


A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?电子书

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作       者:Edward Bradford Titchener

出  版  社:Cheapest Books


字       数:48.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 其他



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It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.?—Leonardo da Vinci??In this Beginner's Psychology I have tried to write, as nearly as might be, the kind of book that I should have found useful when I was beginning my own study of psychology. That was nearly thirty years ago; and I read Bain, and the Mills, and Spencer, and Rabier, and as much of Wundt as a struggling acquaintance with German would allow. Curiously enough, it was a paragraph in James Mill, most unpsychological of psychologists, that set me on the introspective track,—though many years had to pass before I properly understood what had put him off it. ??A book like this would have saved me a great deal of labour and vexation of spirit. Nowadays, of course, there are many introductions to psychology, and the beginner has a whole library of text-books to choose from. Still, they are of varying merit; and, what is perhaps more important, their temperamental appeal is diverse.?I do not find it easy to relate this new book to the older Primer,—which will not be further revised. There is change all through; every paragraph has been rewritten. ??The greatest change is, however, a shift of attitude; I now lay less stress than I did upon knowledge and more upon point of view. The beginner in any science is oppressed and sometimes disheartened by the amount he has to learn; so many men have written, and so many are writing; the books say such different things, and the magazine articles are so upsetting!

A Beginner's Psychology


CHAPTER I: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does

CHAPTER II: Sensation

CHAPTER III: Simple Image and Feeling

CHAPTER IV: Attention

CHAPTER V: Perception and Idea

CHAPTER VI: Association

CHAPTER VII: Memory and Imagination

CHAPTER VIII: Instinct and Emotion


CHAPTER X: Thought

CHAPTER XI: Sentiment

CHAPTER XII: Self and Consciousness


Dreaming and Hypnosis


Index of Names

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