


Anyone Can Get An A+:How To Beat Procrastination, Reduce Stress and Improve Your电子书

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作       者:Geetanjali Mukherjee

出  版  社:Dreamcatcher Books


字       数:28.8万

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Are you spending hours studying in the library, and still getting poor grades? Are you convinced that you are just not a "math person" or "science person"? Do you wish you could improve your grades to qualify for a particular course or scholarship? Do you need to ace your SAT, GRE or GMAT? This book is written for students like you, who are struggling to get through a tough course, need to do well on a standardized test or just want to do well in school without spending all day in the library. Based on research from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, this conversational, down-to-earth guide is packed full of tips that can transform your study habits and help you significantly improve your grades, whether you are in high school or college or an adult returning to get your degree after a gap. I highly recommend Anyone Can Get an A+ to every college student and any secondary student thinking about higher education. ?McNeil's Reviews Practical and sound advice presented in a caring supportive manner.?Sarah Jackson, Author and Reviewer Anyone Can Get An A+ contains 39 tips on various aspects of studying and preparing for exams. In this book, you will learn:? ? The best and worst techniques to revise for an exam ? What is the top mistake most students make when doing exam preparation and how to avoid it? ? How to overcome procrastination and use your study time wisely? ? How to break down larger assignments into smaller chunks? ? How to write a paper?painlessly ? How to use small segments of time effectively? ? How to get help to understand difficult material? ? How to do well in a subject?even if?you hate it? ? How to improve your grades in quantitative subjects like mathematics ? How to?organize your time and study schedule ? How to keep track of all your deadlines and school-related paperwork Who this book is for: ? College students who want to learn how to juggle classes, extra-curricular activities, other activities and also have room for a social life ? High school students struggling with the pressure to get good grades to get into college, pass standardized tests and be eligible for scholarships ? Parents who are worried about how to help their children get better grades without overburdening them ? Teachers who want to understand how to help their students learn more deeply while enjoying their lessons ? Counselors and tutors who work directly with students, to better help motivate and inspire students to do their best Anyone Can Get An A+ includes the following chapters: Chapter 1: Adopting The Right Attitude Chapter 2: Nourishing Your Mind and Body Chapter 3: Organizing Your Study Life Chapter 4: Getting The Most From Your Study Time Chapter 5: Beating Procrastination Chapter 6: Studying Effectively Chapter 7: Tackling Difficult Subjects Chapter 8: Revising For Exams

Title Page

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Praise for Geetanjali Mukherjee and Anyone Can Get...



Chapter 1: Adopting The Right Attitude

Tip #1: Develop The Right Mindset

Tip #2: Don’t Compare Yourself To Your Peers

Tip #3: Focus On What You Can Control

Tip #4: Take The Long View

Chapter 2: Nourishing Your Mind and Body

Tip #5: Make Time For Renewal

Tip #6: Ensure That You Get Enough Sleep

Tip #7: Stay Healthy Through Exercise

Tip #8: Eat To Nourish Your Brain

Tip #9: Cut Back on Caffeine and Hydrate

Chapter 3: Organizing Your Study Life

Tip #10: Figure Out Your Study Goals

Tip #11: Create a Weekly Plan

Tip #12: Create a Daily Plan

Tip #13: Organize Your Paperwork

Chapter 4: Getting The Most From Your Study Time

Tip #14: Manage Distractions

Tip #15: Beware Pseudo-work

Tip #15: Beware Pseudo-work

Tip #16: Use Bits of Time

Tip #17: Change Your Environment To Prevent Boredom

Tip #18: You Don’t Need To Be a Grind

Chapter 5: Beating Procrastination

Tip #19: Start With Low-Hanging Fruit

Tip #20: Break Up Large Projects

Tip #21: Use a Timer

Tip #22: Use Bribes and Incentives

Tip #23: Harness Productive Procrastination

Chapter 6: Studying Effectively

Tip #24: Leverage The Power Of Your Brain

Tip #25: Learn Actively

Tip #26: Utilize Your Personal Learning Style

Tip #27: Work on Assignments Effectively

Tip #28: Make Paper Writing Painless

Chapter 7: Tackling Difficult Subjects

Tip #29: Isolate Your Weaknesses

Tip #30: Use Supplementary Materials

Tip #31: Ask For Help

Tip #32: Dig Beneath Your Feet

Chapter 8: Revising For Exams

Tip #33: Practice The Skills You Will Need

Tip #34: Create A Personal Study Guide

Tip #35: Go Test Yourself

Tip #36: Analyze Your Past Exams

Tip #37: Listen For Clues From Your Professor

Tip #38: Make Time for Extra Credit Work

Tip #39: Prepare For Exam Day





About The Author

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