


Religious and Poetic Experience in the Thought of Michael Oakeshott电子书

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作       者:Worthington, Glenn

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:109.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Much of the scholarly attention attracted by Michael Oakeshott's writings has focused upon his philosophical characterisation of the relations that constitute moral association in the modern world. A less noticed, but equally significant, aspect of Oakeshott's moral philosophy is his account of the type of person (or persona) required to enter into and enjoy moral association. Oakeshott's best known characterisation of the persona best suited to moral association occurs in his identification of a 'morality of the individual'. The book argues that Oakeshott's characterisations of religious and poetic experience provide a more detailed account of the type of persona that emerged in response to what it perceived as an invitation to participate in moral association in the modern world.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Body matter

Chapter 1. Introduction

1. Why Study Oakeshott’s Account of Religious and Poetic Experience?

2. The Argument

Chapter 2. The Absolute, Life and Conduct

1. The Absolute and Abstraction

2. The Character of the World Conceived as a Species of Will

3. The Substantive and Formal Aspects of Conduct

Chapter 3. Religion, the World and the Self

1. The Morality of the Individual and the Morality of the Anti-Individual

2. Salvation: Religion or the World

3. Religion and the World as Self-Enactment and Self-Disclosure

4. Salvation in the Morality of the Individual and the Morality of the Anti-Individual

Chapter 4. Authority and Desire in Moral Association

1. Authority and Desirability as Principles of Association

2. Authority and Desirability in Civil Association

3. The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism

Chapter 5. Poetic Experience

1. Poetic Experience as Sensibility

2. Poetry as an Autonomous World of Experience

3. Poetic Experience and the Collective Dream

Chapter 6. Conclusion

1. Oakeshott as a Liberal and a Critic of Liberalism

2. Religion and Poetry: Oakeshott as Existentialist and More

Back matter


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