


World War One, A Very Peculiar History电子书

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作       者:Pipe, Jim

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:175.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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With the centenary of the outbreak of the The Great War coming in 2014, 'World War One, A Very Peculiar History' commemorates the events of the time by looking at some of the incredible lengths, no matter how risky or bizarre, people went to to defend their country. From Front pigs to hairy beasts, author Jim Pipe looks at the nicknames coined at the time, while providing mind-boggling lists and figures about the battles, the equipment used and the harsh conditions the troops faced. Laced throughout this chronological description of the events leading up to and during the war are tales of human endeavour, charity and daring - some scary, some quirky, and some truly unbelievable. So take the time to take in the sheer scale of sacrifice, destruction and political tension that World War One resulted in, because we won't be able to ask first-hand what it was like to fight in World War One for much longer.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


The First World War


The war at a glance

More Quotes


Take your pick

10 Great War firsts

CHAPTER ONE: Fighting talk

War plans

A climate of hate

Spy mania

The spark

Georgie, Nicky and Willy

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand

CHAPTER TWO: Into Battle (1914)

Huns, hairy beasts and Tommies

Shock tactics

The Russians are coming

Tall tales

Home for Christmas?

Seven steps to slaughter

Trench talk

Daily routine in the trenches

Life in the trenches

In the dead of night

Creature discomforts

War on the seven seas

Boy soldiers

Grandad’s army

A global war

Animal heroes

The animal army

CHAPTER THREE: Stalemate (1915)

Soccer skills

The devil’s porridge

East or west?

All together now

Toothpicks, toads and jam-pots

Hi-tech death

Total War

Kitchener’s Mob

The canaries



CHAPTER FOUR: The mincing machine (1916)

No surrender!

Ghosts, angels and ghouls

The big push

A living hell

Shock tactics

Women warriors

Prince Dynamite

Knights of the air

Learning to spy

CHAPTER FIVE: Revolution! (1917)

Pox in the trenches

New treatments

Goodbye Russia

Winnie the mascot

Hello America!

Lions led by donkeys?

CHAPTER SIX: Victory at last!

Prisoners of war

If only...

The forgotten soldiers

Five reasons why the Allies won

The ex-Kaiser

The ‘flu virus

Stop fighting!

Remembering the war

Famous ex-soldiers

Act like a soldier

Laugh like a soldier

The Outside Fare

Sing like a soldier

Eat like a soldier

Speak like a soldier

Timeline of the Great War


End matter

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