


Mental Illness and Your Town:37 Ways for Communities to Help and Heal电子书

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作       者:Larry Hayes

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:130.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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A Blueprint for Community Action From Award-Winning Journalist Larry Hayes Written with authority and compassion, this is the book that rescues mental illness from the shadows and takes the disability into the community.·Learn how each person can play a role to help those who so often suffer alone. ·Hear the stories of the people who've found how to triumph over this disability. ·Discover how everyone can work together to create a treatment revolution that enriches and saves lives. ·Let this guide open your heart and mind to be inspired and challenged to do the work ahead.A Book that will Change Your Community! "Larry Hayes provides families with a real self-help manual that is personal and compassionate, yet practical and hands-on. It is long overdue and can only come from someone who has been there--in the trenches. Larry certainly has." --Stephen C. McCaffrey, President, Mental Health America of Indiana "With a father's wit and a reporter's well-honed writing skills, Larry Hayes uses his family's story to offer practical suggestions about how communities can help persons with mental illnesses recover and thrive. This is a wonderful blueprint that spells out ways to change lives and help persons seldom seen or heard." --Pete Earley, author, CRAZY: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health Madness "Larry Hayes demonstrates in this book a very rare gift that he has, the ability to reduce complex social problems to simple terms. In addition, he fills the book with practical solutions and ways to reduce the somet-imes debilitating effects of mental illness." --James C. Howell, Ph.D., juvenile justice researcher

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Praise for Mental Illness and Your Town


About the Cover


Part I – The Faces

1. Start with Mother and Child

2. Let Them Be Workers

3. Save the Suicidal

4. Rescue Kids in Trouble

5. Help College Kids

6. Reach Out To Soldiers

7. Get Help to Everyone

Part II – The Helpers

8. Donate Time, Talent, or Treasure

9. Mend the Net

10. Expose the Myths

11. Create Resource Guides

12. Enlist Churches

13. Open a Suicide Hotline

14. Temper Justice with Mercy

Part III – The Personal

15. Distribute Self-Tests

16. Give Them Cellphones

17. Teach the Art Of Living

18. Sponsor Outings

19. Advise On Estate Planning

20. Publish Patient Rights

21. Heal Families

Part IV – The Recruiters

22. Enlist the News Media

23. Train Up Activists

24. Observe Special Occasions

25. Enlist State Leaders

26. Know Your Meds

27. Monitor Commitments

Part V – The Innovations

28. Establish a Clubhouse

29. Open a Depression Center

30. Call the C.I.T.

31. Get an Ombudsman

Part VI – The Reforms

32. Screen Educational Programs

33. Train Community Leaders

34. Involve Hospital Staff

35. Include Clergy

36. Include the Doctors

37. Invent a New System

Recommended Reading

Internet Resources

About the Author


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