MOST PEOPLE BELIEVED THAT BECAUSE BLACK WOMEN HAIR IS NAPPY, ZIPPY, CURLY, KINKY, TINY, WAVY, AND SHORT; THEY WEAR WIGS, WEAVES, EXTENSIONS, AND BRAIDS TO COVER IT UP. BUT THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BLACK WOMEN SHOES. UNLIKE MOST PEOPLE, I DID MY HOMEWORK AND FOUND OUT IT’S NOT TRUE. Before I started writing this book, my preconceived notions as to why black women did not wear their natural hair, was wide-ranging.Since I had quite a few assumptions (which may or may not be true), I started looking for ways to know the truth about black women and their dislike of their natural hair. I finally came up with an idea to interview a sample of black women and get the facts instead of sticking to my assumptions. After my interactions with many black women from different continents,countries, and cities, I decided to write this book to give an opportunity to other people to read about my findings that reveal a variety of answers to my burning questions. I hope you read it, learn from it, and comprehend the many reasons why black women choose not to wear their hair. This book may not coverall those reasons but all the answers in it were real and from black women themselves.You will be surprised to discover a variety of reasons why they don't wear their natural hair.