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Front Matter
Title Page
Publisher Information
Swords of El Cid
Swords of El Cid
The fight at the Bodega
1047 My early life
1056 The King of Leon
The legendary sword ‘Colada’
1055 to 1056 Meeting Rodrigo
1055 to 1056 - The young Rodrigo
1057 - The death of his father
1057 to 1064 War with the Moors
1058 The rules of Rodrigo
1056 to 1075 Meeting Jimena
1075 Rodrigo has his first apparition
1056 to 1065 Rodrigo in mortal combat
1059 Pedro El Grande
1060 to 1061 - The Monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña
1061 Babieca the horse from Heaven
The legend of Santiago Matamoros, the Moor slayer
1063 Campeador
1064 Rodrigo becomes a Knight
Pay the Pope?
1065 Power shifts
1068 to 1072 - The Campaign of Sancho
1072 To capture a King without even a lance
1072 - The fall of King Sancho
1072 The rise of King Alfonso
1077 to 1079 - First Banishment
1079 The money lenders
1081 The Magister
1081 - A gift for the King 30 horses
1081 - 1085 Zaragoza, Emir Zulema
1085 - Battle for Toledo
Señoritas & Sin
Song of the Cid
Norse has a hard ride
The Magister takes his pleasure
The trusted lieutenant
1086 - The Almoravids and their leader Yusuf Ibn Tashfin
1086 - Slippery ground; the Battle of Sagrajas east of Badajoz
Molachai the money lender
Molachai’s house
A lesson in wine storage
1089 - The first siege of Valencia
1090 The battle of Tébar
1092 - The Cid’s wife & daughters made prisoner
1092 - Abeniaf and the Siege of Valencia
1092 - Abeniaf the Murderer
1092 Treachery
1092 - Taking the treasure of Yahia
1092 - Attacking the suburbs
1092 - Raiding the land of Albarrazin
1092 The Almoravids approach
1092 Abeniaf captures the dissidents
1092 - The Cid demands surrender & captures treasure
1092 - We take the city
1092 - Dealing with the Moors
1092 - Abeniaf meets his fate
1094 - End of the Siege of Valencia
1092 to 1094 Martin Pelaez
1094 - The Cid’s family for a 100 horses
1094 - Meeting the Infantes
1094 - Bringing back the Cid’s family
1094 - Settling old debts
1094 - Pankration
1094 - Family returns to Valencia
1094 - The Marriage
1094 - Our finest battle; El Cuarte
1096 to 1098 the Bishop Don Hieronymo
1094 - Greek fire
1094 - The belfries
1094 - Bucar attacks the city
1094 - The black rain
1094 Tizóna sword of the Cid
1096 - Two years of marriage; Lion & the Lamb bone
1096 - The Cid’s daughters go to the land of Carrion
1094 - Tent for the King 200 horses after family
1097 - The Cid goes to court
1097 - The Cid’s beard was never plucked
1097 - The challenge in court
1097 - Babieca is given away
1097 to 1098 - Treachery at the contest
1097 to 1098 - Battle of honour
1097 to 1098 - Colada bites and tastes justice
1097 - The Battle of Bairén
1097 to 1098 - The great Sultan of Persia
1097 to 1098 - The Cid’s daughters re-marry
1097 - The final blow; the death of the Cid
1099 - The vision of Saint Peter
1099 - The Cid’s final instructions
1099 - The Cid makes his will and dies
1099 - Bucar attacks for the last time
1099 - Éklan
1099 - Leaving Valencia
1099 to 1100 - The resting place of the Cid
Author’s Note
Back Matter
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