


RESTful Web API Design with Node.js - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Valentin Bojinov

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:49.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Design and implement efficient RESTful solutions with this practical hands-on guideAbout This Book·Create a fully featured RESTful API solution from scratch.·Learn how to leverage Node.JS, Express, MongoDB and NoSQL datastores to give an extra edge to your REST API design.·Use this practical guide to integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application.Who This Book Is ForThe ideal target audience for this book is web developers who have some experience with RESTful services. Familiarity with basic JavaScript programming techniques is required. No prior experience with Node.JS or Express.js is required.What You Will Learn·Install, develop, and test your own Node.js user modules·Comprehend the differences between an HTTP and a RESTful application·Optimize RESTful service URI routing with best practices·Eliminate third-party dependencies in your tests with mocking·Learn about NoSQL data stores and integrate MongoDB in your Node.js application with Mongoose·Secure your services with NoSQL database integration within Node.js applications·Enrich your development skills to create scalable, server-side, RESTful applications based on the Node.js platformIn DetailIn this era of cloud computing, every data provisioning solution is built in a scalable and fail-safe way. Thus, when building RESTful services, the right choice for the underlying platform is vital. Node.js, with its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, is exactly the right choice to build RESTful APIs.This book will help you enrich your development skills to create scalable, server-side, RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform.Starting with the fundamentals of REST, you will understand why RESTful web services are better data provisioning solution than other technologies. You will start setting up a development environment by installing Node.js, Express.js, and other modules. Next, you will write a simple HTTP request handler and create and test Node.js modules using automated tests and mock objects. You will then have to choose the most appropriate data storage type, having options between a key/value or document data store, and also you will implement automated tests for it. This module will evolve chapter by chapter until it turns into a full-fledged and secure Restful service.Style and approachCreate state of the art RESTful API solutions leveraging Node.JS 4.x.

RESTful Web API Design with Node.js - Second Edition

RESTful Web API Design with Node.js - Second Edition


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1. REST – What You Did Not Know

REST fundamentals

Principle 1 - everything is a resource

Principle 2 - each resource is identifiable by a unique identifier

Principle 3 - use the standard HTTP methods

Principle 4 - resources can have multiple representations

Principle 5 - communicate statelessly

The REST goals

Separation of the representation and the resource



Scalability and performance

Working with WADL

Taking advantage of the existing infrastructure


2. Getting Started with Node.js

Installing Node.js

Node Package Manager

Installing the Express framework and other modules

Setting up a development environment

Handling HTTP requests

Modularizing code

Testing Node.js

Working with mock objects

Deploying an application

Microsoft Azure


Self-test questions


3. Building a Typical Web API

Specifying the API

Implementing routes

Querying the API

Content negotiation

Cross-origin resource sharing

API versioning

Self-test questions


4. Using NoSQL Databases

Key/value store - LevelDB

Document store - MongoDB

Database modeling with Mongoose

Testing a Mongoose model with Mocha

Creating a user-defined model around a Mongoose model

Wiring up a NoSQL database module to Express

Content delivery network

Self-test questions


5. Implementing a Fully-Fledged RESTful Service

Extensibility and versioning

Working with arbitrary data


Implementing paging and filtering


Supplying the Cache-Control header in Express applications

Discovering and exploring RESTful services

Self-test questions


6. Keeping the Bad Guys Out


Basic authentication


Passport's basic authentication strategy

Passport's third-party authentication strategies


Transport Layer Security

Self-test questions


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