


Uneducated: 37 People Who Redefined the Definition of ‘Educated’电子书

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作       者:Giacomo Giammatteo

出  版  社:Inferno Publishing Company


字       数:19.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Did you ever find yourself at a dead—end, not knowing where to go, or which way to turn? I’m sure Steve Jobs did, or Bill Gates, or Leonardo da Vinci, or Ben Franklin, or any of our twelve presidents who didn’t have degrees. But that didn’t stop them. They didn’t give up. They gathered their wits, made a plan, and persevered. And look where it got them!? Not everyone becomes a billionaire, obviously, but it *is* achievable. Many of the people in this book did it. You can too. ?

Title Page




1. Uneducated

2. What Is an Education, Exactly?

3. The Successful Ones

4. The Arts (Acting, Directing, Music, and Movies)

5. Jay Z

6. Madonna

7. Steven Spielberg

8. Robert De Niro

9. Sean Combs

10. Jennifer Lopez

11. Andrew Lloyd Webber

12. Business—Ted Turner

13. Mary Kay Ash

14. Henry Ford

15. John D. Rockefeller

16. Wayne Huizenga

17. Richard Branson

18. Engineering and Inventions—Alexander Graham Bell

19. Thomas Alva Edison

20. Nikola Tesla

21. Architecture—Frank Lloyd Wright

22. Fashion—Ralph Lauren

23. Food—Rachael Ray

24. News—Walter Cronkite

25. Politics—Abraham Lincoln

26. Benjamin Franklin

27. Social Media—Jan Koum

28. Mark Zuckerberg

29. Evan Williams

30. Technology—Paul Allen

31. Michael Dell

32. Bill Gates

33. Steve Jobs

34. Steve Wozniak

35. Writing

36. William Faulkner

37. Edgar Allan Poe

38. Jane Austen

39. Mark Twain

40. Ernest Hemingway

41. The Arts (Painting and Sculpting)—Leonardo da Vinci

42. Michelangelo Buonarroti

43. Last Look

44. Records

45. The World’s Best at a Glance

46. Summary

47. Bottom Line

48. A Thought

49. Where Would You Be without Them?

50. In Closing


About the Author

Also by Giacomo Giammatteo

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