


Don't Be Scared电子书

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作       者:Āris Birze

出  版  社:Lasītava


字       数:8.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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ris Birze is an unusual guy. Two years ago he began a journey towards financial independence following principles he found in various self-development books. All he had to do was to enliven those principles, it seemed, and success would inevitably come. So ris read, listened and tried almost everything that others shared with him - in the end only to find an entirely different kind of fortune. A rich life, lead by truly meaningful goals, with people whom he loves nearby. With the ability to freely sayYesandNowithout the sense of guilt or regret. And without fear.Don't Be Scaredcontains ris's notes written during a ten-day stay at an ashram in Rishikesh, India, which speak of solitude and battling out one's inner conflicts."These ten days changed the way I see life, because I made a choice which determined how I will proceed further. Making a decision is one way to take 100% responsibility for your life, and this is my wish to you:Always find the strength in yourself to make decisions with awareness, and never say that you don't care. If you live, you are of value to the world, create something beautiful, powerful, useful, and tell me about it, because, even if no one else will, I WILL pat you on your shoulder and say:AWESOME, keep it going."The notes really are raw. Later editing has been kept to a minimum as no one thought it a good idea to try to make a neat picture out of a messy reality. Because questioning oneself is not a neat process, as those of us who have ever done it would undoubtedly confirm.


Ashram, Rishikesh, North India. Day 2

My room

First emotions

Why am I doing this?

At the spot where all Babas come together near the River Ganges. Day 3Date: 21.07.15.

Ashram. After the ceremony for the River Ganges


Ashram poetry. OUTLINES

The question is!

So what is the Hypnotic Rhythm of Nature?

The Truth is Outside...

Dinner in ashram. Day 4

How to tame a running horse?Meditation.

Body, Mind, Spirit

Indian sunset prayer by the River Ganges

Back in my room after a meditation


Thoughts in the ashram dining room. Day 5

Idea follows meditation?

Within four walls

How did I get there?

I shut my eyes more tightly

Within the ashram’s four walls. Day 6

In the temple after yoga. Day 7


Indian prayer time by the River Ganges

The bare truth

Am I happy?

Are these ten days worth it?

Are you enlightened now?

What stands in the future?

Is this what you expected when you began your self-development?

Next steps?

Little Buddha cafe, Rishikesh. Day 8

By the River GangesDate: 26.07.15. 17:30

Diner in the big Yoga temple. Day 9

With Chai by the River Ganges. Day 10

We are what we think we are

An unpleasant Baba

Reflections on the last days in the diner of the big Yoga center. Day 11Date: 29.07.15. 07:00

Is Love Explainable?

Were these 10 days worth it?

Reflections after one year. Riga

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