


Life Without Jealousy:A Practical Guide电子书

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作       者:Lynda Bevan

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:91.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家庭/亲子



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"Regardless of which side of jealousy you find yourself on, help is available in this book. Highly recommended!" - 5-star Goodreads review Ask yourself... ·Do you feel the need to be frequently checking up on your partner? ·Are you suspicious when you meet new people? ·Do you often question your partner about where they are going and who they are seeing? ·Do you withdraw from your partner without giving an explanation as to why you are doing this? ·Do you make all of the social arrangements for your partner's life? ·Have you ever feigned illness to keep your partner at home? ·Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? ·Do you examine on your partner's phone records, emails, or text messages "just in case"? ·Do you put your partner down over small details or infractions of agreements?If you answered YES to more than one of these questions, then this book is for you.This is the book to help you overcome this unwanted emotion. You will embark on a journey to discover the many types of jealousy. You can use this book as a manual to overcome emotional insecurity issues and to give you a clearer perspective on the emotion of jealousy. By engaging with the exercises with this book, you'll be able to see yourself as you really are and further exercises will assist you in eliminating your jealous thoughts and behavior."I truly feel that every individual who is dealing with issues of some form of jealousy will greatly benefit from reading Life Without Jealousy by Lynda Bevan. This includes people who are not jealous themselves but are being affected by others who are. Learning to understand it, overcome it, and gain effective new ways to communicate will greatly improve the quality of our lives."--Paige Lovitt, Reader Views"It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome."--Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited Learn more at www.LyndaBevan.comThis book is part of an excellent ongoing series from Loving Healing Press; the 10 Step Empowerment Series, practical guides written by experienced therapists for solving life's problems.


Step 1: What is Jealousy?

Fear Feeds Jealousy

Where Did the Seed of Doubt Arise?

How Can I Accept Myself?

What Is Faith?

Step 2: What is Envy?

Envy Rots the Soul

How do you rid yourself of envy?


Suspicion (doubt, mistrust)

Step 3: Identifying Types of Jealousy

Sexual Jealousy

Romantic Jealousy

Possessive Jealousy

Emotional Jealousy

What is Emotional Intelligence?

What are The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?

Marital Jealousy

Ways to Overcome Your Jealousy

Financial Jealousy

Material Jealousy

Jealousy of Children

Work-Related Jealousy

Sibling Jealousy

Violent Jealousy

Pathological/Morbid Jealousy and Insane Jealousy

Step 4: Possessive/Jealous Men in Relationships

The Jealous/Possessive Man

Step 5: Possessive/Jealous Women in Relationships

Facial expressions and what they say about you


Step 6: Restructuring Your Relationship After the Pain of Jealousy

Problem Solving

Barriers to Problem Solving

Step 7: Letting Go of Your Unwanted Jealousy Baggage

Goal Setting


S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

Step 8: Emotional Happiness After Jealousy

The Only Things That Make You Really Happy

Attaining Emotional Happiness

Common Traits of Happy People

A healthy, happy relationship

Step 9: Living the Dream After Jealousy

Romantic Marriage/Business Partnership

Overcoming Conflict

Rules for conflict:

Step 10: The Emotional Journey After Jealousy

Fears in Communicating With Your Partner

Learn To Love Each Other

“To be, or not to be—that is the question”

Unhappiness Has Its Benefits

Paradoxical Commandments

Appendix A: Emergency Contacts


About the Author


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