


Poisoned Penman电子书

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作       者:Andriacco, Dan

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:21.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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London, 1922: Two years after helping Sherlock Holmes solve the Hangman Murders, American journalist Enoch Hale becomes even more intimately involved in another puzzling mystery. Langdale Pike, veteran purveyor of gossip to the trash newspapers, is poisoned while sipping tea with Hale - and apparently just as he is about to spill a secret more important than social gossip. With the unrequested aid of advertising copywriter Dorothy Sayers, Hale pursues a number of leads based on notes in Pike's pocket diary - including an interview with the formidable G.K. Chesterton.His attempts to uncover the identity of one of Pike's fellow club membersbring Hale the unwanted attention of Mycroft Holmes, head of His Majesty's Secret Service, and of his younger brother. Once again Enoch Hale and the theoretically retired but far from retiring Sherlock Holmes join forces to solve a crime that may have international complications. And this time Hale himself almost becomes a victim when he gets too close to the solution. This fast-moving tale is sure to please themany fans of the first Enoch Hale - Sherlock Holmes adventure, The Amateur Executioner.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Body matter

One: Tea Time for Death

Two: Coshed!

Three: Murder

Four: Lovers Parting

Five: Notes from the Dead

Six: Questions in Clubland

Seven: It Pays to Advertise

Eight: Suspicions

Nine: A Hint of Scandal

Ten: Playing Sleuth

Eleven: The Paradoxical Mr. Chesterton

Twelve: So Many Suspects

Thirteen: Process of Elimination

Fourteen: The 43

Fifteen: The Diogenes Club

Sixteen: Corpse of a Killer

Seventeen: A Scandal Explained

Eighteen: The Seven Solutions of Sherlock Holmes

Nineteen: Rival

Twenty: Drones

Twenty-One: The Unmasking

Twenty-Two: Baker Street

Twenty-Three: From Dancing to the Docks

Twenty-Four: Unraveling a Tangled Skein

Twenty-Five: Lady Sarah Demurs

Back matter

Notes for the Curious

A Word of Thanks

About the Authors

Also available

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