


The Story of the Outlaw, A Study of the Western Desperado电子书

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作       者:Emerson Hough

出  版  社:Seltzer Books


字       数:38.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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"A Study Of The Western Desperado, With Historical Narratives Of Famous Outlaws; The Stories Of Noted Border Wars; Vigilante Movements And Armed Conflicts On The Frontier."According to Wikipedia: "Emerson Hough (1857-1923) was an American author, best known for writing western stories. Hough was born in Newton, Iowa, and graduated from the University of Iowa with a law degree. He moved to White Oaks, New Mexico, and practiced law there but eventually turned to literary work by taking camping trips and writing about them for publication. He is best known as a novelist, writing The Mississippi Bubble as well as The Covered Wagon, about Oregon Trail pioneers, which later became successful as a movie, running 59 weeks at the Criterion Theater in New York City, passing the record set by Birth of a Nation. Other notable works included Story of the Cowboy, Way of the West, Singing Mouse Stories, and Passing of the Frontier, and writing the "Out-of-Doors" column for the Saturday Evening Post."

The Story Of The Outlaw By Emerson Hough


Chapter I. The Desperado

Chapter II. The Imitation Desperado

Chapter III. The Land of the Desperado

Chapter IV. The Early Outlaw

Chapter V. The Vigilantes of California

Chapter VI. The Outlaw of the Mountains

Chapter VII. Henry Plummer

Chapter VIII. Boone Helm

Chapter IX. Death Scenes of Desperadoes

Chapter X. Joseph A. Slade

Chapter XI. The Desperado of the Plains

Chapter XII. Wild Bill Hickok

Chapter XIII. Frontier Wars

Chapter XIV. The Lincoln County War

Chapter XV. The Stevens County War

Chapter XVI. Biographies of Bad Men

Chapter XVII. The Fight of Buckshot Roberts

Chapter XVIII. The Man Hunt

Chapter XIX. Bad Men of Texas

Chapter XX. Modern Bad Men

Chapter XXI. Bad Men of the Indian Nations

Chapter XXII. Desperadoes of the Cities

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