


Environment And Water Management电子书

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作       者:Prof. Elijah K Biamah, Eng. Michael K Biamah

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:347.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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In Kenya and Somalia, most of the population (over 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore derive their livelihoods and incomes from agriculture and livestock production. Thus it is pertinent that environmental and water management be give priority when coming up with suitable conservation technologies. Future options of integrated water resources management for agriculture and livestock production will include: water resources management; adapting water resource management to climate change; response to key drivers of change; an integrated watershed management approach and rainwater harvesting and conservation for sustainable agriculture and livestock production. This book presents a broad spectrum of environment and water management technological options available to most of Kenya's and Somalia’s rural communities. The areas covered by this publication include:? Dryland environments and agriculture; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Agricultural watershed management in Kenya; Runoff water Management Systems; Drivers of change for water availability and use for agriculture; Djabia rainwater harvesting system in Lamu, Kenya; Trans-boundary integrated river water management; Integrated land and water management in the Nyando River Catchment Area, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya; and Key environmental considerations in river basins management in Kenya and Somalia.

Cover Page




Acronyms and Abbreviations



1. The Drylands Environment in Kenya

1.1 Country Background

2. Conservation Technologies for Agricultural Watershed Management in Kenya

2.1 Management of Agricultural Watersheds in Kenya

2.2 Watershed Management Strategies in Kenya

2.3 Watershed Management Approaches in Kenya

2.4 Watershed Management Options in Kenya

2.5 Conclusion

Selected References

3. Current and Future Responses to Drivers of Change for Water Availability and Use for Agriculture

3.1 Sustaining Water Availability for Agriculture

3.2 Critical Importance of Water for Agricultural Production

3.3 Current Situation, Problems and Constraints associated with Water

3.4 Integrated Land and Water Management

3.5 Enabling Conditions for Land and Water Management

3.6 Future Options of Water Resources Management for Agriculture

3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations

Selected References

4. Runoff Water Management Systems for Crop Production and Rural Water Supply in Arid and Sei-arid Environments

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Potential for Runoff Irrigated Agriculture

4.3 Effectiveness of Runoff Irrigation

4.4 Runoff Water Catchment Systems

4.5 Reservoir Based RWC Systems

4.6 Conclusion

Selected References

5. Dryland Agriculture and Conservation Technologies for Improving Soil Moisture for Crop Production in Semi Arid Kenya

5.1 Practice of Dryland Agriculture

5.2 Climate and Dominant Soil Types

5.3 Effectiveness of Dryland Management Interventions

5.4 On-Farm Conservation Tillage Technologies

5.5 Farmers Experiences and Perceptions

5.6 Conclusions

Selected References

6. Djabia Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Domestic Water Supply in Lamu, Kenya

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Djabia Design Considerations

6.3 Conclusion

Selected References

7. Trans-boundary Integrated River Water Management of the Shabelle and Juba Rivers’ Basins in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Land and Water Resources in Somalia

7.3 Hydrology of the two River Basins

7.4 Irrigation Systems, Infrastructure and Operations

7.5 Trans-boundary Water Management Issues

7.6 Planned Trans-boundary Water Uses

7.7 Trans-boundary Areal Coverage of the River Basins

7.8 Trans-boundary Implication of River Development Projects

7.9 Water Allocation and Canal/Barrage Management

7.10 Conclusions

Selected References

8. Integrated Land and Water Management in Nyando Catchment Area, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

8.1 Catchment Background

8.2 Soil Erosion and Land Productivity

8.3 Soil Fertility and Crop Productivity

8.4 Available Conservation Techniques

8.5 Agricultural Policy and Land Use

8.6 Smallholder Agriculture and Soil Productivity

8.7 Dissemination of Suitable Agro-techniques

8.8 Demonstration of Ecologically Sustainable Agriculture

8.9 Land Management Options and Soil Types

8.10 Ecological Degradation, Low Crop Productivity and Poor Water Quality

8.11 Catchment Degradation and Conservation

8.12 Changes in Land Use Patterns

8.13 Enterprise Performance in Upland and Lowland Areas

8.14 Impact Analysis of Conservation Practices

8.15 Security of Tenure and Fragmentation of Land

8.16 Agricultural Support, Technology and Technical Advice

8.17 Constraints to Soil Conservation

8.18 Costs and Benefits of Conservation Techniques

8.19 Gender and Socio-cultural Issues in Conservation

8.20 Impact and Sustainability of ISWM Activities

8.21 Conclusions

Selected References

9. Key Environmental Considerations in the Shabelle and Juba River Basins of Somalia

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Environmental Problems affecting Specific Projects Outputs: Example of Middle Shabelle Region

9.3 Conflict Management Mechanisms in the Middle Shabelle Region

9.4 Ownership Concerns over Irrigation Canals

9.5 Environmental Concerns in the Middle Shabelle Region

9.6 Environmental Management in Central and Southern Somalia: Emerging Gaps and Recommendations

9.7 Conclusion and Recommendations

Selected References

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