


100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching French across the Curriculum电子书

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作       者:Hannam, Nicolette

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:153.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Bring French to life and make it meaningful by linking it to other subjects using a Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The practical, easy-to-use ideas in this book will make it easy to integrate language learning across the curriculum. By incorporating French into maths, science, history, geography, ICT, etc, your language learning will complement and enhance learning in other subjects, rather than compete with them for crucial teaching and learning time. Telling you that "e;six fois sept egal 42"e; is much more exciting for your class than just practising time tables! With the help of this book, soon your pupils will be able to tell you "e;Oui, c'est exact"e; if their science predictions were correct or enjoy being able to "e;envoyer un document"e; (send a document) in ICT.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


Body Matter


Speaking and listening


Learning good habits

Reading and speaking aloud

Using big books

Presenting to different audiences

Play reading

Asking and answering questions


Following a story that is read aloud

Conversing with a visitor from France

Paying attention to pronunciation and spelling

Adapting your voice to the purpose of the text

What to say when you don’t understand

Group discussion and interaction

Taking turns appropriately

Giving explanations

Conventions of politeness



Conveying emotion

Standard English/French

Formal and informal language choices

Language variation

Exploring dialect


Reading familiar phrases aloud

Using bilingual texts

Using French texts

Looking at features of non-fiction texts

Learning about parts of speech


Writing for real-life situations

Writing for invented situations

Practising punctuation

Focusing on spelling

Looking at handwriting

Considering degrees of formality

Language structure



Using and applying number

Solving word problems

Numbers and the number system


Playing ‘Guess the number’

Sequencing numbers

Spelling out number words

Having fun with fractions

Linking decimals with money


Operating on numbers

Using calculators

Solving numerical problems

Numerical and word problems

Shape, space and measures

Using and applying shape, space and measures

Working with clocks

Learning the 24-hour day

Timetables and schedules

Understanding properties of shape

Naming shapes

Examining shapes

Understanding properties of position and movement

Drawing treasure maps

Playing Battleships

Understanding measures

Opening a French shop

Including prices

Handling Data

Using and applying handling data

Using tally charts

Conducting a holiday survey

Processing, representing and interpreting data

Using Venn diagrams

Using Carroll diagrams

Breadth of study

Incorporating French into all kinds of work


Scientific enquiry

Carrying out enquiries

Measuring and reading scales

Making comments

Using equipment

Researching famous French scientists

Life processes and living things

Humans and other animals

Discussing nutrition

Talking about teeth

Talking about exercise

Sorting skeletons

Growing up and growing older

Green plants

Measuring temperatures

Naming plants

Variation and classification

Exploring minibeasts

Living things in their environment

Talking about habitats

Exploring feeding relationships

Materials and their properties

Grouping and classifying materials

Sorting materials

Changing materials

Learning about the water cycle

Physical processes

Electricity, forces and motion, light and sound

Talking science in French

The Earth and beyond

Learning about the planets

Design and Technology

Developing, planning and communicating ideas

Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products

Evaluating processes and products

Making brochures

Making sandwiches

Trying out some French cooking

Food tasting and evaluation

Designing, making and evaluating

Information and Communication Technology

Finding things out

Developing ideas and making things happen

Exchanging and sharing information

Writing to pen pals

Making PowerPoint presentations

Word processing skills


Chronological understanding

Learning about kings and queens

Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past

Discussing the pros and cons of a monarchy

Historical interpretation

Imagining a royal family

Historical enquiry

Researching French history

Researching the Second World War

Making statements about the war

Imagining evacuation

Learning about rationing

Sending messages

Digging for victory


Knowledge and understanding of places

Discovering rivers

Exploring mountains

Naming countries in French

Art and Design

Evaluating and developing work

Giving opinions of art work

Knowledge and understanding

Discussing colours

Examining clothing


Listening and appraising

Learning French songs

Creating a French mood

Physical Education

Breadth of study

Counting while you warm up

Warming up in French

Running to the picture

Trying a traditional French sport

Learning about French sports people

Religious Education

Using French during worship

Exploring religion in France

Exploring festivals

Baking a galette

Considering religious places

Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE)

Using a parachute

Describing yourself

Thinking about the qualities of a good friend

Planning careers

Rewarding good behaviour

Circle time

Extending Language Learning

Having a French Day

Having a French café

Learning about other Francophone countries

Planning a British Day for French children

Linking older and younger classes

Designing your own country

Back Matter

Also Available

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