


Celebrities' Favourite Pets电子书

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作       者:Collins, Sheila

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:12.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Celebrities' Favourite Pets has been put together in aid of the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) who provide free veterinary treatment to sick and injured animals.This fun book provides a fascinating insight into the favourite pets of people in the public eye and, along with the obvious choices, there are bound to be one or two surprises as we find out which animals celebrities choose to get close to. Hopefully the book will also get people thinking about the relationship we have with our pets.With a fitting forward by Bob Champion MBE, this book supports the work of the UK's leading veterinary charity and reminds us of the responsibility we all have towards ensuring that the nation's pets are happy and well looked after.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



Celebrities’ Favourite Pets

Jenny Agutter

Bob Anderson

Kenny Ball

Faye Barker

Ally Begg

Lorna Bennett

Dave Benson Phillips

Julia Bradbury

Jo Brand

Gyles Brandreth

Geoff Capes

John Challis

Errol Clarke

Sheila Collins

Nat Coombs

Judy Cornwell

Edwina Currie

Venda D’abato

Anna Easteden

Monique Edwards

Tami Erin

Rosie Fellner

Cheryl Ferguson

Christopher Fosh

Bobby George

Janey Godley

Anita Harris

Marcus Harris

Glenn Harrold

Steven Hartley

Nigel Havers

Stacey Hayes

Aaron Heslehurst

Scott Hinds

Michelle Horn

Norman Hudis

Kiara Hunter

Geoffrey Hutchings

John Inverdale

Deborah Jeffrey

Elena Juatco

Jason Karl

Arden Kayce

Ian Kelly

Katherine Kelly

Matthew Kelly

Ross King

Bonnie-Jill Laflin

Bridie Latona

Helen Lederer

Iain Lee

Valerie Leon

Steve Leonard

Ray Lewis

Suzi Lorraine

Norman Lovett

Linda Lusardi

Beth Maitland

Rodney Marsh

James Maw

Kirsty Mccabe

Skye Mccole Bartusiak

Michael Mckell

Vicki Michelle

Emma Milne

Laila Morse

Albert Moses

Radha Nillia & Ayvee Verzonilla

Kirsten O’brien

Tom O’connor

Nick Owen

Chris Packham

Julie Peasgood

Sarah Preston

Sheila Reid

Alisa Reyes

Maisie Smith

Samia Smith

John Stapleton

Jason Stevens

Lana Tailor

Hayley Tamaddon

Gabriel Thomson

Jane Tonks

Lauren Vaknine

Jeremy Wade

Dawn Walters

Michelle Watt

George Watts

Amy Weber

Denise Welch

Ann Widdecombe

Tim Willcox

Lucy Williamson

Annie Wood

Kevin Woodford

Alastair Yates

Xixi Yang

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