


Formulas for the E6-B Air Navigation Computer电子书

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作       者:Hitchens, Frank

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:145.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer is written for pilots and air navigators at all levels of experience from the novice to the professional. The book is self-help on how to use the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. An E6-B Air Navigation Computer is a circular slide rule with a wind slide on the reverse side. It is dedicated to performing all calculations related to pre-flight planning and in-flight air navigation. Every pilot has an E6-B Air Navigation Computer, which is supplied with a very brief instructional booklet when the E6-B is purchased. However, the booklet only covers a few basic formulas, and many more formulas are required for passing the pilot navigation exams at various levels and, of course, for all operational flying. Obtaining all these different formulas from various sources is time consuming, as this author has discovered over the years. They are not readily available in one book. This is the reason for writing Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer; it is a unique collection of air navigation computer formulas. The formulas are written as they appear when set up on the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. A full description on how to solve each formula is included, along with a worked example and also the methods for using the wind slide to calculate wind triangle and other navigational problems associated with the wind slide. The book is easy to follow by the novice pilot and a convenient reference source for the more experienced pilot. The book is complete with all the formulas a pilot of any level should need to know. It is laid out in a simple way with over 122 formulas and methods, covering Time, Speed & Distance, Air Speed, Altitude Navigation, VNAV, One-in-Sixty Rule, Wind triangle Calculations, Wind Finding methods, Fuel Calculations, Pressure Pattern Navigation and more.


Front matter

Title page

Copyright page


Introduction to this book

Introduction to the E6-B Circular Slide Rule

The E6-B

Body matter

1 - Mathematics


1 - Multiplication

2 - Division

3 - Multiplication & Division

4 - Fractions to Decimals

5 - Percentage of a Given Number

6 - Ratios

7 - Rates

8 - Reciprocals

2 - Navigation Problems


9 - Time, Speed & Distance

10 - Instrument Approach Timing

11 - Decimal Time

12 - Percentage of Time

13 - Ground Speed in Nautical Miles per Minute

14 - Conversion of Speed & Distance

15 - Time and Distance to Navigation Aid

16 - Off-track DME Distance

17 - Interception, Same Track & Direction

18 - Interception, Opposing Heading

19 - Radius of Action

20 - Equal Time Point (Critical Point)

21 - ETP3 & ETPD

22 - Confirming ETP Distance

23 - Circle of Probability

24 - Cross-wind Component & Drift

25 - Weighted Wind Component

3 - Air Speed

Air Speed Definitions

Compressibility Correction Tables

26 - IAS/CAS to TAS

27 - Calibrated Air Speed to Equivalent Air Speed

28 - Mach Number from TAS & COAT

29 - Temperature Rise

4 - Altitude

Altitude Definitions

30 - True Altitude Temperature Correction

31 - Density Altitude

5 - VNAV


32 - Time to Climb or Descend

33 - Average rate of Climb

34 - Distance in NM/minute

35 - Distance on Climb or Descent

36 - Time & Distance on Climb or Descent

37 - Distance on Descent

38 - Climb Gradient (Ft/NM)

39 - Climb Gradient Percent

6 - One-in-Sixty Rule

40 - Off-track Correction (1 in 60)

41 - Diversion

42 - Distance Off VOR Radial

7 - Fuel Calculations


Specific Gravity of Fuels Table

Conversion Factor table

43 - Weight Conversions

44 - Volume Conversions

45 - Weight-Volume Conversions

46 - Oil Index ‘90’

47 - Fuel Required, Consumption & Endurance

48 - Still Air Range & Endurance

49 - ETI & Fuel Required

50 - Fuel Consumption in A or GNM/lb

51 - Air and Ground NM/Lb from Consumption

52 - GNM/Lb from Distance and Fuel Used

53 - Consumption in NM/1000 lb

54 - Conversion NM/Lb to Statute Miles/Lb

55 - Fuel-stop Ground Speed

56 - Contingency Reserve Percentage

57 - Fuel Percentage Adjustment

58 - Point of No Return (Ground Speed)

59 - Point of No Return (Fuel)

60 - PNR Changed TAS & Fuel Flow

8 - Centre of Gravity


61 - Initial Centre of Gravity

62 - New CG - Plus or Minus Weight

63 - Loading for a Required CG

64 - Re-loading for a Required CG (Added Weight)

65 - CG Change Due to Weight Shift

66 - Weight to be Shifted

67 - CG Aft of LEMAC from % MAC

68 - CG % MAC from LEMAC

69 - Converting CG % MAC Limits

70 - Empty Weight CG

9 - Wind Slide Computer

Introduction to the Wind Slide Computer

Centre Line as Ground Vector

71 - True Heading & Ground Speed (1)

72 - True Heading & TAS (1)

73 - Radius of Action - TH & G/S

74 - Simple Diversion

Centre Line as Air vector

75 - True Heading & Ground Speed (2)

76 - True Heading & TAS (2)

77 - Track & Ground Speed

78 - Wind Velocity from Drift & Ground Speed

79 - Wind Velocity from Triple Drift

80 - Wind Velocity from Triple Ground Speed

81 - Wind Velocity from Drift & Wind Lanes

Wind Velocity on Climb

82 - Arithmetical Mean Wind Velocity

83 - Vector Average Wind Velocity

84 - Mean Equivalent Wind Velocity

Wind Slide Navigation

85 - Off-track Correction

86 - Point of Safe Diversion

87 - Ship Interception

88 - Convergency (Graphical Method)

89 - DME Off-track Corrected Reading

Square Grid problems

90- Wind Velocity from Airborne Radar

91 - Correcting Wind Velocity by DR Error

92 - Head & Cross-Wind Components (Method A)

93 - Head & Cross-wind Component (Method B)

94 - Air Plot diversion

10 - Pressure Pattern Navigation



Latitude ‘K’ Factor Table

95 - Zn, Lateral Drift

96 - Drift Angle from Zn

97 - Drift Angle from Vn

98 - Modified Drift Formula

99 - Geostrophic Cross-wind Component

100 - Ground Speed Vp

11 - Navigation by Latitude & Longitude


101 - Latitude from Departure & D.Long

102 - Distance from D.Long & Latitude

103 - D.Long from Departure & Cos Lat

104 - Track Required from Departure & D.Lat

105 - Track Distance (N-S)

106 - Change of Latitude

107 - Change of Longitude

12 - Fuel Conversion Factors by Calculator


108 - Litres to Kg

109 - Kilograms to Litres

110 - Litres to Pounds

111 - Pounds to Litres

112 - US Gallons to Pounds

113 - Pounds to US Gallons

114 - US Gallons to Kg

115 - Kg to US Gallons

116 - Imperial Gallons to Pounds

117 - Pounds to Imperial Gallons

13 - Miscellaneous Items


Convergence ‘N’ Factor Table

118 - Conversion Angle (Mercator)

119 - Convergency (Lambert)

120 - Interpolation of Tables

121 - Gyro Wander

122 - Conversion Factors

Back matter

Trigonometry Table

Glossary of Terms

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