


The Prince and the Pauper电子书

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作       者:Mark Twain

出  版  社:Seltzer Books


字       数:32.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Classic tale of switched identities. According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835 – 1910), better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity, and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature."

The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

From the National Manuscripts preserved by the British Government.

Chapter I. The birth of the Prince and the Pauper.

Chapter II. Tom's early life.

Chapter III. Tom's meeting with the Prince.

Chapter IV. The Prince's troubles begin.

Chapter V. Tom as a patrician.

Chapter VI. Tom receives instructions.

Chapter VII. Tom's first royal dinner.

Chapter VIII. The question of the Seal.

Chapter IX. The river pageant.

Chapter X. The Prince in the toils.

Chapter XI. At Guildhall.

Chapter XII. The Prince and his deliverer.

Chapter XIII. The disappearance of the Prince.

Chapter XIV. 'Le Roi est mort--vive le Roi.'

Chapter XV. Tom as King.

Chapter XVI. The State Dinner.

Chapter XVII. Foo-foo the First.

Chapter XVIII. The Prince with the tramps.

Chapter XIX. The Prince with the peasants.

Chapter XX. The Prince and the hermit.

Chapter XXI. Hendon to the rescue.

Chapter XXII. A victim of treachery.

Chapter XXIII. The Prince a prisoner.

Chapter XXIV. The escape.

Chapter XXV. Hendon Hall.

Chapter XXVI. Disowned.

Chapter XXVII. In prison.

Chapter XXVIII. The sacrifice.

Chapter XXIX. To London.

Chapter XXX. Tom's progress.

Chapter XXXI. The Recognition procession.

Chapter XXXII. Coronation Day.

Chapter XXXIII. Edward as King.


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