

On the Origin of Species
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
Bine a?i venit ?n casa primitoare a naturii, aici unde numerele stau al?turi de flori ?i anim?lu?e. Din acest fermec?tor tablou, nu trebuie s? lipsi nici voi, dragi copii.V? ve?i ?mprieteni cu matematica, urm?rind zborul fluturilor sau zburd?nd printre t?m?ioarele parfumate ?i ve?i ?nv??a, ?n mijlocul lor, graiul prin care plantele ?i animalele ??i r?nduiesc via?a calcul?nd totul f?r? eroare.Juca?i-v?, bucura?i-v? ?i ?nv??a?i u?or matematic?!
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
Daniel Marques
100% Amor: 7 pasos para encontrar científicamente lo verdadero amor de su vida
The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping our children thrive when the world overwhelm
The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping our children thrive when the world overwhelm
Elaine N. Aron
15-20% of children are Highly Sensitive – and they are often labelled shy, introverted, fussy or faddy. The real story is very different though and this intelligent, practical book helps parents know what to do, when to back off, and how to ensure their child is given the right sort of treatment at school. This book is the follow up to the author’s internationally best-selling personal development guide The Highly Sensitive Person. It is the first and only book for parents of highly sensitive children. It provides parents with insights and information so they can understand High Sensitivity, and help their highly sensitive child thrive in the world. It is important for these children to be understood so they can be helped to avoid the common traps of shyness and withdrawal that many highly sensitive fall into as they develop. Contains questionnaire for parents to find out if their child has the traits common in highly sensitive children. Discusses HSC’s at different ages – infant, toddler, school-age and adolescent.…
The Playful Parent
The Playful Parent
Julia Deering
The Playful Parent offers a new solution for parents and carers looking for a calmer, happier and smarter way to parent the under-fives. This activity-led parenting guide shows how to get young children involved and learning, thinking and growing, helping and cooperating without any need for ‘the naughty step’ or punishment at all, but by making play the beating heart of family life. Julia Deering offers support and advice to busy parents, combining down-to-earth practicality with hundreds of simple activities, tips, tricks and fixes, guidance, prompts and brilliant ideas that show parents how to tap into their child's playful instincts. You can use The Playful Parent to: ? Make your little one’s good behaviour become their normal behaviour ? Remove those parent/child battle-of-will situations ? Help steer clear of the flashpoint furies and melt-down moments of the ‘terrible twos’ ? Run fuss-free errands with your toddlers in tow ? Tackle tricky transitions such as bedtimes and car journeys with ease ? Develop your child's independence and unleash their natural creativity ? Bond with a child in the first language they know: play Whether you've forgotten how to play or you're still a child at heart, The Playful Parent equips you with all the know-how you need to make play work for you and your family; transforming parenting during the early years into a more enjoyable, rewarding and memorable experience. Includes: ? A guide to the principles of play and how to use the 7 Ways to Play concept ? Advice on how to organise your home – and your life – for maximum play with minimum stress ? Over a hundred uncomplicated and irresistible activities for your 18 month – 5 year olds ? A Family Favourites chart so you can record favourite activities and start building daily and weekly planners
Seduction Force Multiplier 6: Power of Routines - The Right PUA Inner game , Min
Seduction Force Multiplier 6: Power of Routines - The Right PUA Inner game , Min
Jack N. Raven
Seduction Force Multiplier 6: Power of Routines - The Right PUA Inner game , Mindsets and Attitudes!
Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser
In Sister Carrie, Dreiser portrayed a changing society, writing about a young woman who flees rural life for the city (Chicago) and struggles with poverty, complex relationships with men, and prostitution. It sold poorly and was considered controversial because of moral objections to his featuring a country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through relationships with men. The book has since acquired a considerable reputation. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels." It was adapted as a 1952 film by the same name, directed by William Wyler and starring Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones.??"..When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imita-tion alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister's address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money. It was in August, 1889. ??She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterised her thoughts, it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken.."
Copilul, familia ?i lumea exterioar?
Copilul, familia ?i lumea exterioar?
Donald W. Winnicott
Unu din cinci copii ?i adolescen?i sufer? de o tulburare mental?, potrivit unui studiu nord-american din 2013. Cartea de fa?? ofer? profesorilor, psihologilor ?colari ?i managerilor din domeniul educa?ional informa?iile psihologice ?i strategiile didactice necesare pentru a asigura un mediu previzibil, empatic ?i sigur pentru elevii afecta?i de ADHD, tulbur?ri de conduit?, anxit??i, depresii, autism, adic?ii ?i alte afec?iuni psihice. Acest ghid practic ofer? informa?ii ?i sfaturi legate de managementul clasei ?i de stilul de ?nv??are al elevilor cu vulnerabilit??i psihice, dar propune ?i o serie de interven?ii psihologice suportive, comportamentale ?i de ?nv??are socio-emo?ional?, realizabile ?mpreun? cu p?rin?ii ?i psihologii ?colari. ?To?i copiii, to?i elevii trebuie sprijini?i pentru a reu?i. Cei care se confrunt? cu probleme din zona s?n?t??ii mentale beneficiaz? de foarte pu?in? asisten??, iar uneori sunt neglija?i sau ignora?i. Aceast? carte le ofer? profesorilor repere strategice ?i instrumente foarte utile pentru a contribui la bun?starea mental? a celor cu care lucreaz?“. – Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, decan al Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
101 dialoguri ?n libertate (vol. 1)
101 dialoguri ?n libertate (vol. 1)
Spiridon Cassian Maria
Ce fel de educa?ie poate ajuta copiii de azi pentru a reu?i ?n era informa?iei ?i a inov?rii? Cum poate fi ?ncurajat? creativitatea tinerilor angaja?i? ?n ce mod p?rin?ii pot cultiva curiozitatea ?i inventivitatea celor mici? Plec?nd de la triunghiul joc-pasiune-determinare, Tony Wagner reface traseul formativ al c?torva dintre cei mai str?luci?i inovatori ai zilelor noastre, de la inginerul care a contribuit decisiv la crearea primului iPhone, la activi?ti sociali care n?scocesc, ?n Africa, ?biciclete“ ieftine pentru dep?nu?at. Pe l?ng? interviurile cu aceste min?i pline de creativitate, Wagner discut? ?i cu profesorii ?i p?rin?ii acestor inovatori. Scopul s?u este s? arate c?t de important? este o copil?rie ?n care sunt ?ncurajate pasiunile celor mici ?i c?t de mult conteaz? modelul personal al dasc?lilor dedica?i. De asemenea, sunt descrise c?teva dintre liceele ?i facult??ile americane cele mai vizionare ca program? ?i ca abordare interdisciplinar?.?Cum putem da fiec?rui copil sau t?n?r ?ansa de a fi creativ ?i de a fi educat pentru inova?ie? Cum ne asigur?m c? viitorii ?transformatori? ai lumii sunt preg?ti?i s? r?spund? provoc?rilor? Profesorul de pedagogie Tony Wagner d? r?spunsuri ?i solu?ii surprinz?toare ?n aceast? carte, pe care o recomand ?n primul r?nd celor care au fost ?mpiedica?i cel pu?in o dat? s? fie inovatori...“ - Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan,coordonatorul colec?iei ?Educa?ie ?i formare“, decanul Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
Convorbiri psihanalitice cu p?rin?ii
Convorbiri psihanalitice cu p?rin?ii
D.W. Winnicott
Cartea asta e inteligent. i amuzant. Nu, n-am dreptate. E genial i demenial. Dar avei grij: tocmai cnd o s v prpdii de rs, uluii i ngrozii de sinceritatea dezarmant a lui Alex, va schimba brusc tonul ntr-unul tandru i plin de compasiune.“ – Lawrence Cohen, PhD autorul crilor Reete de jocuri, Arta hrjonelii, Reete mpotriva ngrijorrii (ed. Trei).
Elita gora od rulje
Elita gora od rulje
Mirko Kovač
Spune nu agresiunii ?i h?r?uirii, fii un bun prieten! Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i acoper? toate problemele legate de h?r?uire: de la h?r?uirea cibernetic? la cea din ?coal?, de acas?, din grupul de prieteni ?i multe altele. Parcurg?nd acest ghid, vei ?nv??a cum po?i s?-?i ?nvingi frica ?i s?-?i construie?ti via?a pe care ai visat-o. Cartea Aijei Mayrock ??i pune la dispozi?ie ?roeme“ (poezii rap) inspirate, ponturi de supravie?uire, pove?ti personale ?i chestionare rapide, un capitol despre cum s? le dezv?lui p?rin?ilor problema ta ?i un interviu ?n exclusivitate cu autoarea. Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i a fost supervizat de dr. Deborah Temkin, specialist? ?n fenomenul de h?r?uire ?n ?coal?, ?i de dr. Myrna Fleishman, psiholog. Pentru fete ?i b?ie?i de 11–16 ani.
Arta de a fi
Arta de a fi
Lucian Pricopie
S? fii un tat? minunat pare o sarcin? de-a dreptul imposibil? uneori. Se a?teapt? de la tat?l modern s? poat? face orice – s? poarte ?ntotdeauna de grij? familiei, s?-i motiveze pe copii, s? fie un bun ?ndrum?tor, consilier, educator, gestionar, asistent medical, nutri?ionist, ofi?er de securitate... iar lista r?m?ne deschis?.Autorul le d? o speran?? tuturor ta?ilor care, p?n? acum, s-au descurcat ?i ei cum au putut, oferindu-le un ghid complet pentru a se implica direct ?n via?a copiilor lor, din momentul concep?iei ?i p?n? c?nd ace?tia ajung la v?rsta adult?. O lucrare necesar? at?t proaspe?ilor t?tici ?i celor cu state vechi, c?t ?i oric?rui b?rbat care sper? s? devin? ?ntr o bun? zi tat?.
Dumineca Orbului
Dumineca Orbului
Petrescu Cezar
Mamele, care fac at?t de multe lucruri, spun adesea despre ele c? stau ?n cas? ?i nu fac nimic. Se simt singure, invizibile ?i ne?nsemnate. ?i asta de?i fiecare mam? ??i preg?te?te copilul pentru societatea ?n care tr?im cu to?ii. ?ntreaga civiliza?ie depinde de munca mamelor. ?i nu sunt vorbe prea mari. Via?a social? ar fi haotic? f?r? contribu?ia at?t de ?nsemnat? a mamelor. Dac? ele se simt lipsite de importan??, atunci cu siguran?? valoarea muncii lor nu este apreciat? cum se cuvine. Cartea Ce fac mamele este scris? cu scopul de a ilustra nu doar motivele pentru care meseria de mam? merit? toat? admira?ia noastr?, ci ?i influen?a pe care noi to?i o avem ?n acest sens. Cu to?ii suntem conecta?i la universul acesta al mamelor.Atunci c?nd o femeie ?ncepe s? le spun? celor din jur c? este ?ns?rcinat?, se simte uneori de parc? ar fi p??it pe un teren minat. Pentru fiecare ?ntrebare posibil? legat? de ea ?i de copilul ei, exist? cel pu?in dou? ?coli opuse de g?ndire. Fiecare ?coal? de g?ndire ??i consolideaz? principiile prin intermediul unui atac la adresa ?colii ?inamice“, cu previziuni ?nfrico??toare privitoare la ceea ce se va ?nt?mpla dac? mama va c?dea prad? influen?ei acesteia. Au ap?rut o mul?ime de c?r?i care le ?ndeamn? pe mame s? urmeze regulile sau instruc?iunile personale ale autorilor, deoarece acestea, chipurile, le-ar u?ura munca. Dar c?t de util este un set de reguli? Tr?im ?ntr-o societate tolerant?, iar dreptul de a alege este o consecin?? pre?ioas? a acestui fapt. Totu?i, mamele se simt adesea etichetate ?n func?ie de alegerile pe care le fac ?i respinse de femeile care au luat decizii diferite. Autoarea ?ncearc? ?ns? s? ne spun? c?, ?n spatele alegerilor noastre individuale, exist? teme fundamentale, comune mai tuturor mamelor. Le ?mp?rt??im oriunde am locui ?i indiferent de epoc?. Rolul de mam? se concentreaz? asupra dragostei pe care o ofer? copilului s?u. Cartea ??i propune s? ofere pe de o parte ?ncuraj?rile de care au at?ta nevoie mamele, pe de alta, un reper ferm pentru oricine ?ncearc? s? le ?n?eleag?.
Korszimfónia: Harmincegy beszélgetés életünkr?l és világunkról
Korszimfónia: Harmincegy beszélgetés életünkr?l és világunkról
Weszelovszky Zoltán
Bels? irányt?nk ahhoz az élethez vezet el, amelyr?l mindig is álmodtunk. Célunk felé tartva ráismerünk azokra a pontokra, ahol irányt kell változtatnunk, hogy kihasználhassuk teljes bels? potenciálunkat. Ez az inspiráló utazás minden életterületen átvezet: segít, hogy felismerjük életfeladatunkat, hogy meghozzuk a helyes d?ntéseket, hogy megvalósítsuk legrejtettebb vágyainkat. A híres életmódtanár ezúttal gyakorlati útmutatót ad ahhoz, miként menedzselhetjük sikeresen a saját életünket. "Már maga az a felismerés, hogy minden élethelyzetben igent mondhatok az életre, hihetetlenül gazdaggá tette a hétk?znapjaimat. ?jra meg újra próbára tettem, hogyan tudom az éveken át gy?jt?tt élettapasztalatokat és az új látásmódot alkalmazni, és az eredmények mindig azt igazolták, hogy minden egyes esetben lehetséges változást elérni. ?ppen csak meg kell teremteni a változás el?feltételeit." (a Szerz?) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. májusi számában megjelent cikk: Okosabban kéne élni
Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony
Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony
Mester Györgyi
Sosem értetted a szakk?nyveket az autizmusról? Itt az alkalom, hogy olvasmányos és humoros formában megismerd a legfontosabb tudnivalókat a gyanújelekt?l a diagnózison át, a terápiáig. K?zérthet?, szakkifejezés mentes k?nyv szül?knek, nagyszül?knek és laikusoknak. Mit nevezünk autizmusnak és mi okozza? Mi az a BNO szám? Milyen terápiák vannak és melyik jó a gyerekemnek? Kérdések a diagnózis után? Családom nem fogadja el az autista gyerekemet, mit tehetek? Milyen támogatásokat kérhetek, és hol intézzem? Mi lesz vele ha én már nem leszek? ?s még számtalan más kérdés...
A hatodik: Novellák
A hatodik: Novellák
Mester Györgyi
Mikor mondhatjuk, hogy kapcsolatunk kiegyensúlyozott a gyerekünkkel? Ha minden kérésünket szó nélkül teljesíti? Ha nem dacol, és az iskolában sincs rá panasz? De mi t?rténik, ha egy nap rossz jegyet hoz haza, ha duzzogva kivonja magát a házimunkából, ha nem tartja be nekünk tett ígéretét, s?t nem mond igazat? Akkor kevésbé fogjuk szeretni? Alfie Kohn, a gyermeknevelés elismert szakért?je határozottan állítja, hogy a kérdés komolyabb, mint el?sz?r gondolnánk. A gyermekek jelent?s részének komoly szorongást okoz, ha úgy érzi, nem ? maga, hanem a viselkedése számít. Mindegy, hogy büntetünk vagy jutalmazunk, az üzenet ugyanaz: csak akkor állunk ki mellette, ha azt csinálja, amit elvárunk t?le. Holott minden gyereknek alapvet? és legfontosabb igénye, hogy a szülei feltétel nélkül szeressék! Akkor is, ha nem fogad szót. Akkor is, ha csúnyán beszél, verekszik, vagy egyszer?en csak lustálkodni szeretne tanulás helyett… A Szül?k feltétel nélkül állításait komoly kutatások támasztják alá, és rengeteg gyakorlati tanáccsal látja el a hagyományos fegyelmezés ?rd?gi k?réb?l kit?rni vágyó szül?ket. Kerüljünk k?zelebb gyermekeinkhez! Ha nem rekesztjük ki ?ket saját életükb?l, ha engedjük ?ket d?nteni, és azt is tiszteletben tartjuk, ha d?ntéseik ellentétesek a mieinkkel, egy napon észre fogjuk venni, hogy már nemcsak terelgetjük ?ket – hanem együtt haladunk velük.Alfie Kohn Amerika-szerte ismert szakért?, tizennégy gyermeknevelési k?nyv szerz?je, egyetemek és konferenciák népszer? el?adója, televíziós m?sorok visszatér? vendége. A hagyományos, büntetésen és jutalmazáson alapuló nevelés legnagyobb kritikusa, akinek k?nyveit húsz nyelvre fordították le. Maga is gyakorló szül?, feleségével és két gyerekével Bostonban él.
Three Best Friends
Three Best Friends
Robbin Miller
Max and his two best friends, Sophia and Max, are excited that a new community playground is opening up. They have not played together in a playground since meeting in preschool. The ribbon is cute and Max suddenlty cries out, " My wheelchair is stuck in the wood chips." Feeling humiliated that Max can't play with his friends, ?he struggles to find a way to belong despite being bullied by two kids. Max learns the true meaning of friendship as fathoms on why playgrounds are built for not all children with abilities.?
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
Dale L. Roberts
Are you concerned about your balance, building strength and maintaining independence? Wouldn’t it be nice having a simple step-by-step exercise plan to do on your own at home? Most importantly, won’t you have a better piece of mind knowing it’s a safe and proven fitness routine specifically for senior citizens? Then, The Home Workout Plan: How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days has your answer in a short, concise book you can read in less than an hour. That way you can get your information, exercise today and maintain a great quality of life! In this health and fitness short read, you’ll get: -34 seated exercises with additional modifications -Exercises ideal for the unconditioned to the active senior -Brief and straightforward instructions of each exercise -A reliable and tested 30-day workout plan -Helpful guidelines and tips to get the most from your workouts -Over 34 full-color pictures for a better understanding -And, so much more! Get Your Copy Today!
Discipline Children
Discipline Children
Joseph R. Parker
Have you wondered if you're making the right decisions when it comes to raising your child? Over the last years, there has been a lot of confusion about the role of boys and girls in our society. It's easy to see why parents are left with lots of unanswered questions when they're raising their children.Using positive discipline methods can significantly help them become responsible and balanced adults later in life.Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: ·Learn how to avoid common discipline mistakes that parents make that can end up harming their child's development in the long-term. ·Setting healthy boundaries that your kids will always respect. ·Learn the best methods to handle conflicts and arguments. ·Effective communication with yout child or teenager. ·Teaching self-control, handling aggressive behaviors, and more! Would you like to enjoy going through every stage of your child's development without worrying if you're doing the right thing or not?The earlier you manage to give proper guidance, the easier it is for them to grow into healthier adults.However, there is no such thing as being too late, and even the most damaging of behaviors and habits can be helped.Do not leave anything to chance. Start by guiding them towards the best possible path towards a healthy and responsible adulthood today!
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Bernie Siegel
Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1) April 2017 Recovering The Self is a quarterly journal which explores the themes of recovery and healing through the lenses of poetry, memoir, opinion, essays, fiction, humor, art, media reviews and psycho-education. Contributors to RTS Journal come from around the globe to deliver unique perspectives you won't find anywhere else! The theme of Volume VI, Number 1 is "Focus on Grief & Loss." This issue includes a special tribute to author Jewel Kats. Inside, we explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of this and several other areas of concern including: ·Pet loss and animal companionship ·Eldercare ·Loving yourself ·Soul mates ·Art Therapy ·Happiness ·Living alone with confidence ·Partnership ·Narcissism ·...and more! This issue's contributors include: Ernest Dempsey, Brittany Michelson, Gerry Ellen Avery, Dave Roberts, Craig Kyzar, Natalie Jeanne Champagne, Erin Ergenbright, Martha M. Carey, Kyle Torke, Mrrinali Punj, Janet Grace Riehl, Marjorie L. Faes, Claire Luna-Pinsker, Diane Wing, Candy Czernicki, Allison Ballard, Valerie Benko, Diana Raab, Maureen Andrade Montague, by Sam Vaknin, Sarah Conteh, Katrina Wood, Bernie Siegel, Max Skinwood, Nora Trujillo, Sherry Lynn Jones, Janet Grace Riehl, Steve Sonntag, Patrick Gere Frank, Peter MacQuarrie, Christy Lowry and others. "I highly recommend a subscription to this journal, Recovering the Self, for professionals who are in the counseling profession or who deal with crisis situations. Readers involved with the healing process will also really enjoy this journal and feel inspired to continue on. The topics covered in the first journal alone, will motivate you to continue reading books on the subject matter presented. Guaranteed." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views Visit us online at www.RecoveringSelf.com Published by Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Κατερίνα Κατσάπη
λοι εμαστε ξιοι να αγαπηθομε, ταν μπορομε να αγαπσουμε...Να αγαπσουμε χαρζοντα την ομορφι που κρβουμε μσα μα!Aυτ η ομορφι μπορε να αλλξει, χι μνο τον κσμο μα, αλλ και ολκληρο το σμπαν! Everyone deserves to be loved, if they can love…Love by giving our internal beauty, because only this kind of beauty can change not only our world, but the whole universe!
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Robin Marvel
Framing A Family will guide you to giving your children a childhood they do not need to recover from! This book will strengthen your family, inspiring you to build your home with encouragement, empowerment, forgiveness, and most important love. You will: ·Gain proven tips and tools to empower, encourage, and strengthen your family ·Let go of your expectations and embrace the hard times and the good times with an open mind ·Build your confidence as you raise the self esteem of each family member creating an unshakable unit ·Forgive, heal and move forward in the present moment with action steps that build family ·Learn tried and true methods to build a foundation, raising confident children "Robin's wonderful stories illustrate her challenges and how she has been able to turn these challenges into personal victories and inspirational nuggets of hope for other people. I am happy to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, hope, and direction to take their lives to the next level, to live life to the fullest with love, empowerment, and integrity." --Stacey Toupin, Life and Career Coach "Framing a Family teaches parents around the world the value of family, union, and unity. She both guides us and gives us tools and skills. The way she raises her children is a inspiration and we can all learn valuable lessons from her experiences. Robin is a hardworking, fun-loving, wise mother. I have found all of Robin's books and talks to be empowering and uplifting." --Mia Bredenkamp, Bultfontein, FS, South Africa Robin Marvel is a multi-published author and speaker in the field of self-development. Despite a childhood filled with abuse, homelessness, and teen pregnancy, Robin has overcome many challenges to make her life one of purpose. Today she has devoted her life to show others how to do the same. Using her story, books, and workshops as tools, she is inspiring others to break cycles and choose to live the life they desire. Learn more at www.RobinMarvel.com Another empowering book from Marvelous Spirit Press
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