


Big Book of 150 Unique Puzzles & Solutions电子书

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作       者:Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul

出  版  社:eKitap Projesi


字       数:2.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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BIG BOOK of 150 UNIQUE PUZZLES: In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions ?of 16? different categories. Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found. All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages. Puzzles in this book, all illustrated ,all different figure, different size and with different levels of difficulty. Some are easy,some are hard some are very difficult.They are very entertaining and easy rules and easy to understand My puzzles improve the following abilities of people, for example: -comparison -argumentation -focusing -Troubleshooting -Create a solution - motivate -independence -Scientific thinking and research, cause-effect relationship, etc. For people my puzzles is fun, very challenging, educational, scientific and protects against stress, keeps the brain young. ?t is very helpful for all. I think Puzzle-Lover of all ages? will love my puzzles very much. They are very entertaining. Have fun ! Author: Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul * * * Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul, born in 1956, Electrical engineer. He went to F. Germany in 1979. During his education he worked in various jobs. He returned to Turkey in 1984 and ?he began in 1985? to working in Turkey.? 1991 he went official to Germany and worked there? about 11 years. For about 20 years, he has been producing intelligence games / puzzles as a hobby. As an amateur together with his family, he published in 2007-2008 ?monthly puzzle magazine? “Esobil Zeka Oyunlar?" Together with a group of foreign authors, he wrote a book titled,?Spielzeit fürs Gehirn “playtime for the brain” published in German by ?Reader's Digest in 2014. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? -I “Brain Puzzle Book-I” published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2016. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? - II “Brain Puzzle Book-II”? published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2018. He currently lives and works in Ankara/TURKEY

Big Book of 150 Unique Puzzles & Solutions

1- Cut & Add. MAM:

2- Patchwork Flying Carpet:

4-Eso Tower. 123:

5- Pirate:

6- Cut & Add. Dot:

7- Uncle Sum:

8- Red Fish:

9- Eso DOKU. 123:

10- Password of my Grandpa:

11- Divide The Figure:

12- Math Sign Forgotten:

13- Divide The Land:

14- Olympic Circle. 4:

15-Eso Du. 15:

16- Eso Li. MK:

17- Domili. 6 :

18- Cut & Add. Star:

19- Pandora Box:

20- Eso DOKU. ABC:

21- Divide the Land:

22- Cut & Do:

23- Big Drone:

24- Uncle Sum:

25- Divide The Land:

26- Password of my Grandpa:

27- Cut & Add. LOVE:

28- Eso Du. 12:

29- Cut & Add. Star:

30- Camel:

31- Cut & Add. Hole:

32- Cut & Do:

33- Eso Li. MK:

34- Caterpillar :

35- Cut & Add. YES:

36- Olympic Circle. 5:

37- Cut & Do:

38- Dart:

39- Divide The Figure:

40- Blue Fish:

41- Patchwork Flying Carpet:

42- Pirate:

43- Uncle Sum:

44- Olympic Circle. 3:

45- Eso DOKU. ABC:

46- Divide The Land:

47- Passaport my Grandpa:

48- Eso Li. MK:

49- Cut & Add. M:

50- Big Drone:

51- Olympic Circle. 5:

52- Math Sign Forgotten:

53- Cut & Add. Hole:

54- Eso Tower. 123:

55- Divide The Figure:

56- Dart:

57- Uncle Sum:

59- Olympic Circle. 3:

60-Divide The Land:

61- Cut & Add. Hole:

62- Eso DOKU. 123:

63- Uncle Sum:

64- Indian Totem:

65- Eso Li. MK:

66- Cut & Do:

67- Divide The Figure:

68- Password of my Grandpa:

69- Cut & Add. Dot:

70- Eso Tower. 123:

71-Divide The Land:

72- Olympic Circle. 4:

73- Cut & Add. Hole:

74- Red Fish:

75- Math Sign Forgotten:

76- Uncle Sum:

77- Cut & Add. Hole:

78- Eso Du. 12:

79- Divide The Land:

80- Eso Li. MK:

81- Cut & Add. YES:

82- Uncle Sum:

83- Indian Totem:

84- Cut & Do:

85- Olympic Circle. 3:

86- Eso Tower. 123:

87- Password of my Grandpa:

88- Divide The Figure:

89- Tuna:

90- Domili. 4:

91- Cut & Do. Hole:

92- Divide The Land:

93- Patchwork Flying Carpet:

94- Eso Li. MK:

95- Olympic Circle. 4:

96- Cut & Do:

97- Math Sign Forgotten:

98- Divide The Land:

99- Pandora Box:

100- Camel:

101- Olympic Circle. 3:

102- Divide The Land :

103- Eso Du. 15:

104- Eso DOKU. 123:

105- Cut & Add. Star:

106- Rudder:

107- Cut & Do:

108- Eso Li. MK:

109-Divide the Land:

110- Divide The Figure:

111- Cut & Add. Dot:

112- Number Tree:

113- Domili. 8:

114- Pandora Box:

115- Cut & Do:

116- Pirate:

117- Divide The Land:

118- Math Sign Forgotten:

119- Indian Totem:

120- Divide The Land:

121-Patchwork Flying Carpet:

122- Rudder:

123- Number Tree :

124- Domili. 4:

125- Divide The Land:

126- Cut & Do. Hole:

127- Rudder:

128- Eso DOKU. 123:

129- Double. K:

130- Cut & Add. Hole:

131- Olympic Circle. 5:

132- Drone :

133- Divide The Figure:

134- Blue Fish:

135- Cut & Add. NO:

136- Petek:

137- Divide the Land:

138- Camel:

139- Cut & Add :

140- Divide The Land:

141- Eso Li. MK:

142- Uncle Sum:

143- Dart:

144- Divide the Land:

145- Cut & Add. Star:

146- Olympic Circle. 3:

147- Artı :

148- Cut & Add. Hole:

149- Divide The Land:

150- Divide The Figure:


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