MARK FORSYTH, a Probation Officer in the East End of London andJULIA ROGANO a young , but well experienced barrister, were married inthe winter of 1992, only five and a half months after Mark's releasefrom prison where he had been held on remand, charged with theabduction of a minor . . . a young boy, for the purpose of procuringhim for immoral purposes.The boy, DAVID HOLT, had been unable to speak due to a nervousdisorder caused by the traumatic upbringing of his 'step-parent' andher partner .EMMA SCHAFFI, (Who is she you may well ask . . .) andUNCLE JACK, (A relative of the boy who has turned his back on hisaristocratic family and is living with Emma Schaffi.) Emma is ofgypsy origin and owns several caravans which she uses to recruit andtrain children, mostly boys for child prostitution and where sheadministers hard drugs when the children become restless, in order toallow them to relax and perform more easily.The drug administration is particularly cruel in the writings and thesuffering in this way, makes the ultimate rape seem mild in comparison. . .