


Got Bipolar?:An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Effectively电子书

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作       者:Alfredo Zotti

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:66.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Marshal the Skills and Resources You Need to Live Your Best Life!This book is about how to recover from bipolar disorder, or at least how to attempt to recover from it. Sufferers will be briefly introduced to new coping skills including: emotional regulation, method acting, empathy development and relaxation. In order to get the most out of this book, you’ll need to develop your own strategies, based on the recommendations of this book.“In Got Bipolar?, Zotti offers unique insights based on his personal experience of coming to terms with his own bipolar condition. Applying method acting as an emotional regulation tool mirrors the work of Marsha Linehan and her concept of ‘opposite action to the emotion’, a tool long recognized as effective in regulating emotions. Additionally, his focus on developing hobbies and interests in one’s life also reflects Linehan’s emphasis on creating a life worth living through the pursuit of meaningful activities. Zotti’s book will, no doubt, provide an invaluable guide for sufferers of bipolar disorder and I highly recommend it.” --Paul Corcoran, Clinical Psychologist, Moving Forward“If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD), Got Bipolar? is a good place to start to try to make sense of it all. Topics include self-care, medications, coping skills and responding to someone in crisis. Zotti has lived with BPD most of his life, so he has walked the talk. The messages are of hope, loving yourself throughout this process and, if you are looking for help with a loved one, recognizing that the person is more than just this illness.” -- Judy Wright, mental health patient advocate“Got Bipolar? offers a framework for the sufferer in need of skills to overcome symptoms. Zotti personally uses method acting as a coping skill to reverse mood states. Even a smile has the power to shift a low mood. He covers the basics, but it is up to the readers to increase their knowledge of emotional regulation, empathy development, relaxation techniques and other coping skills. This book is a really good primer for anyone suffering from Bipolar Disorder. -- Lewis Weir, BSWLearn more about the author at www.lhpress.com/authors/alfredo-zotti

Title Page



Chapter 1 - Ingredients Important for Recovery

Knowledge of Bipolar Disorder

Helpful Books


Love Yourself

False Beliefs & Distorted Thinking

Chapter 2 - Recovery

What matters: toward recovery

Fighting Stigma and Myths

The Negative Ideology of Mental Disorders

Barriers to Recovery


Steps for Successfully Coping

‘Social Support’

Chapter 3 - Method Acting and Emotional Regulation

Method Acting

Acting as a Coping Mechanism

Emotional regulation

Life as a Recovering Actor

The Reality of Hope

Become an Active Participant

The Importance of Hobbies

Chapter 4 - Three types of Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar I Disorder

More than a Biological Disorder

Helpful Medications

Bipolar II




Chapter 5 - The Finland Open Dialogue Method.

Rufus May and the Recovery Journey

The Open Dialogue Approach

Psychosis and Open Dialogue

Treatment as Intervention

Concluding Thoughts

Chapter 6 - The Biopsychosocial Model of Mental Health

Psychology and Art

Meditation and Mindfulness

Toward a Spiritual Science

Changing the Script

The Study of Human Beings


Appendix: Therapeutic Readings


The Cracked Pot


About the Author


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