


Deployment with Docker电子书

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作       者:Srdjan Grubor

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:36.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A practical guide to rapidly and efficiently mastering Docker containers, along with tips and tricks learned in the field.About This Book·Use Docker containers, horizontal node scaling, modern orchestration tools (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery to manage your infrastructure.·Increase service density by turning often-idle machines into hosts for numerous Docker services.·Learn what it takes to build a true container infrastructure that is scalable, reliable, and resilient in the face of increased complexities from using container infrastructures.·Find out how to identify, debug, and mitigate most real-world, undocumented issues when deploying your own Docker infrastructure.·Learn tips and tricks of the trade from existing Docker infrastructures running in production environments.Who This Book Is ForThis book is aimed at system administrators, developers, DevOps engineers, and software engineers who want to get concrete, hands-on experience deploying multi-tier web applications and containerized microservices using Docker. This book is also for anyone who has worked on deploying services in some fashion and wants to take their small-scale setups to the next level (or simply to learn more about the process).What You Will Learn·Set up a working development environment and create a simple web service to demonstrate the basics·Learn how to make your service more usable by adding a database and an app server to process logic·Add resilience to your services by learning how to horizontally scale with a few containers on a single node·Master layering isolation and messaging to simplify and harden the connectivity between containers·Learn about numerous issues encountered at scale and their workarounds, from the kernel up to code versioning·Automate the most important parts of your infrastructure with continuous integrationIn DetailDeploying Docker into production is considered to be one of the major pain points in developing large-scale infrastructures, and the documentation available online leaves a lot to be desired. With this book, you will learn everything you wanted to know to effectively scale your deployments globally and build a resilient, scalable, and containerized cloud platform for your own use.The book starts by introducing you to the containerization ecosystem with some concrete and easy-to-digest examples; after that, you will delve into examples of launching multiple instances of the same container. From there, you will cover orchestration, multi-node setups, volumes, and almost every relevant component of this new approach to deploying services. Using intertwined approaches, the book will cover battle-tested tooling, or issues likely to be encountered in real-world scenarios, in detail. You will also learn about the other supporting components required for a true PaaS deployment and discover common options to tie the whole infrastructure together.At the end of the book, you learn to build a small, but functional, PaaS (to appreciate the power of the containerized service approach) and continue to explore real-world approaches to implementing even larger global-scale services.Style and approachThis in-depth learning guide shows you how to deploy your applications in production using Docker (from the basic steps to advanced concepts) and how to overcome challenges in Docker-based infrastructures. The book also covers practical use-cases in real-world examples, and provides tips and tricks on the various topics.

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Containers - Not Just Another Buzzword

The what and why of containers

Docker's place

Introduction to Docker containers

The competition


System-level virtualization

Desktop application-level virtualizations

When should containerization be considered?

The ideal Docker deployment

The container mindset

The developer workflow


Rolling Up the Sleeves

Installing Docker

Debugging containers

Seeing what the container sees

Our first Dockerfile

Breaking the cache

A container more practical

Extending another container with FROM

Ensuring the latest patches are included

Applying our custom NGINX configuration

Building and running

Service from scratch


Setting environment variables with ENV

Exposing ports

Container security layering with limited users

VOLUMEs and data that lives outside of the container

Setting the working directory

Adding files from the internet

Changing the current user

Putting it all together


Service Decomposition

A quick review

Docker commands

Dockerfile commands

Writing a real service

An overview

What we are going to build

The implementation

Web server


The database

The application server

The main application logic

Running it all together



Limitations and issues with our implementation

Fixing the critical issues

Using a local volume

Generating the credentials at runtime

Introducing Docker networking


Scaling the Containers

Service discovery

A recap of Docker networking

Service Discovery in depth

Client-side discovery pattern

Server-side discovery pattern

Hybrid systems

Picking the (un)available options

Container orchestration

State reconciliation

Docker Swarm


Apache Mesos/Marathon

Cloud-based offerings

Implementing orchestration

Setting up a Docker Swarm cluster

Initializing a Docker Swarm cluster

Deploying services

Cleaning up

Using Swarm to orchestrate our words service

The application server


The web server


Deploying it all

The Docker stack

Clean up


Keeping the Data Persistent

Docker image internals

How images are layered

Persisting the writable CoW layer(s)

Running your own image registry

Underlying storage driver


btrfs / zfs

overlay and overlay2


Cleanup of Docker storage

Manual cleanup

Automatic cleanup

Persistent storage

Node-local storage

Bind mounts

Read-only bind mounts

Named volumes

Relocatable volumes

Relocatable volume sync loss

UID/GID and security considerations with volumes


Advanced Deployment Topics

Advanced debugging

Attaching to a container's process space

Debugging the Docker daemon

Advanced networking

Static host configuration

DNS configuration

Overlay networks

Docker built-in network mappings

Docker communication ports

High availability pipelines

Container messaging

Implementing our own messaging queue




Advanced security

Mounting the Docker socket into the container

Host security scans

Read-only containers

Base system (package) updates

Privileged mode versus --cap-add and --cap-drop


The Limits of Scaling and the Workarounds

Limiting service resources

RAM limits

CPU limits

Pitfall avoidance


Max file descriptors

Socket buffers

Ephemeral ports

Netfilter tweaks

Multi-service containers

Zero-downtime deployments

Rolling service restarts

Blue-green deployments

Blue-turquoise-green deployments


Building Our Own Platform

Configuration management





Amazon Web Services setup

Creating an account

Getting API keys

Using the API keys

HashiCorp Packer



Choosing the right AMI base image

Building the AMI

Deployments to AWS

The road to automated infrastructure deployment

Running the deployment and tear-down playbooks

Continuous integration/Continuous delivery

Resource considerations

First-deploy circular dependency

Further generic CI/CD uses


Exploring the Largest-Scale Deployments

Maintaining quorums

Node automation

Reactive auto-scaling

Predictive auto-scaling


Evaluating next-gen technologies

Technological needs


A team's technical competency


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