


Politics and Neo-Darwinism电子书

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作       者:Rubens, Tom

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This collection of essays is eclectic, covering certain political, ethical, cultural, and philosophical topics. But running through all the material is the evolutionary-naturalistic perspective stated in the opening essay, which gives the book its title. Another emphatic feature is a focus on the Western cultural outlook, as the context in which the large number of topics is viewed. This focus is important as a way of re-affirming the distinctive character of Western intellectual and cultural history, at a time when that character is, arguably, not sufficiently recognised and appreciated. Authors referred to include Aristotle, Shakespeare, Voltaire, and Sartre.


Front Matter

Title Page

Copyright Page

Prefatory Note

Body Matter

Section I

1. Politics & Neo-Darwinism

2. Shakespeare & Sartre: The Defence of Political Violence

3. Economic Hardship in Shakespeare’s Plays

4. Intellectual Foci in British Society since 1945

5. Liberal Politics & Literature

6. The Idea of a Classless Society

7. Questions Facing Socialism as a Cultural Outlook

8. The Welfare State Liberal

Section II

9. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

10. Anti-Bourgeois Attitudes in the West

11. French Rationality in the 18th Century

12. Mental Perspectives in the West

13. Genius & Changes in Social Context

14. Change & Continuity in Western Intellectual Culture

15. Philosophy’s Position in Contemporary Western Society

Section III

16. The Aesthetic & the Moral

17. An Inescapable Duality

18. Scientific & Poetic Modes of Describing Physical Objects in the World

19. The Recognition of Causality

20. Mechanistic & Teleological Causality

21. Isaiah Berlin on Determinism: A Reply

22. Essence, Existence, & Identity

23. Emotivism: The Irreducibility of Feeling-Positions

24. Kantianism & ...

25. The Idea of Power & the Secular Sense of Awe

26. The Uses of the Term ‘Materialism’

27. Schopenhauer & Sartre

28. Spinoza vs. Kant

29. Morality & the Doctrine of Progressive Historicism

30. Value-Positions in Dawkins & Darwin

Back Matter

Also Available from Andrews UK and Imprint Academic

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