Piping Flexibility

8.8.7 管道动态效应 Dynamic Effects on Piping

8.8.8 疲劳曲线 Fatigue Curves

8.9 三维模型 3D Model

8.9.1 三维管道设计软件专用词汇 Vocabulary for 3D Piping Design Software

8.9.2 Smart Plant Review 软件专用词汇 Specific Vocabulary for Smart Plant Review

9 工业自动化仪表 Process Measurement and ControlInstrument

9.1 温度计 Thermometer

9.1.1 测温元件 Thermometer Element

9.1.2 温度变送器 Temperature Transmitter

9.1.3 辐射高温计 Radiation Pyrometer

9.1.4 双金属温度计 Bimetal Thermometer

9.1.5 光学高温计 Radiation Pyrometer

9.2 压力测量仪表 Pressure Instruments

9.2.1 电接点压力表和压力开关 Pressure Gauge with Electric Contact

and Pressure Switch

9.2.2 压力表 Pressure Gauge

9.2.3 压力变送器 Pressure Transmitter

9.2.4 基地式压力指示调节器 Field Installed Type of Pressure Indicating and


9.2.5 压力表的安装 Installation of Pressure Gage

9.3 流量仪表 Flow Meter

9.3.1 科氏力质量流量计 Coriolis Mass Flow Meters

9.3.2 一次流量元件 Primary Flow Element

9.3.3 流量测量用差压变送器 Difference Pressure Transmitter for Flow Measurement

9.3.4 流速式流量计 Fluid Velocity Meter

9.3.5 容积式流量计 Positive Displacement Type Flow Meters

9.3.6 可变面积式流量计 Variable Area Type Flow Meters

9.3.7 电磁流量计 Electro-magnetic Flow Meters

9.3.8 热式质量流量计 Thermal Mass Flow Meters

9.3.9 差压流量计的安装 Installation of Head Meters

9.4 液位测量仪表 Level Meter

9.4.1 直读式就地液位指示仪 Locally Mounted Direct Reading Level Gages

9.4.2 液位测量用差压变送器 Difference Pressure Transmitter for Liquid

Level Measurement

9.4.3 浮筒式液位计 Displacement Type Level Meter

9.4.4 伽马射线液位计 Gamma Radiometric Level Meter

9.4.5 雷达液位计 Radar Level Meter

9.4.6 伺服液位计 Servo Level Gauge

9.4.7 液位调节器及液位开关 Level Controllers and Switches

9.4.8 气动液位调节器 Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller

9.5 过程分析仪表 Process Analyzer

9.5.1 过程气相色谱仪 Process Gas Chromatograph

9.5.2 非色散红外线气体分析仪 Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analyzer (NDIR)

9.5.3 氧分析器 Oxygen Analyzer

9.5.4 热导式分析仪 Thermal Conductivity Analyzer

9.5.5 pH 分析仪 pH Analyzer

9.5.6 电导仪 Conductivity Analyzer

9.6 控制阀 Control Valve

9.6.1 气动执行机构 Pneumatic Actuator

9.6.2 电动执行机构 Electric Actuator

9.6.3 控制阀型式 Control Valve Type

9.6.4 控制阀上阀盖 Control Valve Bonnet

9.6.5 自力式调节阀 Self-Operated Regulator

9.6.6 控制阀附件 Control Valve Accessory

9.6.7 安全泄压阀 Safety Relief Valve

9.6.8 爆破片 Burst Disc

9.7 盘装仪表 Panel Mounting Instrument

9.7.1 安全栅 Safety Barriers

9.7.2 隔离器 Isolator

9.8 特殊仪表 Special Instrument

9.8.1 速度传感器 Speed Sensor

9.8.2 轴位移变送器 Transmitter for Thrust Position

9.8.3 称重系统 Weighing System

9.9 火灾自动报警系统 Automatic Fire Alarm System

9.9.1 火灾自动报警系统 Automatic Fire Alarm System

9.9.2 火灾报警控制盘 Fire Alarm Control Panel

9.9.3 激光感烟探测器 Laser Smoke Detector

9.10 工业电视监视系统 Industry Television Surveillance System

9.10.1 工业电视监视系统 Industry TV Surveillance System

9.10.2 矩阵控制器 Matrix Switcher

9.11 数字控制系统 Digital Control System

9.11.1 分散控制系统 Distributed Control System

9.11.2 现场总线控制系统 Fieldbus Control System (FCS)

9.11.3 工厂资源管理系统 Plant Resource Management System (PMR)

9.11.4 可编程控制器 Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)

9.11.5 紧急停车系统 Emergency Shutdown System (ESD)

9.12 仪表盘,柜和操作台 Instrument Panels, Cabinets and


10 电气工程 Electrical Engineering

10.1 旋转电机 Electrical Rotating Machine

10.1.1 直流电动机 Direct-Current Motor

10.1.2 直流发电机 Direct-Current Generator

10.1.3 AC换向电机 AC Commutator Machine

10.1.4 同步电动机的无刷励磁 Brushless Excitation of Synchronous Motor

10.1.5 交流电动机 Alternating-Current Motor

10.1.6 滑环式感应电动机 Slip-Ring Type Induction Motor

10.1.7 无刷同步电动机 Brushless Synchronous Motor

10.1.8 线槽和绕组 Slots and Windings

10.1.9 柴油发电机组 Diesel Generator Set

10.2 变压器 Transformer

10.2.1 油浸式变压器 Oil Immersed Transformer

10.2.2 油浸式密闭变压器 Sealed Oil Immersed Transformer

10.2.3 树脂绝缘干式变压器 Cast Resin Transformer

10.2.4 箱式变电站 Transformer Substation

10.3 整流器和电池 Rectifier and Battery

10.3.1 整流器 Rectifier

10.3.2 原电池 Primary Batteries

10.3.3 阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池 Stationary Lead Acid Valve Regulated

Sealed Batteries

10.3.4 交流不间断电源 AC Uninterrupted Power Supply

10.3.5 直流不间断电源 DC Uninterrupted Power Supply

10.4 高中压开关装置 High and Middle Voltage Switchgear

10.4.1 110kV六氟化硫气体封闭式组合电器 110kV SF6 Gas-Insulated Switchgear

10.4.2 110kV空气绝缘高压组合电器 110kV Prefabricated Air Insulated


10.4.3 中压六氟化硫气体绝缘开关装置 Medium Voltage SF6 Gas-Insulated


10.4.4 金属封闭式开关装置 Metal-Enclosed Switchgear

10.4.5 中压金属铠装开关装置 Middle Voltage Metal-Clad Switchgear

10.4.6 环网柜 Ring Switchgear

10.4.7 高压户外六氟化硫断路器 High Voltage Outdoor SF6 Circuit Breakers

10.4.8 中压六氟化硫断路器 Medium Voltage SF6 Circuit Breakers

10.4.9 户内真空断路器 Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker

10.4.10 避雷器 Lightning Arrester

10.4.11 真空接触器 Vacuum Contactor

10.4.12 高压熔断器 HV Fuses

10.4.13 补偿电容器成套装置 Compensation Capacitors Cabinet

10.4.14 操动机构 Operating Device

10.5 低压开关装置 Low Voltage Switchgear

10.5.1 低压开关柜 Low Voltage Switchgear

10.5.2 框架式空气断路器 Air Circuit Breaker

10.5.3 低压熔断器 LV Fuses

10.5.4 微型断路器及附件 Miniature Circuit Breaker and Accessories

10.5.5 塑壳断路器 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

10.5.6 真空负荷开关 Vacuum Load Switch

10.5.7 控制开关 Control Switch

10.5.8 变频调速装置 Variable Velocity Variable Frequency Device

10.5.9 电动机启动器 Motor Starter

10.6 控制及保护器件 Control and Protection Devices

10.6.1 电磁机构和器件 Electromagnetic Mechanism and Devices

10.6.2 电磁继电器 Electromagnetic Relays

10.6.3 固态继电器 Solid State Relays

10.7 电气防爆设备 Explosion Protected Apparatus

10.7.1 防爆安装单元 Explosion Protected Installation Control Units

10.7.2 防爆照明灯具 Explosion Protected Luminaries

10.7.3 防爆控制设备 Explosion Protected Control Equipment

10.8 供电系统 Power Supply System

10.8.1 预装式变电所 Electrical House(E-HOUSE)

10.8.2 热电厂 Thermal Power Plant

10.8.3 变电所屋内配电装置 Indoor Installations of Electric Substation

10.8.4 节能发电厂 Energy Saving Power Plant

10.8.5 铁塔及电杆 Towers and Poles

10.8.6 静电除尘器 Electrostatic Precipitator

10.9 电线、电缆及附件 Wires, Cables and Accessories

10.9.1 电缆、电线结构 Wire and Cables Structure

10.9.2 电缆、电线产品 Wire and Cables Products

10.9.3 电缆附件 Accessories for Cables

10.10 灯泡 Lamps

10.11 电伴热系统 Electrical Heat Tracing System

10.11.1 电伴热产品 Electrical Heat Tracing Products

10.11.2 典型电伴热系统 Typical Heat Tracing System

10.11.3 电伴热控制和监测 Heat Tracing Control and Monitoring

10.12 阴极保护 Cathodic Protection

10.12.1 阴极保护测试站和接线箱 Cathodic Protection Test Stations and Junction Box

10.12.2 长效参比电极 Permanent Reference Cell

10.12.3 阳极 Anodes

10.12.4 填料 Backfill

10.12.5 整流器 Rectifier

10.12.6 绝缘材料 Insulation Material

10.12.7 接地电池 Grounding Cells

10.12.8 阴极保护系统 Cathodic Protection Systems

10.13 接地防雷系统 Grounding and Lightning System

10.13.1 接地产品 Grounding Products

10.13.2 典型防雷系统 Typical Lightning System

10.14 监测控制和数据采集 Supervise Control and Data Acquiring


10.15 通信系统 Telecommunication System

10.15.1 用户电话交换机 PABX

10.15.2 结构化布线系统 Structured Cabling System

10.15.3 扩音对讲系统 Paging System

10.15.4 有线电视系统 Cable TV System

11 实验室 Laboratory

11.1 实验室常用仪器 General Apparatus and Instruments

11.1.1 玻璃器皿 Glassware

11.1.2 实验室主要分析仪器 General Laboratory Equipment

11.2 化学试剂和药品 Chemicals and Reagents

11.2.1 无机试剂 Inorganic Reagent

11.2.2 有机试剂 Organic Reagent

11.2.3 指示剂 Indicator

11.3 实验室常用词汇 Laboratory Vocabulary

11.4 主要分析仪器示例图 Legend for Main Laboratory Equipment

11.4.1 分析天平 Analytical Balance

11.4.2 电极 Electrode

11.4.3 色谱仪类 Chromatography

11.4.4 光谱类仪器 Spectrometric Instruments

11.4.5 电化学类仪器 Electrochemistry Instruments

11.4.6 水质分析仪器 Apparatus for Water Analysis

12 土建工程 Civil Engineering

12.1 建筑 Architectural

12.1.1 平面图、立面图、剖面图 Plan,Elevation and Section

12.1.2 楼梯、电梯 Staircase and Lift

12.1.3 卫生间 Toilet

12.1.4 门的形式 Type of Doors

12.1.5 窗的形式 Type of Windows

12.1.6 窗的组成 Components of Windows

12.1.7 屋顶的形式 Type of Roofs

12.1.8 钢结构厂房 Steel Structure House

12.1.9 钢结构厂房节点 Detail of Steel Structure House

12.1.10 薄壳屋顶 Shell Roofs

12.2 结构 Construction

12.2.1 设计条件 Design Information

12.2.2 材料 Material

12.2.3 荷载条件 Load Condition

12.2.4 结构计算 Structure Calculation

12.2.5 土壤与基础 Soil and Foundation

12.2.6 多层工业厂房 Multistory Industrial Buildings

12.2.7 钢筋混凝土结构 Reinforced Concrete Construction

12.2.8 工业构筑物 Industrial Structures

12.2.9 钢结构 Steel Construction

12.3 暖通 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning

12.3.1 采暖系统与散热器 Heating System and Radiator

12.3.2 通风与空调设备 Ventilation and Air Conditioning Equipment

12.3.3 空调制冷与末端设备 Refrigerating and Terminal Equipment

12.3.4 通风管道及部件 Duct and Fitments

12.4 总图运输 General Plot Plan and Transportation

12.4.1 总图 General Plot plan

12.4.2 道路 Road

12.4.3 铁路 Railway

12.4.4 厂区竖向 Plant Vertical Arrangement

12.4.5 土方工程 Earth Work

12.4.6 绿化 Greening

12.4.7 其他构筑物 Other Structure

13 焊接 Welding

13.1 焊接符号 Welding Symbols

13.2 金属焊接 Welding of Metals

13.3 保护式电弧焊原理 Principles of Shielded Arc Welding

13.4 焊接位置、接头形式及焊接形式 Welding Positions,Types of

Joints and Welding

13.5 坡口 Grooves

13.6 坡口详图 Detail of Grooves

13.7 填角焊、角焊 Fillet Welding

13.8 焊接缺陷 Defects of Welding

13.9 焊接方法及设备 Type of Welding and Welding Machine

13.9.1 自动埋弧焊 Automatic Submerged Arc Welding

13.9.2 金属极气体保护焊焊枪 Electrode Guns of Gas Metal-Arc Welding

13.9.3 气体保护电弧焊 Gas-Shielded Arc Welding

13.9.4 金属极惰性气体保护焊 Gas Metal-Arc Welding

13.9.5 普通电渣焊 Conventional Electroslag Welding

13.9.6 熔嘴电渣焊 Electroslag Welding by Consumable Guide Tube

13.9.7 电气焊 Electrogas Welding

13.9.8 管状焊丝电弧焊 Flux-Cored Arc Welding

13.9.9 气焊设备 Gas Welding Equipment

13.9.10 移动式乙炔发生器 Portable Acetylene Generators

13.9.11 乙炔发生器的基本形式 Basic Types of Acetylene Generators

13.10 塑料焊接 Welding of Plastics

13.11 焊接术语 Welding Term

13.12 熔焊术语 Fusion Welding Term

13.13 钎焊术语 Soldering Term

13.14 焊接材料术语 Welding Material Term

14 无损检验 Non-destructive Testing

14.1 无损检验方法 Non-destructive Testing Method

14.2 无损检验设备 Non-destructive Testing Apparatus

14.2.1 探孔镜及显微镜 Borescope and Microscope

14.2.2 X射线发生器及其线路 X-Ray Tube and Its Circuit

14.2.3 射线照相及电子照相 Photoradiography and Electroradiography

14.2.4 轻便X射线机及透度计 Mobile X-Ray Unit and Penetrometer

14.2.5 超声波探伤方法及探头 Ultrasonic Test Methods and Search Units

14.2.6 超声波发射探头及接收探头 Ultrasonic Transducer and Refraction

14.2.7 配管焊缝的超声波探伤 Ultrasonic Testing of Weld in Piping

14.2.8 成套式渗透探伤仪 Self-Contained Penetrant Inspection Unit

14.3 磁化法 Methods of Magnetization

14.4 超声波检测术语 Ultrasonic Testing Term

14.5 射线检测术语 Radiation Testing Term

14.6 渗透检测术语 Penetrant Testing Term

14.7 磁粉表面检测术语 Magnetization Surface Testing Term

14.8 涡流检测术语 Eddy Current Testing Term

15 施工设备和工具 Construction Equipment and Tool

15.1 起重机械 Hoisting Machinery

15.1.1 麻绳、绳结、吊索和吊具 Hemp Ropes,Knots,Sling and Hardware

15.1.2 起重机构造与吊车手语 Crane Structure and Sign Language

15.1.3 各类起重机 Types of Crane

15.1.4 手动葫芦和千斤顶 Manual Hoist and Lifting Jack

15.1.5 电动吊篮 Electromotion Basket

15.1.6 手动吊篮 Manual Operation Basket

15.1.7 液压汽车起重机 Hydraulic Pressure Mobile Cranes

15.1.8 塔吊 Tower Crane

15.1.9 桥式起重机 Overhead Crane

15.1.10 门式起重机 Gantry Crane

15.1.11 手动式屋面移动吊机 Manual Operating Roof Suspension Hoist Machine

15.1.12 电动式屋面移动吊机 Electrocution Roof Suspension Hoist Machine

15.1.13 叉车和附属配件 Forklift and Accessory

15.2 工具 Tools

15.2.1 木工工具 Wood Working Tools

15.2.2 扳手 Wrenches

15.2.3 活扳手及管钳 Adjustable Wrenches and Pipe Wrenches

15.2.4 钳和剪钳 Pliers and Nippers

15.2.5 刀具的柄部、套节及套筒 Shakes, Sockets and Sleeves

15.2.6 丝锥 Taps

15.2.7 铰刀 Reamers

15.2.8 麻花钻 Twist Drills

15.2.9 检测规 Inspection Gages

15.2.10 量具 Measuring Tools

15.3 混凝土搅拌设备 Concrete Mixer Equipment

15.3.1 工业用搅拌机 Industrial Mixer

15.3.2 现场用搅拌机 On-site Mixer

15.3.3 混凝土用车 Concrete Mixer Trucks

15.3.4 预搅拌混凝土站 Ready-mix Concrete Batch Plant

15.3.5 商品混凝土搅拌站 Commodity Concrete Mixing Station

15.3.6 汽车式混凝土搅拌运输车 Concrete Truck Mixer

15.4 土方设备 Earthwork Equipment

15.4.1 挖掘机 Excavator

15.4.2 推土机 Bulldozer

15.4.3 装载机 Loader

15.4.4 挖掘装载机(两头忙) Backhoe

15.4.5 平地机 Grader

15.4.6 滑移转向装载机(机器猫) Skid Steer Loader(Bobcat)

15.5 地基处理机械 Foundation Treatment Machinery

15.5.1 步履式打桩机 Walking Piling Rig

15.5.2 螺旋钻打桩机 Auger Piling Rig

15.5.3 碾压机 Compactor Rollers

15.5.4 水平定向钻孔机 Horizontal Directional Drilling Machinery

15.5.5 钻机 Drilling Machine

15.5.6 强夯机械 Rammer Machinery

15.6 高处作业平台和工程车辆 Height Platform and Construction


15.6.1 叉车和附属配件 Forklift and Attachments

15.6.2 混凝土泵车 Concrete Boom Truck

15.6.3 液压升降平台 Hydraulic Pressure Lift Platform

15.6.4 升降车 Man Lift

15.6.5 工程车辆 Construction Vehicle

15.7 滑模施工 Slipform Construction

15.8 大模板爬模施工 Large Formwork Climbing Construction

15.9 钢筋加工机械 Process Machinery for Steel Bar

15.9.1 钢筋切断器 Steel Bar Cutter

15.9.2 钢筋拔丝机 Steel Bar Stretcher

15.9.3 钢筋调直机 Steel Bar Straightening Machines

15.9.4 钢筋弯曲机 Steel Bar Bender

15.9.5 钢筋笼滚焊机 Rotary Welding Machinery for Steel Cage

15.9.6 数控钢筋切锯套丝机 NC Thread Machinery for Steel Sawing

15.9.7 数控钢筋弯曲机 CNC Rebar Bending Machinery

15.10 脚手架 Scaffolding

15.10.1 脚手架构件 Scaffolding Component

15.10.2 脚手架形式 Types of Scaffolding

15.11 测绘 Surveying

15.11.1 经纬仪 Theodolite

15.11.2 光电测距仪 Photoelectricity Rangefinder

15.11.3 水准仪 Optical Level

15.11.4 全站仪 Total Station

15.11.5 其他测绘工具 Other Surveying Tools

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