


Coping with Menopause:What women in their lives really need to know电子书

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作       者:Kristy Jenkins

出  版  社:Estalontech


字       数:7.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Facing your fears and understanding menopause? Most women have seen someone in their life, usually a mother or aunt, go through menopause. It’s a huge change that comes with a lot of different symptoms and changes within the body. You probably thought that it was something that only happened when you got to be much older. It’s one of the words no woman ever wants to hear, because it signifies a significant shift in a her life. I’m talking about menopause. The changes that take place during menopause can be confusing at best, and very upsetting at worst. That’s why it’s important to learn as much as you can about this natural process, instead of trying to ignore it or hide from it. When you take the time to understand exactly what’s happening to your body, you’re taking control of the situation. What seems like a completely random set of aches and ailments becomes a clear set of symptoms that you can predict and actually deal with. Am I too young for menopause? But did you know that it could happen to you as early as age 30? Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, covered in a cold sweat? Are you feeling happy and bright one second, and then all of a sudden hit with a wave of sadness or anger? Maybe you’re having trouble controlling your bladder? As embarrassing as it all might seem, these are all actually completely normal occurrences ?for women in their 40’s and 50’s, as these are just a few of the symptoms that come with the early stages of menopause, which is known as perimenopause. There is not specific, exact time when a women is guaranteed to enter perimenopause. It happens at different times for different people. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of all the signs of menopause, otherwise you’re giving up control of your own health. Menopause can take place anywhere between age 30 and age 60, which is a pretty big gap. That’s why it’s so important to understand what is really going on during menopause, because you really never know when it could start. As you get older, we can start experiencing symptoms that are similar to those of menopause—like mood swings, tiredness, and irregular periods—without it actually being menopause. “Coping with Menopause: What women in their lives really need to know ” offers some great information to help you understand these changes, whenever they start to happen. Even though menopause is a natural process that happens to all of us, there’s still a few things that you need to keep an eye on to make sure that everything is happening the way it should. If you just write it off as “part of getting older,” then you could end up experiencing an increased risk of heart disease, a dangerous loss in bone density, or even a higher rate of bladder infections. Make sure you know what’s happening to your body, so you can stay healthy at any age.

What Is Menopause

Premature Menopause

The Three Stages of Menopause

Symptoms Of Perimenopause

Symptoms Of Menopause

Hot Flashes

Mood Swings and Depression



Vaginal Dryness


Weight Gain

Memory Loss And Brain Fog

Why Does Brain Fog Occur?

Treating Brain Fog

Hormonal Changes In Menopause

Bone Density

Loss Of Libido

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Types Of HRT

Risks Of HRT

Side Effects Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Weighing The Pros And Cons Of HRT

Sexual Problems Associated With Menopause

Health Risks Following Menopause

Heart Disease



Peripheral Vascular Disease

Breast Cancer

Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

Will This Ever End?

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